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Lola turns up the music, and we all sing along to 90s pop on our way to my house. The sun is just now starting to set, and it’s an absolutely gorgeous California night…yet I’d rather be in Michigan, loving the way the sun reflects off Silver Lake as it starts to go down and the way it feels like the entire town is holding its breath, just soaking in the quiet and calm of the night.

“There’s something by your gate,” Mica notes as soon as April pulls into the cul-de-sac my house is in. “It could be from a stalker.”

“Ohh, let’s hope so!” I rub my hands together. “I haven’t dealt with a crazy in a while. I still think stalking the stalker would be fun.”

Mica raises a perfectly micro-bladed eyebrow. “I’m one of the best lawyers in the whole damn city, but I can’t represent you when you get your crazy ass arrested for harassment.”

I laugh and unbuckle my seatbelt. “You’re assuming I’m going to get caught and that hurts.”

She rolls her eyes, laughing as I get out of the SUV to punch in the code for my gate and pick up the package. My entire property is fenced for privacy reasons more than safety, as the gate is pretty easy to slip under on foot. I’m not a super famous celebrity, but better safe than sorry, right? My usual delivery driver knows the code and leaves my packages by my side door, but I’m not expecting anything today, though I have ordered stuff in the middle of the night after a few too many glasses of wine and got a nice surprise a day or two later.

“What it is?” April asks when I get back in the SUV.

“I think it’s flowers,” I tell her as she drives up to my house. I’ve gotten flowers enough in the past to recognize the shape of the box.

April parks in my driveway and we all get out together. I never enter my house from the front door, and use the keypad to unlock the side door, disarming my alarm system as soon as I’m in. My house is new and big, way too big for just me, but I bought it thinking it would have good resale value when I eventually moved. I have a small yard and a pool, and I’m far enough from the city that it’s surprisingly quiet here at night, yet it’s not too far to make driving into the city a pain.

I already have a good idea who the flowers are from, but don’t want to get ahead of myself in case they’re not from Sam. Hurrying into the kitchen, I put the box on my counter and carefully slice it open, smiling as soon as I see the dozen red roses.

“He is so sweet,” April coos as I set the roses in a vase on my kitchen counter. She opened the little card before I got a chance to look at it. Mica snatches it out of her hand and makes a gagging sound.


“What?” Lola leans over. “Aww, that’s sweet.”

“I don’t even know what it says yet,” I laugh, and Mica gives me the card.

Chloe- I miss you already. Love, Sam

“What’s wrong with this? It’s only seven words, not some long love poem,” I say, though I’m grinning ear to ear.

“Nothing,” April tells me with a smile. “The beginnings of relationships are always the best, and I already like this guy more than anyone else you’ve dated.”

My friends here don’t know the whole backstory of Sam, only that we were friends in the small town of Silver Ridge and sparks flew when we saw each other a few weeks ago. They don’t know just how much Sam means to me, or how I’ve been head over heels in love with him since the moment I laid eyes on him.

“I do too,” Lola agrees. “I have a good feeling about him, and I cannot wait to meet this sexy doctor of yours.”

I read the little card again, heart feeling so fucking full. I have a good feeling about this too.3SamI set the bag of takeout on my counter and sink down on a barstool. I felt like such a fraud talking to Chloe, smiling, telling her I love her, acting like everything is fucking peachy. It’s far from it, and I don’t think I’ve quite processed everything yet.

I don’t want to, but I know I have no choice.

Sighing, I take my food from the bag and stare down at the fried rice and orange chicken. Normally after work, I’d get something healthier than this after swinging by the gym for a quick workout. I’ve strayed from my workout since Chloe has been here, not that I mind at all. My eyes fall shut for a minute, trying to drown out the voices in my head telling me how much I’ve screwed up—again.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Boys of Silver Ridge Romance