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I clamp my hand over my mouth and turn my head away from my phone as pleasure winds through me.

“I’ll…I’ll drop a pin to my location,” I rush out and hang up. My mouth falls open as Lucas slips two fingers inside me, going right to my G-spot. I struggle to keep my eyes open, orgasm winding inside me. I quickly open up a text and send my location to Miranda. Then I let my p

hone fall onto the couch. It bounces off the cushion and onto the floor.

Lucas quickens his pace, licking and sucking while fingering me. I’m squirming against him, so close to coming. He turns his head and bites me without warning. The shock of pain sends me over the edge, and I pull his head away from my thigh, pushing him back to my pussy.

My blood is warm on his lips, and he flicks his tongue against me over and over. I come only a few seconds later, pussy spasming around his fingers. He lets out a groan and turns his head again, licking up the blood that’s dripping down my leg.

He sucks down one mouthful and then gently licks around the wounds. Reaching up, he grabs my hand and puts my fingers over the wounds. I apply pressure, heart racing. He stands and remove his shirt, and then undoes his pants, letting them drop to the ground.

His hand goes to his large cock, slowly pumping up and down the shaft. We’re in the front sitting room of his house, and while the view is obscured by trees and decorative hedges, anyone could look in and see him standing there in all his naked glory.

I feebly push myself up onto the couch, keeping the pressure on the bite wounds. I clot quickly, but I still need a good minute before I take my fingers off the wounds.

Lucas steps forward, making a move to come back onto me.

“Wait,” I pant. “Let me look at you.”

Lucas grins, fangs still drawn, and holds his shoulders back, getting more and more turned on by me looking him up and down. He’s one hell of a good-looking man, with flawless skin and pounds of muscle. I slowly drag my eyes over him, lips parting as my tongue darts out to wet them.

I take my fingers off my thigh and bring them to my mouth, licking my own blood from my fingers. Lucas moans and moves with vampire speed to me, pulling my dress up and over my head. I lean back, expecting him to push that big cock into me, fucking me hard and fast.

But he picks me up instead, flipping me over on the couch so I’m kneeling while holding onto the back. He enters me from behind, cock filling every inch of my pussy. He pushes in deep, holds himself there for a second while he moves my hair to the side, and then starts thrusting in and out.

I grip the couch, taken over by pleasure, and moan loudly as I come for the second time. Lucas finishes right after that, thrusting in deep. His cock pulses inside me, and a shudder runs through me as my pussy contracts wildly.

He grabs my underwear from the floor, and I hold it between my legs as he pulls out, not wanting to make a mess on this expensive-as-fuck couch. Though I know Lucas wouldn’t care, and would probably get off on needing to buy new furniture because of sex stains.

“What happened to not drinking my blood?” I tease, falling onto the couch. I need a minute to catch my breath before I can get up.

“You are too good to resist.” He runs his hands over my body. “I still don’t know how I got so lucky to be the one marrying you.”

“The ring was pretty.” I smile and Lucas takes me in his arms. We lie on the couch together for a while, silently enjoying each other’s company. Then I inhale, pushing myself up and out of Lucas’s embrace. I hurry upstairs, use the bathroom, and then change into black leggings and an oversized dark purple t-shirt. I’m coming down the curved staircase when someone knocks on the door.

I pause in the foyer, holding out my hands to read the energy coming from behind the front door. I don’t sense anything sinister, so I shoot back the deadbolt and open the door.

Miranda stands on the porch, messenger bag over her chest, and Easton is rooted to the spot by the open gate. Right. The warding. I resist the urge to give him a smug look and wave my hand, opening the warding just enough for him to slip through. Miranda, who’s still on crutches, waits for her brother before entering the house.

“Holy shit,” she mumbles, looking up at the ostentatious chandelier hanging in the two-story foyer. The decor in this house is overall modern and minimalistic, but the shock of how big and fancy this house is hits you as soon as you walk in. Easton does his best to act unimpressed. He’s wearing jeans, hiking boots, and a red flannel shirt over a grey T-shirt. I don’t know what it is about hunters and flannel. It’s summer in Chicago. It’s hot as balls this time of year.

“We meet again.” Lucas speeds into the foyer, coming to my side. “You’re not going to try and kill me again, are you? Didn’t turn out so well for you last time, did it?”

“There’ll be no trying. If I want to kill you, you’ll be a pile of smoldering ash on the floor before you even know what’s coming.” Easton shoots back.

Lucas flashes his fangs, letting out a deep, guttural growl that sounds like a wild animal, and Easton reaches inside his shirt, pulling out a poorly concealed pistol.

