Page 41 of A Wright Christmas

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“I left your abuelo in Mexico to start a new life here. I was all alone. I only knew mi amiga, Ana María, who helped me cross over to Texas. I just knew that there was more here than I could give mi familia back in Mexico. Eventually, he came up here, too, but I hadn’t known if he would. I hadn’t known if he thought it would be worth it to come to America for new opportunities. He’d had to decide if it was real, if he could compromise.”

I heard what she was saying, what she was telling me. That this was my choice. I could choose to go back to New York, to never compromise my love of dance for anyone else, as I had done at seventeen. Or I could find a way to make it work.

“Now, no more worrying.” She plopped a plate of freshly fried buñuelos in front of me. “Eat. This will make everything better.”20PeytonComfort food always made me feel better.

And hanging out with Abuelita knocked the jitters out of me. We laughed through the rest of the afternoon as I helped her prepare her famous rice pudding. Then, I got ready for the performance in front of the vanity where I’d learned to do makeup, and I headed back to the performing arts center.

I hadn’t heard from Isaac again. Though I knew he’d be dropping off Aly. Despite the hours I spent with Abuelita, I still wasn’t sure what to do. If I could compromise. I just needed to talk to Isaac. It was the elephant in the room. We’d ignored it as long as we could, but we couldn’t ignore it any longer.

As soon as I stepped into the mayhem that was the studio before a performance, I locked eyes with Katelyn. She looked smug and haughty, as if she had won something. But I didn’t have time to deal with her. She was a product of her parents and nothing else.

“Peyton, there you are!” Nick, the executive director, said. “Can I speak to you for a moment in private?”

“Of course,” I said.

I glanced back at Katelyn once more, and she was grinning like a cat watching a mouse walk into her trap. Well, this should be fun.

We stepped in my office, and Nick shut the door. “Sorry about all this.”

“No problem. What’s going on?”

“Kathy called me this morning after the Lawsons confronted you. I just wanted to let you know that you have the full support of the LBC and the board. I spoke with them this afternoon. Apparently, the Lawsons had already spoken with a few of them, but I consulted with some of the students about what happened in that class. They all had the same story—your story—and the board agreed to back you.”

“Well, that’s a relief since I did nothing wrong.”

“Agreed. Unfortunately, the Lawsons are powerful lawyers and a powerful family in Lubbock,” he said and stuffed his hands into his pockets. “Too long, they’ve had influence over our institution. It’s honestly satisfying to tell them to shove it.”

I laughed and touched his shoulder. “Thanks for having my back.”

“Anytime. Now, go do your thing. I love watching you perform every night. Such a vision.”

“Thank you,” I said with a flush. “Hearing that never gets old.”

Nick winked at me and then hustled back out into the lobby. I stepped out with a satisfied smile.

“Looks like someone was finally put in their place,” Katelyn singsonged from the end of the hall.

Bebe rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Katelyn.”

She snatched the Clara dress from out of Bebe’s hands. “I don’t think you’ll need this anymore.”

The sheer audacity of this girl.

I took a step forward, all my rage at this entitled brat coming to the surface. But before I could even reach her, Bebe snapped the dress back out of her hand.

“You have to earn this, Katelyn.” Bebe moved into Katelyn’s personal space and raised her chin. “And we all know you haven’t earned it.”

Katelyn opened her mouth, likely to say something nasty, but Bebe turned on her heel and strode away, unconcerned by Katelyn’s behavior.

I didn’t move a step closer. I just watched it all go down in awe. Bebe. Bebe had done that. She’d found her own confidence and turned on Katelyn. I couldn’t even believe it. Had I helped her find the person inside herself to do it? Either way, it was amazing.

“All right, everyone,” I said to the crowd of kids. “Let’s get into places. Finish warming up. The show starts in fifteen minutes.”

Katelyn looked like she was going to say something to me. I waited with a raised eyebrow, and then she darted away, defeated. Good. She could be an incredible dancer one day, if she learned that life wouldn’t give her everything she wanted. Like Bebe had said, you had to work for it.

Tags: K.A. Linde Romance