Page 29 of A Wright Christmas

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“That’s good. You don’t want someone to come in who is lazy. We’ve had a few dancers come into the corps, but then they never go anywhere because they think they deserve their spots. It sucks.”

“Yeah. Just like that. But I think you’ll like Jordan. He’s kind of a hard-ass, but he gets shit done, so I don’t care.”

“Jordan,” Isaac said, firmly shaking his hand.

“Hey, Isaac. Good to see you, man.”

“You too. This is my date, Peyton Medina.”

I shook his hand, and he was no less aggressive with me. “Pleasure to meet you.”

“The pleasure is all mine,” he said with the signature Wright smile.

I’d gone to school with Landon Wright. I knew exactly what that smile was like. Even if I’d never had any interest in any of the Wrights, that didn’t mean they weren’t all fabulously attractive and charismatic. Jordan was no different with his short, dark European-styled hair and scorching brown eyes. His suit was a deep navy blue, and he wore it like he belonged in it.

“Isaac was just saying that you’re the hardest worker at Wright Construction.”

“Well, that’s a compliment if I’ve ever heard one,” Jordan said. “Isaac is the best man on my team. I wouldn’t be half as accomplished without him at my side.”

Isaac laughed. “Thanks, Jordan. Are you coming to the game on Sunday?”

“Oh, right,” I said, putting two and two together. “You’re Julian’s brother. He doesn’t work for the company?”

“That’s right,” Jordan said. Something wavered in his eyes at the question. “No, Julian…isn’t working for the company. Our mom was sick when we moved here and went through chemo. He took the time off to take care of her.”

“Oh,” I whispered in horror. “I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine,” Jordan said, waving it away.

“In other news,” Isaac said quickly, “Julian is looking at opening up a winery with Hollin.”

Jordan sighed. “It does look like that venture is in the works.”

“Well, Peyton’s family knows a thing or two about it. Julian should reach out.”

“I don’t know much, honestly,” I said. “But I could get them in contact with my sister and my dad.”

“Julian has always had pipe dreams,” Jordan said with a shrug. “We’ll see what actually comes of it.”

“I can give you my phone number, if he wants to reach out to my dad. He’s always happy to help others get started in the industry,” I told him earnestly.

“Sure. Doesn’t hurt,” Jordan said.

We exchanged numbers, so I could get Julian in contact with the right people. It felt weird, being the one with connections in Lubbock when I didn’t even live here anymore.

“So, the game?” Isaac asked.

Jordan glanced away once and then back. “Is Annie playing?”

“Yeah. She and Blaire are wiping out the competition,” Isaac said, proud.

“I’ll see if I can make it,” Jordan said noncommittally.

But I had seen something else when Jordan asked the question. It wasn’t the same thing Isaac had heard. Call it female intuition, but there was something going on there. I wondered what exactly was going on with Annie and Jordan Wright.

“Is Jordan giving you a hard time?” Jensen Wright asked, appearing at Isaac’s side.

Isaac laughed. “I think I’m giving him a hard time actually.”

“And who is this?” Jensen asked.

I swallowed and met his gaze. I might have been five years younger than Jensen, but I remembered thinking he was so hot when I was a kid. Couldn’t deny it now either.

“My date, Peyton Medina.”

“Medina,” Jensen said as he shook my hand. “Any relation to Matthew Medina?”

“That’s my dad.”

“He’s a great man. He owns Sinclair Cellars, right?”

I nodded.

“That has been a perfect venue for us for smaller events. Do you work there?”

“Oh, no. I’m a ballerina with the New York City Ballet.”

Jensen’s eyebrows rose. “Wow. That’s incredible. I wonder if I’ve seen you perform before. I’m in Manhattan regularly.”

“Perhaps,” I said with a smile.

“Jensen Wright,” a voice cried, stepping out of the crowd. A woman with a small pregnant belly approached him with fire in her dark eyes.

I was shocked to recognize her as Emery Robinson.

“Oh boy,” Jensen muttered, unable to hide his grin.

“You’re in so much trouble,” Emery said.

“What did I do now?” Jensen asked.

She pointed to her belly. “Look what you did to me. This is all your fault.”

My eyes rounded, but Jensen just shot me a wink. “Don’t worry. She’s always like this.”

Emery seemed to notice me and stopped. “Oh my God, Peyton?”

“It’s me.”

“Whoa! You look exactly the same.” She glared at Jensen. Though I saw the humor in her face now. “Instead, I look like a whale.”

She did not look like a whale.

I pointed between them as Jensen wrapped his arm around Emery. My confusion must have registered. I clearly had not seen her since high school, but she definitely had been dating Landon Wright then.

“This is not the right brother,” I said.

Emery laughed. “Uh…yeah, some things have changed since high school.”

Tags: K.A. Linde Romance