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I grab my book off the nightstand and go to the living room, which connects to the kitchen. I debate having another stab at baking, but decide I really should order some cookbooks or something first. But I haven’t had much desire to leave the house. I want to keep the outside world away from us.

I’ve wonder if my mom has been trying to get a hold of me. I know I was supposed to meet with a potential husband a few days ago, but the day came and went and nothing happened.

Sitting on the sofa I’m surprised when I hear a knock at the front door. I glance towards the way Vlad went out and wonder what I should do. I have a strong feeling he wouldn’t like me answering the door. Plus, I’m only wearing his shirt.

“Tabitha, open the door right this minute.”

I feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach when I hear my mother’s voice. I clutch my book in my hands, desperate to do anything but face her. But I know I have to. I can’t keep living in fear that I’ll be taken from Vlad at any moment.

I drop the book down on the table and make my way over to the door. Opening it, I see my mother looking disheveled. She pushes past me into the house.

“Mother, you can’t just come into Vlad’s house. He hasn’t invited you,” I tell her, straightening my back. I really have no reason to fear her now. She can’t hurt Alena anymore, and deep down I know Vlad will never let me go. Even if that means we have to run away together. I would do that without a second thought. I won’t lose him. I know there are laws in place that would rip us apart.

“Oh, your own mother isn’t invited into your husband’s house?” Her gaze fixes on the ring Vlad put on my finger the night we arrived here. He said he saw it and knew it was made for me.

I look down at the beautiful ring. It’s a simple band studded with diamonds. It’s made for a woman who knows her hands will be busy, and I plan on running a house and taking care of our children. It’s perfect - the most beautiful ring I’d ever seen.

“We aren’t married,” I tell her, adding a hard, “yet.”

“I saw the marriage paper. Signed by the king himself!” she snaps back. “How dare you go and break tradition!” She shakes her head. “You always did think you were better than everyone.” I have no idea what she’s talking about, and I wonder if she’s drunk. I mean, more drunk than normal.

“What the fuck are you doing in our home?” Vlad’s voice is so low and deadly it makes me jump. I didn’t hear him come in. He drops all the logs he was carrying and moves towards us, clearly on a mission.

“You were told you weren’t allowed within a hundred miles of here.” he continues clearing the distance between my mother and him quickly.

“One hundred miles? She doesn’t even live that far from here how could…” I trail off, putting together what he’s saying. My mother isn’t allowed here?

“You were given your orders and five days to clear out, but here you stand, tempting your fate, and I’m the wrong one to tempt it with.” He leans towards my mother, leveling her with a hard stare. “You know I wanted to do more than make you leave. The only reason I didn’t push is because my princess is sweet and soft at the core, and even if she doesn’t care for you, you’re still her mother. She wouldn’t like knowing I wanted you stripped of all your titles and left in the streets.”

I gasp at Vlad’s words. He looks over at me. That deadly look he had slips away. “I won’t let anyone think they can scare you. Or have you live in fear of someone. She sealed her fate the day she stopped acting like a mother and didn’t protect what was brought into this world to be mine.” My heart melts a little more for this man. I don’t know how he keeps doing that, but he does.

“Tabitha.” My mother says it as a plea, softer than I’ve ever heard her speak.

“Mother, just go before he changes his mind. Before I change my mind about it, too,” I tell her.

“Tabitha,” she tries again, and this time I can’t stop myself from yelling.

“Go! And forget Alena and I ever existed. Forget that you were ever a mother!” I shout, watching anger twist her face. I’m thankful for it. For the first time in my life I’m happy to see the anger on her face. It makes it all easier. “Not that you were ever one to begin with.”

Her mouth falls open a little, and I can tell she is about to say something, but a low growl fills the room and she returns her attention to Vlad. She hears the warning and nods. She turns and walks out the door, and I push it closed behind her, not taking my eyes from Vlad.

“Are we married?” I ask him. I see a sheepish look cross his face.

“Don’t be mad,” he says, putting his hands up like I might attack him.

He’s right, because as soon as I hear the words, I run at him, jumping into his arms. He catches me easily, and I take his mouth with mine in a deep, hard kiss.

When I pull back I notice I’m flat on my back of the sofa, with him looming over me.

“I might have made some demands to the king.”

“You’re such a caveman.”

“It was pissing me off, people saying you weren’t mine.” He growls again, making me laugh.

“What if I wanted a wedding?” I ask him, still smiling. I watch his eyes go soft for me like they always do when he gets me where he wants me.

“Do you want one? I’ll give you one if you do. You know I’ll give you anything you ask for.”

“No,” I tell him. I don’t have to think about it. One would think with how I like to dress up I’d be all too happy to have a wedding, but I don’t want one. All I want is to be locked away with Vlad. I don’t want to take the time for a wedding when I can spend my time right here beneath my caveman husband.

Chapter Eight


I watch Tabitha and Alena in the garden talking to one another. She looks over at me and winks, then gives me a small wave. I feel an ache in my heart to go to her and hold her, but I remain still, letting them talk.

She wanted to tell Alena what happened with her mom and about how we’re married now. I hear the two of them giggle and snort, and then Roman laughs beside me.

Tags: Alexa Riley The Princess Romance