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That feeling of contentment lasted throughout the dinner. The goddesses never showed, but the food was excellent, the company even more so. Grey took a bite of the succulent turkey and groaned. Cort seemed to be enjoying the food just as much as he sat next to Grey. Every now and then, he squeezed Grey’s thigh like he couldn’t keep from touching him. Grey looked around the table, taking in the laughter and light conversation and for a time, he didn’t worry about the outcome of their battle. They felt strong together and with the soul mates, they were even stronger than they’d been in the past.

Later, as he crawled into bed with Cort, still pleasantly full, he ran his finger over the ring.

Cort plastered himself against Grey and groaned. “Although I want to, I’m too stuffed for sex.”

“You’ll probably just wake me up in the middle of the night again.”

“I can’t help it. You snuggle your ass back into me and my body gets ideas.”

Since Grey liked his ideas, he had no complaints. He turned onto his side and met Cort’s brown eyes. “Today was wonderful. I’m glad you were here with me for it.”

“It was. I enjoyed everything about it, but the best part was being with you.”

“And you teased me for being a sap.”

“I mean it, though. I never thought to find a love like this, and I couldn’t be more thankful.”

“I’m the lucky man here.”

“I think we both are.”

Grey closed his eyes and leaned in to kiss his man softly. He knew in his heart then that he’d do everything within his power to have a life with Cort. A long, happy one.

Tags: Jocelynn Drake, Rinda Elliott The Weavers Circle Romance