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I meant it when I said we’re celebrating tonight. And it just so happens extended family is in town. Maria’s is crowded, as it usually is on a summer night. There aren’t too many places to eat in Thorne Hill, and Maria’s has the best house-made salsa.

We walk up to the host to put our name in. She’s all smiles, eyes going a little glossy when she looks at Lucas. He has that effect on women, and—call me petty—but I purposely take my hand out of his and push my hair back to show off my ring.

Yeah, bitch, I landed that.

“Hi, welcome to Maria’s,” she says cheerfully. “How many?”

“Three,” I tell her.

“Okay…” She looks down at her tablet. “It will be about a half-hour wait, is that all right?”

“Yeah,” I start but then Lucas leans in, catching the host’s eye.

“You will give us the next available table,” he says as he holds her spellbound.

She nods and flicks her eyes down, tapping something on the tablet. With a dreamy smile she looks back up. “You’re next in line. A table should be available shortly. It’s being wiped down right now.”

“Good girl,” Lucas tells her, and she blushes. He blinks and looks away, breaking his hold on her. She tips her head, looking a little perplexed, but then is distracted by the large party that comes in right behind us.

“That wasn’t necessary.”

“You said you were hungry,” Lucas replies.

“I am, but I could have waited. Thanks, though. It was sweet and I do like chips and salsa.” I take his hand again as we move to the side. Binx jumps up on the back of a booth. I should cloak him and take him with me more often.

We step back and out of the way. Julian stands next to me, curiously looking around the restaurant. Only a minute later, we’re taken to our table.

“For what it’s worth,” Julian starts as a waiter brings us chips and salsa. “I do not think you are evil.”

The waiter hesitates, flicking his eyes from Julian to me.

“I’ve seen a great many evil in the world. You are not one of them, nor do I think you are at risk for turning to the dark side and murdering the human race. I’ve been watching you, and not once in your short time on earth did I think you would turn into the Antichrist like my brothers and sisters feared.”

My eyes go wide and I debate on grabbing the waiter’s wrist and removing this memory from his mind.

“Told you,” Lucas says, nudging me with his elbow. The poor waiter quickly pours the salsa in the little black bowl and steps away, mumbling that he’ll be right back to take our drink order.

“Wait a minute,” I say, reaching for a chip. “You’ve been watching me?”

“Yes, as instructed by Michael.”

“For my whole life?”

“For most of it, though until recently I would only stop in from time to time. After the demon Varrador figured out who you were, I’ve been watching more frequently.”

I make a face, feeling more than a little violated. “So, by watch you mean…”

“I stood outside your house in the woods.” He lowers his gaze to my hand. “Which reminds me, congrats on the engagement. It seemed like a touching moment for humans.”

“I’m not human,” Lucas reminds him.

“No, but you were once. You still have the same basic desires as a human, just much more primal.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” I shake my head. “You saw that?”

“I was in the woods.”

I make a face and turn to Lucas. “The fuck?” I’ve already asked question number one. “What else have you seen? Actually, no, I don’t want to know. Wait, yes I do. We…we’ve…”

“We’ve made love many times outside,” Lucas finishes for me. “Did you enjoy a show?”

“No,” Julian says firmly. “I’ve respected your privacy. The only reason I was in the woods tonight, Callie, was because I sensed a disturbance.”

Lucas leans forward. “What kind of disturbance?”

Julian shakes his head. “The Gates of Hell have been opened and something came out. I can’t tell what exactly yet, but whatever it is, it’s old and it’s powerful.” His eyes meet mine. “And more than likely, it’s here for you.”


“Of course it is,” I say with a sigh, dipping the chip into salsa and taking a bite before I lose my appetite.

“Where is it?” Lucas asks.

“I don’t know,” Julian answers.

“What kind of fucking angel are you that you can sense a demon crawling out of the bowels of Hell only to lose it?” Lucas draws his fangs right as the waiter comes back over. He jumps back, holding his pen and ordering pad up to his chest.

Don’t worry, buddy. You’re getting a big tip.

“Hi,” I say with a smile, blindly reaching into my purse for my wallet. “Can I get a mango margarita. Large or extra large, whatever the biggest size you got.” I pull out my ID and hand it over to the waiter. “And then the dinner combination number two.”