“Guys,” I say through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm, but the chandelier rattles above us. Miranda elbows Easton hard in the ribs. I bring my left hand up, not even thinking about my ring as I rub my forehead. I can feel and tension headache coming on, and I don’t have any peppermint oil here to whip up a quick potion to knock that shit out.

“Whoa,” Miranda gasps. “Is that what I think it is?”

“It’s an engagement ring,” Lucas says quickly. “Callie is marrying me.”

I roll my eyes at him. Vampires are jealous and possessive in nature, though overall Lucas does a good job with standing back and letting me handle shit on my own. However, he knows that Easton took my virginity, and while Lucas was far from a virgin before he was even turned into a vampire, I know he’s jealous Easton has a first with me he’ll never get.

“Wow. Congrats,” Miranda says and gives me a smile. We’ve been more or less friends over the years, and at least she never tried to kill me.

“Thank you.” I’m unable to keep the smile off my face as I look at the ring. “I picked out my wedding dress today.”

“So this is really happening?” Easton’s brows pinch together, and he looks at Lucas and then me. “And you want it to?”

“Vampires can’t hold witches spellbound, and you know it,” I huff, knowing where his train of thought is going. “And no, I don’t want to get married. Which is why I accepted the proposal and spent the day wedding dress shopping.” I roll my eyes and let out another sigh.

It wasn’t that long ago I was writhing in pleasure on the couch, and now a headache is coming on fast. Lucas thinks Easton still has feelings for me, and while our relationship started out fake on his end, he insisted it was real for him in the end and that’s why he wasn’t able to follow through with the orders to shove a silver knife into my heart.

“Thank you for coming over to look at the arrow,” I say, trying to take this conversation in a different direction. “It’s in the kitchen.”

I wave for them to follow me, grabbing my wine glass on the way. Miranda looks around the large house in awe as she walks and does a double-take when she gets into the kitchen. It’s my favorite room in this whole house.

Both arrows are on the counter, and I pick up the one that doesn’t have my blood on it. Miranda sets her bag down and digs out her light.

“Can you turn off the overhead lights?” she asks, and I flick my hand out, magically shutting them off. She looks at the arrow under the infrared light. Easton is standing next to her, looking at whatever is showing up once illuminated.

“What?” I ask, unsettled by the grim looks on their faces.

“It’s what I feared,” Miranda says, and I turn the lights back on. “This was definitely fired at you by a hunter, but not just any hunter.”

“Okay?” I shake my head, not sure what she’s getting out.

“This symbol—” she points to the arrow “—means it came from hunters that belong to a well-funded, well-organized group called the Order of the Mystic Realm.” She swallows hard and looks at Easton.

“What does that mean?” I press.

Easton’s eyes meet mine. “This group of hunters works for hire. It means someone paid them to kill you, Callie.”



fucking course.” I let out a heavy sigh and bring my wine to my lips, sucking down half the glass.

“Who would want you dead that bad?” Miranda sets the arrow back down, looking genuinely disturbed.”

I let out a snort of laughter. “Who doesn’t?”

“It would be a human who paid them,” Lucas says and looks at Easton, who won’t quite meet his eye. “Is there a way to find out who paid them?”

“Not one I have access to, and usually these are cash drop-off kinds of things. Whoever did the actual hiring would have given someone else cash to leave in an undisclosed location.” He picks up the arrow and rolls it between his fingers. “You think we’re ruthless, but these guys…they follow an old-school set of rules.”

“Do you know where to find them?” Lucas asks.

“I don’t. Order members look down on hunters like us. Hunters who kill demons because we want to save humanity and not make money.” Easton lets out a breath. “They might have started out with a noble cause, but over the years, they’ve turned into supernatural assassins.”

“But not in a cool way,” I add. “Because that sounds like an awesome premise to an urban fantasy book.” Everyone looks at me quizzically. “I co-own a bookstore. Is it really that surprising I think about books a lot of the time?”

“It would make a good book,” Lucas agrees, lips curving into a half-smile. “You should write it.”

“Hah. In all my free time.”

Easton shifts his weight. “If I did find out who they were, what’s your plan?”

“Slowly kill every single one of them until I find out who paid to have Callie murdered. Then I’ll kill them too,” Lucas says casually.

“No murder,” I remind him. “But we will deal with them, though I already know who hired them. I just don’t know how he would have known about them.”

“Who?” Miranda asks.

“Scott.” I put my head in my hands, thankful there’s more wine and a decent amount of leftover snacks from when my sister and Kristy were here earlier.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy