Page 28 of Lick (Stage Dive 1)

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He groaned. “Evelyn, look at me.”

I did so.

“You are a constant f**king delight. I don’t think anyone could ever doubt that.”

“You’re awful pretty when you lie.”

“Am I now? They’re love songs, baby. Love isn’t always smooth or straightforward. It can be messy and painful,” he said. “Doesn’t mean it isn’t still the most incredible thing that can ever happen to you. Doesn’t mean I’m not crazy about you.”

“You are?” I asked, my voice tight with emotion.

“Of course I am.”

“I’m crazy about you too. You’re beautiful, inside and out, David Ferris.”

He lay his forehead against mine, closing his eyes for a moment. “You’re so f**king sweet. But, you know, I like that you can bite too. Like you did in Vegas with those ass**les. I like that you cared, standing up for that girl. I even kind of like it when you piss me off. Not all the time though. Shit. I’m rambling again …”

“It’s okay,” I whispered. “I like you rambling.”

“So you’re not angry at me for losing my temper?”

“No, David. I’m not angry at you.”

Without another word he crawled off me and lay at my side. He pulled me into his arms, arranging an arm beneath me and another over my hip. “Ev?”


“Take your shirt off. I wanna be skin to skin,” he said. “Please? Nothing more, I promise.”

“Okay.” I sat up and pulled the tank top off over my head, then snuggled back down against him. Topless had a lot going for it. He tucked me in beneath his chin and the feel of his warm chest was perfect, thrilling and calming all at once. Every inch of my skin seemed alive with sensation. But being like this with him soothed the savage storm within or something. It never occurred to me to worry about my belly or h*ps or any of that crap.

Never mind the lingering scent of booze on his skin, I just wanted to be close to him.

“I like sleeping with you,” he said, his hand stroking over my back. “Didn’t think I’d be able to sleep with someone else in the bed, but with you it’s okay.”

“You’ve never slept with anyone before?”

“Not in a long time. I need my space.” His fingers toyed with the band on my boyleg shorts, making me squirm.


“This with you is torture, but it’s good torture.”

Everything fell quiet for a few minutes and I thought he might have fallen asleep. But he hadn’t. “Talk to me, I like hearing your voice.”

“Alright. I had a nice time with Pam, she’s lovely.”

“Yeah, she is.” His fingers trailed up and down along my spine. “They’re good people.”

“It was really kind of them to bring us dinner.” I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t ready to confess I’d been thinking about what he’d said about my becoming an architect. That I’d started questioning the almighty plan. Saying I was scared I’d stuff up and somehow ruin things between us didn’t seem smart either. Maybe the fates would be listening and screw me over first chance they got. God, I hoped not. So instead I chose to talk trivial. “I love how you can hear the ocean here.”

“Mm,” he hummed his agreement. “Baby, I don’t want to sign those papers on Monday.”

I held perfectly still, my heart pounding. “You don’t?”

“No.” His hand crept up, fingers stroking below my breast, tracing the line of my rib cage. I had to remind myself to breathe. But he didn’t even seem to be aware he did it, like he was just doodling on my skin the same way you would on paper. His arms tightened around me. “There’s no reason it can’t wait. We could spend some time together, see how things went.”

Hope rushed through me, hot and thrilling. “David, are you serious about this?”

“Yeah, I am.” He sighed. “I know I’ve been drinking. But I’ve been thinking it over. I don’t … shit, I didn’t even like having you out of my sight the last few hours, but you looked like you needed to sleep. I don’t want us to sign those papers.”

I squeezed my eyes tight and sent up a silent prayer. “Then we won’t.”

“You sure?”


He pulled me in tight against him. “Okay. Okay, that’s good.”

“We’re going to be fine,” I sighed happily. The relief made me weak. If I hadn’t been lying down I’d have landed on the floor.

Suddenly he sniffed at his shoulder and underarms. “Shit, I stink of bourbon. I’m going to have a shower.” He gave me a quick kiss and rolled out of the bed. “Kick me out of bed next time I try to come in smelling like this. Don’t let me cuddle up to you.”

I loved that he was talking about our being together like it would be an everyday thing. I loved it so much, I didn’t even care how bad he smelled.

True love.


The gong of the doorbell echoed through the house just after ten. David slept on against my back. He didn’t stir at all. With a couple more hours sleep I felt happily half human. I crawled out from beneath his arm, trying not to disturb him. I pulled my top and jeans back on and dashed down the stairs, doing my best not to break my neck in the process. In all likelihood it would be more deliveries.

“Child bride! Let me in!” Mal hollered from the other side of the door. He followed it up with an impressive percussive performance, banging his hands against the solid wood. Definitely the drummer. “Evvie!”

No one called me Evvie. I’d stamped out that nickname years ago. However, it might be better than “child bride”.

I opened the door and Mal barreled in, Tyler dragging himself along after. Considering Tyler had sat up drinking and playing music with David until the wee small hours, I wasn’t really surprised at his condition. The poor man clearly suffered with the hangover from hell. He looked like he’d been punched in both eyes, the bruises from lack of sleep were so bad. An energy drink was attached to his lips.

“Mal. What are you doing here?” I stopped, rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Wake-up call, it wasn’t even my house. “Sorry, that was rude. It’s just a surprise to see you. Hi, Tyler.”

I’d been hoping to have my husband to myself today, but apparently it wasn’t to be.

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series