Bennett and Liam were walking toward us, Liam in a light gray suit and Bennett in a dark one. I made sure to at least glance at my brother before my eyes settled on Bennett.

Damn, did he look good. The suit fitted his wide, muscular frame just right. He wore a white dress shirt and blue tie and his hair was fresh-from-the-shower damp.

“Charlie,” Liam said, grinning. His look was also on point, a dark blue dress shirt bringing out the blue of his eyes and his blond hair combed back neatly. “How the hell are you, baby sis?”

I slid down from my stool at our tall table and he hugged me tightly. Even though we lived in the same city, I’d missed seeing my brother in person.

“It’s good to see you,” he said. When he pulled back from the hug, he wrapped an arm around Bennett’s shoulder.

“This is Bennett, my roommate.”

“And mentor,” Bennett cut in, smiling his cute, crooked smile.

“Like hell.” Liam gave Bennett a serious look. “This is my sister, Charlotte. Don’t get within two feet of her, or I’ll use your ball sac as a practice puck.”

I saw the flash of nervousness in Bennett’s eyes as he nodded.

“Noted,” he said.

“My brother’s being overly dramatic,” I said.

Liam considered for a second. “No, not really.”

“Guys, this is my friend, Tara,” I said, eager to change the subject.

“Tara,” Liam said, reaching out to shake her hand. “You single?”

“Yes. Yes, I most definitely am,” she said, taking a step closer to Liam.

Liam clapped Bennett on the back. “My boy here’s in the midst of a long dry spell. I’m just sayin’.”

“Aw, fuck you, man,” Bennett muttered.

“Seriously, he swears he’s not seeing anyone, but I’m starting to think he might be playin’ for the other team,” Liam said as several made-up women in low-cut tops and high heels approached.

“Bennett?” one of the women said, nuzzling against Bennett’s chest. “I’ve witnessed his, um . . . excitement for women, Liam. Several times in one night, in fact.”

I felt my cheeks flushing. Of course, I wasn’t the first woman Bennett had picked up in a bar for sex. Technically, we picked each other up, but still . . . knowing I was just one of many bothered me. Not just knowing it, but seeing another of his conquests grazing her hand across his junk.

“Ah . . . you guys find a table already?” Bennett asked, stepping to the side.

“Yeah, we’re right here. Only four chairs, though.”

Take a hint, whores.

“We’ll pull up some chairs,” said the puck bunny who’d been hanging on Bennett.

Bennett came close to me and my heart kicked up speed from his closeness. He put a hand on my back.

“Can I get you anything, Charlotte?” he asked.

“Don’t touch her,” Liam said, his gaze going straight to Bennett’s hand. Bennett dropped it with an eye roll.

“I’m good,” I said. “But hungry. Maybe we can order some food.”

“Are you one of those pregnant women who eats nonstop?” Liam asked.

I gave him a sharp look. “You did not just say that.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert On the Line Romance