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I’d seen some strange things done to be sure, though I’d never seen such sweet, fresh meat come so willingly into my lair. The girls were young. At least 12 years younger than me. Early 20s, maybe. One looked okay if a little noisy. Perfectly fuckable if she could just put a sock in it. In every sense of the word, her little friend was much more my speed: petite, delicate and quiet, eminently corruptible. At that moment, standing in my study, she looked terrified. I was nearly ashamed at how aroused that made me, almost but not entirely. It was almost an imperative that I play with her. Even if it was just to test her limits.

I was annoyed by the interruption of the club meeting but was much more forgiving than some others might have been. At least half of them were the shoot first ask questions later type. As it was, I didn’t even have a gun in the house.

Still, I didn’t know how these two girls dared to just walk into my home, perhaps to steal something. There were quite a few valuable pieces around, though I sort of doubted they would know that.

“Tell him, Mandy,” the noisy one said, accidentally giving me the sexy one’s name.


“Amanda,” the noisy one snapped, looking daggers at me, “I think she might be traumatized. We were mugged at gunpoint and need to call the police.”

“You will not be calling the police,” I ordered, hoping that would be an end to her noise. “I don’t know why you are here. You might need to call the police. You might not. It doesn’t really matter much, as it is academic anyway. The fact is, you have walked into our club’s secret meeting, and there will be no police here tonight.”

“What are you going to do?” the noisy one asked, looking more like her friend: Tiny and terrified.

“It is late. You shouldn’t be going back out onto the street, particularly if you’ve already been mugged once. That probably wouldn’t go well for anyone involved.”

“O-okay,” the noisy one agreed.

“Glad you approve. So, what is going to happen is you are going to be staying here tonight. I’ll have someone drive you down to the police station in the morning. Do you have your airline tickets with you?”

“No, they’re back at the hotel.”

“Good, so you’ll still be able to get home.”

The noisy one became quiet, nodding her agreement. It was a nice change. She still wasn’t as hot as her little friend, who was at that moment giving me the puppy eyes.

“Come,” I said, going to unlock the door.

Scooting them out of the study and to the stairs, away from the rest of the club, I took the two little darlings up to the third floor. It would take longer but would also neutralize the risk of the other members finding them. I had checked both of them for perfume that might give away their presence but didn’t smell any. They still smelled delicious in another way, though. The noisy one like black licorice and her sweet little friend wafted like raspberries though only close up.

“I suggest you go right to bed,” I said as we reached the top of the stairs.

The rooms were on opposite sides of the hall. I would have put them together, but I couldn’t risk having them planning anything. I took care of the noisy one first, getting her into the room, then closing and locking the door behind her. There was some ratting on the handle, but it didn’t do any good. There was also no window in that room, so there was no longer any risk of her being discovered.

It was the first time the meeting had been held at my house, a great honor indeed. I could only imagine what they would make of having our most secret and private meeting violated by two intruders right off the street. I hadn’t actually meant it when I said it didn’t matter if they were mugged. It mattered to me that it did not happen again, and while I liked their looks of fear, I didn’t actually want either of them to be harmed. Hurt, yes, particularly by my hand but not injured or traumatized.

I turned back to the little sweetheart who bit her lip and looked down quickly when our eyes met. She shivered visibly as I stepped close to her, and I wondered if she’d even been near a man before. She trembled even harder as I put an arm around her waist to guide her to the next room. She went into the room with some coaxing and turned to look at me as I closed the door. The deepest sort of fear in her eyes. A look that turned me on deeply and profoundly. I could hardly believe my luck and very much looked forward to sampling her tender youth.

Tags: Jamie Knight Erotic