Page 24 of A Wright Christmas

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12IsaacPeyton made me want to be reckless.

I knew Annie was at home with Aly. That I needed to get back. That I absolutely could not stay out all night with Peyton Medina. But God, a part of me wished that I were young and foolish enough again to do it.

We had finished our walk through the gardens and eaten off of a charcuterie board inside the tasting room. Peyton had another drink, but I opted out since I still had to drive. She had been giggly and tipsy from the alcohol. I just wanted to kiss those wine-stained lips all night. Being an adult sucked.

“Let’s do this again,” Peyton said as we stood on Piper’s front porch. She leaned back against the wall. The alcohol had primarily run its course, but her smile hadn’t lessened any. “I had a really great time.”

“I’m glad,” I told her. “I’d like to spend more time with you.”

“When are you free?”

Ah, the kicker. I wasn’t free. Between work and Aly, I was never free. And I hated asking my parents or Annie to watch Aly all the time. It didn’t seem fair even though they claimed not to mind.

Peyton must have seen it on my face. “Or we could wait for the Wright party, if that’s easier.”

“I just have to work out babysitters.”

“Right. No, that makes perfect sense.”

“Peyton,” I said, taking her hand again and drawing her into me.

She wrapped her arms around my neck, and her body was nearly flush against mine. My dick jerked in my pants, wanting her, always wanting her. If I could shirk my responsibilities, take her inside, and fuck her all night, I would. With her body against mine so invitingly, I really, really wanted to. But I couldn’t. And after sixteen years, I could wait until I had a night to really enjoy her.

I brought our lips together one more time, pressing her back into the brick wall. She moaned softly against me. My hands moved to the hem of her sweater. Her breathing hitched at the touch of my hands on her bare skin. God, I was getting away with myself…and I couldn’t seem to stop.

This was Peyton. I didn’t want to stop.

Finally, she broke away with a strained laugh. “Do you…want to come in?”

Fuck. I really did.

But I reluctantly shook my head. “I can’t.” I stepped back, running a hand through my auburn hair. “I wish I could, Pey. But I have to get back.”

She nodded, stood on her tiptoes, and softly kissed me once more. “That’s okay. You should get home. It’s no big deal.”

I had to clench my hands into fists to keep from grabbing her again. Fuck, I’d missed her.

“Good night,” she whispered.

“Good night,” I said, reaching for her hand one more time and pressing my lips to it.

She flushed at the contact and then disappeared inside.

I waited until the door closed behind her before heading back to my truck. The night was buzzing in my veins. My steps were light, as if I were walking on clouds. A part of me considered doing a silly romcom twirl right there in the driveway. As soon as I plopped down in the driver’s seat, I realized what this emotion was flooding my senses—giddiness.

I hadn’t felt like this in a long, long time.

When I made it back home, Annie was in the living room, watching Netflix. “Have a good night?”

“Yes. It was great. Thank you for watching Aly.”

“Anytime. You know I don’t mind. I love spending time with her.”

“Well, I appreciate it nonetheless.”

“You could have stayed out later, you know,” she said, suggestively raising and lowering her eyebrows.

I laughed and went into the kitchen. I pulled two beers out of the fridge and handed one to Annie as I sank into the seat next to her.

“So…what happened?” she pried, taking a swig of her beer.

“Really, nothing much. We just walked around the vineyard and talked.”

“And kissed?”

“And kissed,” I confirmed.

And what a kiss it had been. Never in a million years had I thought that I’d get another chance with Peyton. She had been the girl of my dreams in high school, and she still was now that we were both adults. I’d just always thought that she was so far out of reach. What could a famous ballerina want with someone like me?

But none of that seemed to matter when I was around her. She was effervescent, and it just spilled into my life.

Annie did a little dance on the couch. “It is so good to see you happy again.”

I shrugged and turned back to the TV. This wasn’t a conversation I really wanted to have. “I’ve been happy.”


“Aly makes me happy.”

“Well, obviously. How could she not? She’s wonderful. But there are other kinds of happiness, and you know it.”

“Yeah,” I muttered.

“And Peyton has always brought that out in you. Look at you. You’re all smiley.”

Tags: K.A. Linde Romance