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“This one.” Chloe hands him one of her pink and purple die.

“Why is this game so confusing?” Archer asks and we laugh. Unlike Mason, he’s actually trying, which is more than I can say for Quinn and Jacob, who disappeared to some cat rescue Quinn volunteers at after a call came in saying someone found a garbage bag full of five-week old kittens in a ditch. They’ve been gone for nearly two hours now, which is how long we’ve been playing. Though to be fair, there’s been a lot of drinking, talking and laughing going on too.

We came to Eastwood to celebrate as well as visit with family. Not only did Chloe just send in another round of edits on her latest Nightfall book, but she just signed a five-book deal with her publisher for the spinoff series she said she’s been dying to write for a few years now. It lets her stay in the world she created and loves so much without dragging her current series out to the point of being boring. And this morning, her agent called and said there’s been some talk about adapting the spin-off as a TV show for a younger crowd.

It was the perfect way to start the weekend, and I know the excitement for the spinoff helps reassure Chloe that she did the right thing by turning down the offer to write and direct another TV series. She said her heart wasn’t in it, and having to write in someone else’s world wasn’t her thing. I’m so damn proud of her for sticking to her guns and staying true to herself.

She’s been staying with me in Chicago more than not, and this is Spartan’s last last month living in sunny California. Chloe already has a stall reserved at some post barn in the city.

“Anyone need another drink?” Dean asks, finishing his beer.

“I could,” Rory says, motioning to her empty wine glass.

“I was thinking more along the lines of going to Getaway,” he says, meaning a bar his brothers own. “Chloe hasn’t been there yet.”

“That is is true,” I agree, trying to throw us all a bone so we can stop playing Dungeons and Dragons without hurting Chloe or Rory’s feelings. They’ve gotten really into it this evening.

“Quinn might leave the cats for booze,” Archer goes on. “It’s worth a shot.”

Rory looks at Chloe, who nods. “Yeah, let’s go.”

“Thank god,” Mason groans, throwing his head back dramatically. Chloe and Rory go upstairs to change out the costumes they put on just for playing the game, and about twenty minutes later, we’re on our way to the bar. Quinn and Jacob meet us there not long after we arrive, and Quinn shows Chloe photos of the kittens who are in need of homes.

My phone rings, and as soon as I see the number, I motion for Chloe to step outside of the noisy bar with me.

“Hello?” I say, putting the call on speaker.

“Hey, Sam! It’s Glenn. Sorry to be calling so late, but I have great news.”

Chloe’s hands go to her face and she widens her eyes, excited. “Yeah?” I say, pretty sure what what the good news it.

“Your offer got accepted. Congratulations! Now it’s time to celebrate.”

“You have good timing. We just got to a bar.”

Glen laughs. “I think the wife and I might be headed to one tonight too. I’ll get the rest of the paperwork over to you two in the morning. Is Chloe there?”

“I’m here,” she says to the real estate agent. “And now I own a haunted house!”

“Just remember you knew it was haunted when I sold it to you,” Glen laughs. “Have a good night.”

I put the phone back in my pocket and give Chloe a kiss. When Rory called to say the creepy house I liked was at risk of being torn down and having a neighborhood built on its farmland, Chloe suggested we buy it. We’re going to restore it and then we’re not sure what we’ll do with it from there. Chloe plans to sell her multi-million dollar home in California soon, and said she’s “re-investing” her money by restoring the old house. She really enjoyed the whole restoration process of her dad’s house, and it’s like a hobby for her in a way.

We go back into the bar to tell everyone we saved the old house.

“So, you’re moving here, right?” Rory asks eagerly.

Chloe looks at me, and I know she’s actually considering it. “I don’t know. Maybe.” She shrugs and Rory gets way too excited. I’m still working at the trauma center in Chicago, and Chloe has a busy book tour coming up in the next few months. After that, we want to put a focus on settling down and starting our own family.

We might stay in Chicago. Or move up north to our hometown of Silver Ridge. Maybe we’ll even end up here in Eastwood. It doesn’t matter where we end up, as long as we’re together, it will feel like home.

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