The waiter glances down at my ID, nodding. “And d-do you, uh, want chicken or beef tacos?”

“Beef, please.” I flash another smile, which I hope shows that I’m friendly and not going to murder him or pull anything out of any sort of bowel, but probably just come off as creepy. “And soft shell. That’ll be all for now, but I would like three plain tacos to go.”

The waiter just nods and hurries off.

“I will alter his memory,” Julian says, planting his hands on the table, ready to get up. “Make him forget what he heard.”

“Wait until he puts my order in?” I ask. “I really want my tacos.”

“Very well.”

“And chances are he doesn’t actual think you’re an angel.”

Julian tips his head, looking at the waiter. “He’s religious and believes in angels. Demons too. He’s scared of vampires but tries to be respectful because they tip well when here with human companions.”

“How do you know all that?” I turn, looking in the direction of the kitchen.

“I’m an angel,” Julian says as if it’s obvious.

“So this demon that just arose,” Lucas starts. “The last time a demon came straight out of Hell, Callie almost died.”

“I know. This time, we’ll be ready.” Julian’s eyes flash blue for a split second.

“Yes,” Lucas agrees. “We will.”

Another shiver runs down my spine, and Binx jumps into my lap, curling up to offer his warmth. I just said yes to marrying the love of my life. I want to be celebrating. Squealing on the phone with Kristy and going through that wedding board I so don’t already have on Pinterest. Picking out dates. Venues. Why type of dress to wear. Who’ll we’ll invite.

Instead, I’m worrying about the Grand Coven, who have forbidden our relationship, and now another powerful demon is on the loose, no doubt searching for the long-lost Nephilim baby, born of light and of night.

Trembling again, Lucas takes notice and puts his arm around me. He’s cold, though, and while my body heat eventually warms him up, it’s not helping. The air conditioning vent is right above us, but the temperature in here isn’t all that cold. No, the chill is coming from knowing that this is my life now.

Hunting demons is one thing. I can handle that. Hell, I’ll go so far as to say killing lower-level demons is fun. But having to hide from angels…I don’t see how I can forever.

“Would you like me to get you a sweater?” Lucas asks. “You have one in the Jeep.”

“Oh, right. I do keep one in the back. Yeah.” I nod. “That would be nice.”

Lucas kisses my forehead and then gets up, walking at normal

speed through the restaurant. My margarita comes, and I suck down a big mouthful, getting brain freeze only a few seconds later.

Rubbing my forehead, I squeeze my eyes closed and wait for the pain to pass.

“Did other angels notice?” I ask, eyes still closed.

“Notice what?”

“The gates opened?”

“Yes,” Julian answers. “Michael was able to dispatch me down to earth, giving me more cover as to why I’m here. I will have to go back soon.”

“So, Michael…my father…he’s the Archangel?”


And here comes another chill. “Wow.”

Julian reaches out and puts his hand on top of mine. “He loves you, Callie. I want you to know that.”

I pet Binx again, and he presses his head against my hand before tipping his head up for me to scratch under his chin. “Are the Archangels different than, uh, regular angels?”

“Much. As half an Archangel, Callie, you have as much power as I do.”

“So I’m basically angel royalty?”

Julian laughs. “You could say that.”

“And my powers…are different now than before? I could already do magic.”

“Throughout my years of doing research, I’ve yet to come across a witch-angel hybrid like yourself. The few other Nephilim that have survived into adulthood weren’t from an Archangel either.”

“What happened to them?” I ask and take another sip of my margarita. Slower this time, of course.

“Two are still alive and living under the protection of monks in Tibet. They’ve been there for years, having committed to a peaceful life.”

“And the others?”

Julian casts his eyes down. “I think you know.”

I nod. “Angels or demons?”

“Both. But you should fear not, Callie. Your powers are great, and you have those around you willing and ready to protect you from evil and prove your worthiness to the others.”

Lucas walks back into the restaurant, carrying my black sweater. He slides back into the booth next to me and drapes the sweater around my shoulders. “Better?”

“Much. Thank you.”

He moves closer and puts his arm around me. I tip my head up, looking at his handsome face, and feel a different sense of peace coming over me. We’re not one of those couples that says love can fix everything. It can’t and it won’t, no matter how hard I wish it could. But when I’m with Lucas, everything seems manageable. We’ll get through whatever is thrown our way because we have each other.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy