I held my coat around my waist as I walked through the door to the waiting room of my obstetrician’s office. Buttoning my coat was getting a little tricky these days as my waistline started to expand.

As I scanned faces looking for Bennett, movement caught my eye nearby. He’d stood up from his chair to wait for me. Well, crap. Of course he had to go and be a gentleman and make me feel even worse about how I’d treated him the other day.

“Hi,” I said, approaching him.

“Hey.” He smiled. “How are you?”

“Good. Haven’t thrown up for three days so, I’m great, actually.”

“That’s good. I’ve been thinking about you.”

Thinking what? I wanted to ask, but there was a very pregnant woman openly eavesdropping on our conversation. She was staring at me and waiting.

“Um, I need to go check in,” I said to Bennett.

He nodded and sat down. After checking in, I slid off my coat and joined him.

“So how have you been?” I asked.


I wan

ted to say something to lighten the mood, but what? I’d pushed Bennett away with my harshness, and though I told myself that was for the best, I still felt bad about it.

There had to be a way I could be decent to him but still clearly uninterested. I’d gotten myself here by giving in to the pull of those warm brown eyes and I couldn’t do it again. It was important to stay focused on the baby, work, and ways I could get rid of James before the baby was born. He was driving me crazy lately.

A nurse opened the door and called my name. Bennett stood when I did, but he looked at me instead of moving.

“Do you want me to wait out here?” he asked.

“Um, no. You can come in if you want.”

“You sure you don’t mind?”

“No. Come on.”

He followed me to the scale, where he looked away sheepishly as I stepped on. Once we were in the exam room waiting for the doctor, our uncomfortable silence returned.

“Liam asked me to help him kick my own ass,” he said, breaking the ice.

I smiled and furrowed my brow. “I hope you said no.”

He shrugged. “Well, he doesn’t know it’s me. He said he’s planning to kick the ass of whoever got his sister pregnant.”

“Oh, no.” I buried my face in my hands and laughed. “He asked you to help? That’s . . .”

“Yeah. He giving you a hard time about things?”

“No. I’ve been working a lot, so we haven’t talked. And you guys have had a busy schedule.”

Bennett nodded and the silence returned. I hated how awkward things were between us now. Why was I such a bitch sometimes?

Finally, the doctor walked in. He was a graying, grandfather type, and he smiled at Bennett.

“Hi, I’m Dr. Lansing.” He shook Bennett’s hand. “You’re the father of the baby?”

“Yes, sir.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert On the Line Romance