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“Watch.” He gestured to his gut.

And just like that the wound healed.

Not only that, the color returned to Ashforth’s face, and he stood, seeming stronger, appearing to vibrate with an energy he hadn’t walked in with.

Conall had never seen anything like it.

Supernaturals healed faster than humans and could survive injuries humans couldn’t but he’d never seen a supernatural heal as fast as that. Like the injury had never happened. Moreover, it wasn’t vampire or werewolf blood. Despite what television and movies would have humans believe, vampire and werewolf blood did not heal a human of injury (although vampire blood was a key ingredient in turning a human into one of them).

“What the hell was that?” James asked.

With those sincere eyes of his, Ashforth turned to Conall instead. “It was the last of the blood cure. It cures any injury, ailment, or disease, fatal or otherwise. It will cure your sister.”

The air around James changed with his fury. “Then why not give it to us?”

Conall cut him a look. Calm down, it said.

His beta glowered but nodded.

“Why do you need my help?” he asked Ashforth.

“This blood”—Ashforth shook the empty vial—“it comes from a woman. A very dangerous woman of unknown origins. I discovered her abilities when I adopted her. I …” He gestured to a seat. “May I?”

Conall nodded, taking the seat opposite the man.

“Chief MacLennan—”

“Call me Conall.”

Ashforth appeared pleasantly surprised by the offer. He nodded. “Conall, I was an ordinary man. I had no awareness of the world of the supernatural. I ran a successful telecommunications company and considered myself a blessed man. When I adopted this girl, my wife and I thought we were doing a good thing. We tried to protect her when we realized she was … different. When we discovered she had these healing abilities … well … we asked too much of her.

“My son was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. We wondered …” He looked genuinely ashamed as he stared out the window, lost in memories. “We were desperate, and we asked the girl if she would let us try her blood on our son.” He looked back at Conall, eyes wild with awe. “It worked. Her blood healed my boy. Made him stronger even. Instead of rejoicing, the girl seemed to fear us. We would never have hurt her.” Ashforth shook his head, apparently horrified by the thought. “We did, however, ask her if we could keep the vials of blood we’d taken from her, for emergencies. She agreed but I fear she misconstrued our actions.

“As she got older, she turned from a lost girl into a very angry young woman.” Tears brightened his dark eyes. “I researched the world of the paranormal, trying to find answers for her, but we couldn’t find anything definitive about what she was. She grew more distant, out of control and aggressive. Finally … she killed my wife and two of her security detail.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, Mr. Ashforth. But I still dinnae know why you would seek me out.”

“Yes, you do, Conall.” He leaned forward. “That was six years ago. She’s been on the run ever since, leaving bodies and a trail of destruction across Europe. It’s my responsibility to find her and make sure she can’t hurt anyone again.”

Conall wasn’t sure he bought that. “You mean you want revenge?”

His nostrils flared. “Perhaps. But had you seen what she did to my wife and those men, I doubt you’d deny me that.”

Nodding in thought, Conall released a slow sigh. “How did you hear of my ability, Ashforth?”

“I’ve continued my research of the paranormal, trying to find those answers I couldn’t before. And money can buy a lot of information. I met a wolf who fought you. He told me that once you have a scent, you can track it anywhere in the world. It’s extraordinary.”

It also wasn’t quite how it sounded. It wasn’t as if Conall went around sniffing the air until he found his prey. It was more that he had an internal GPS and a scent was the postal code. It sounded like an odd ability, but matched with his reputation, it meant no supernatural on the planet would fuck with Conall MacLennan, knowing there was nowhere on earth they could hide from him if they did.

“So,” James interrupted, “let me get this straight. You want Conall to find this woman and bring her back, and in exchange you’ll give us her blood to cure Callie? What’s stopping Conall from finding the woman and taking her blood for himself?”

Ashforth nodded. “Because I won’t tell you where to begin, where you’ll find her scent, until you agree to release Caledonia into my custody.”

“Never.” Conall’s voice was deep with his inner wolf.

The thought of handing Callie over to a stranger made him murderous.

“I would never hurt your sister,” Ashforth assured. “And you could send one of your men to stay with her. But I’m sure you’ll agree that as a prudent businessman, I will need Caledonia as insurance.”

Tags: Samantha Young True Immortality Fantasy