Page 34 of A Wright Christmas

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“Needy,” he growled.

“Aren’t you?”

He pressed a firm kiss to my lips. “Always with you.”

And then he eased into me. Inch by delicious inch until I was full to the brim. Everything went hazy with pleasure.

He dropped to his elbows, bringing our lips back together, whispering sweet nothings as he started up a rhythm. My body remembered the steps to this dance. Our bodies came apart and reconnected. I met him halfway until the slapping of our joining bodies was perfectly in sync.

As if Isaac had just remembered my flexibility, he pulled back and lifted my leg, hoisting it over his shoulder. My body contorted into a split, getting him deeper and deeper as he drove into me again and again. His eyes shuttered, and he lost all sense of control. I cried out as everything built within my body.

“Isaac,” I cried. “I’m close.”

“Come with me, love,” he breathed against my skin.

The world exploded.

I dragged my nails down his back, leaving scratch marks as I fell into oblivion. My orgasm hit me like a two-by-four. Isaac roared his pleasure into the hotel room.

My legs shook as I came down from the high. Then, he collapsed next to me. Both our chests were heaving, and a fine layer of sweat coated our skin. Maybe we would make use of that shower after all.

I curled into Isaac’s side. He slipped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head. This was even more familiar. This was perfect.

“I missed you,” he breathed.

“Mmm,” I mumbled.

He laughed. “No words?”

“I have words,” I said, mischievously glancing up at him. “I hope you have another condom.”

His eyes turned predatory once more, and he rolled me over on top of him. I straddled his hips.

“Round two already?”

“I don’t think either of us should plan to sleep tonight,” I said, teasing him with my hips.

He dug his fingers into my skin. “I hadn’t planned on it.”

Then, he brought our lips together, and I was lost to him all over again.17Peyton“Stay in bed a little longer,” Isaac said, grabbing me around the middle and tugging me back down.

I giggled and nuzzled into him. “We’re going to be late for work.”

“Technically, I don’t have to work today.”

I huffed, “No fair.”

“I’m going to go in anyway because I have a million things to do before we take a week off for Christmas. But maybe only a half-day.”

“Half-day sounds better.”

“What do you have to do?”

I peeked up at him. “I have some work to take care of for Kathy. No rehearsals today for me to cover. And then the show at seven.”

“So…you might be free by the afternoon?”

“I might,” I said with an arched eyebrow.

“Any interest in coming over later? Aly and I have plans to make Christmas cookies.”

My heart lodged in my throat. He was asking me to hang out with him and his daughter. That was a huge step.

“Are you sure?” I whispered.

He placed a kiss on my forehead. “I’m sure.”

“All right. I’d love to. Let me text you when I’m done with work, and then I’ll come over.”

“Good,” he said, pulling me into another long kiss. “Because I can’t imagine going another day without seeing you.”

I flushed from head to toe. “Is that so?”

“It is. How do you feel about that?”

“Right now? Like I don’t want to get out of this bed.”

He laughed. “Fine. I’ll be the responsible one. We should get to work. If we hurry up, then I’ll see you sooner.”

“That is good logic, Donoghue.”

I hopped out of bed, and he smacked my ass as I reached for my discarded dress.

I yelped, “Watch it.”

“How could I do anything else? Look at that ass.”

I rolled my eyes and shimmied back into my dress. “Hours of ballet will do that.”

“Won’t find me complaining,” he said as he pulled his suit back on.

He tugged me tight one more time and kissed me breathless before driving me back to Piper’s house.

I tiptoed through the dark, empty house and just made it into my room when I heard a parade of feet running toward me.

“You didn’t come home last night!” Piper cried.

I sighed heavily. “I didn’t.”

“And you’re still in your dress.”


“I’m so proud of you!” Piper said with a laugh. “Tell me everything. Well, not everything. Ew. But tell me most things.”

“As much as I would love to do that, I really need to shower and get to work.”

Piper pouted, sticking her bottom lip out. “Come on. At least tell me something.”

I waved her off and headed toward the bathroom. “Isaac and I were together last night, and I’m seeing him again when I get off work.”

“Eep! That sounds serious.”

I paused before walking into the bathroom and contemplatively looked back at Piper. “It is, I guess.”

Piper started to ramble about her excitement. I knew why she was so excited. She thought if I was happy enough with Isaac, as I once had been, then I might make a different choice. I might decide to stay here in Lubbock instead of go back to New York. But I didn’t want to think about that choice. Or the fact that I really only had one more week in town.

Tags: K.A. Linde Romance