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“You better.”

I end the call and nervously flip my phone over in my hands. I hardly breathe until we’re on the freeway, gaining more and more speed. Lucas rests his hand on my thigh, doing an impressive job of weaving in and out of traffic while driving one-handed.

“Once you get to Thorne Hill,” Lucas starts. “You need to go right to the door and get inside.”

I nod. “That’s probably the safest place for us. The Academy is basically apocalypse-proof.”

“I will take you there and I won’t let anything lay a finger on you.”

I put my hand on top of his, needing to feel his cool, smooth skin. He can’t come through the door with me. The spells that guard the Covenstead won’t allow it. He would be burned before he made it through.

Time passes slowly even though we’re speeding. I close my eyes and rest my head against the leather seat.

“Keep us out of the eyes of the law,” I whisper. “Let us get home without an interruption.”

“Was that a spell?”


“It didn’t rhyme.” Lucas takes his eyes off the road to look at me.

“Spells don’t have to rhyme. Spellcasting is an art form, though, and I seem to channel the intentions better when they rhyme.”

He pats my thigh and zooms in front of a semi, driving on the shoulder to pass by another car. I close my eyes, not wanting to see how dangerously close we’re coming to getting in a fiery crash. I’ll say a spell to avoid that too.

We cross the state line in half the time it normally takes. Lucas’s phone rings and the call shows up on the car’s dash. It’s Eliza, and he presses a button on the steering wheel to answer.

“Où es-tu, bon sang?” Eliza’s voice comes through loud and clear. “Je suis chez toi.”

Lucas answers, talking so fast I can hardly make out the words. I’m able to pick out my name and Thorne Hill, but that’s it.

“Is everything okay?” I ask after he ends the call.

“Yes. Eliza worries too much.”

“She cares about you,” I state even though it’s more than obvious.

“She does.”

I look out the window again, keeping myself from watching the clock. We make good time, slowing only to pass under a toll reader. Then we speed to the exit to Thorne Hill. We’re so close, yet I have a sinking feeling like I’m going to arrive and be a moment too late.

The lights are all on at my house when we pull into the driveway. Binx can sense Freya and the others right away, and my speeding heart slows with relief. Kristy is okay. I get out before Lucas puts the car in park, running up the steps of my front porch. My familiars shadow past but Lucas stops.

I whirl around, seeing the faint glow of the extra circle Kristy cast that keeps him from entering the protected space. Holding up my hands, I quickly say an incantation, parting the walls of magical energy, and let Lucas in. He takes my hand and ushers me into the house.

Kristy is sitting on the couch and springs up as soon as I open the front door.

“Thank goodness,” she says and rushes over, pulling me into a hug. “You got here really fast.”

“Lucas like to speed.”

“Thanks for getting her here so fast and in one piece,” Kristy tells him, stepping back. Daniel is in the living room, along with his brothers, another couple and their two young children. I’ve seen them at coven gatherings before and know they live downtown. A large black dog stands by the children and gives Binx a curt nod when he trots into the room.

“Have you been in contact with anyone else?” I ask Kristy. “The twins?”

“They’ve passed through the door with their parents and grandmother. We’re the last bunch waiting to be escorted.” She looks at the time on the cable box. “The Council should be here soon.”

“Okay…” I let out a breath and step into the living room. “The door is a good few miles away. My familiars will lead the way and I suggest carrying the children. There is no path and the woods are uneven. My friend, Lucas, can help if need be. He’s strong and won’t tire.”

Everyone shifts their gazes to Lucas, and I know exactly what they’re thinking. Never trust a vampire.

“I swear to you,” Lucas starts. “I will do everything I can to keep you all safe.”

“Thanks, babe.” I take his hand, comforted as soon as I feel his skin against mine. We sit together on the couch, and I grab the TV remote, turning on the Disney Channel in hopes of easing the kids’ nerves.

And my own.

“Is he a vampire?” the young girl loudly whispers to her mother, pointing a finger at Lucas.

“It’s not polite to point,” her mother scolds.

“I’ve never seen one before,” the girl goes on. “Can I say hi?”

“I don’t think he wants to be bothered. Go play with your brother, Brooke.” The mom is stressed to the max, hardly able to keep it together. I’m scared enough as it is. I can’t imagine how awful it would be to know your children are in real danger.

“It’s all right,” Lucas tells her. “Yes, I am a vampire.”

Brooke’s face lights up. “My friend from school said she saw a vampire at Pizza Hut, and I knew she was lying because vampires don’t eat pizza.”

Lucas laughs. “No, we don’t.”

“Man, I’d miss pizza if I were a vampire.” Brooke, who can’t be more than seven years old, shakes her head dramatically.

“You know, I’ve never had pizza.” Lucas leans over the arm of the couch as he talks to her.

“Never? Not even when you were a human?” The kid looks shook.

“It wasn’t invented yet back then.”

“Wow, you must be really old!”

“You could say so.”

“How old are you? You look younger than my daddy and he’s thirty-five.”

“Brooke,” her mother scolds. “It’s rude to ask people their age.”

“Sorry.” Brooke wrinkles her nose. “I’ve just never met a vampire before.” She’s so cute it makes me chuckle. “And what the heck? Why don’t you have fangs?”

“I do.” Lucas draws his fangs and smiles. I loop my arm through his, feeling so strongly for him right now.

“I like your dress.” Kristy perches on the arm of the couch. “Is it new?”

“Yeah. I bought it today.” I look down at the purple lace. “I kind of forgot I was wearing it. I should go change, actually.”

“I’ll come with you.”

Kristy and I dash up the stairs. I throw my jacket on my bed and unzip my dress, stepping out of it and laying it on my bed. I kick off my heeled boots and pull on a black Henley shirt, dark jeans and a pair of well-worn combat boots. I take off the expensive necklace Lucas surprised me with, carefully laying it on top of my dresser

Everyone takes turns using the bathroom, preparing for our trek into the woods. I pull Lucas into the kitchen and roll up a sleeve.

“What are you doing?” he asks, taking my outstretched arm.

“Drink. You might need the strength.”

“I’m not hungry.”

“Please,” I press. “I’ll feel better knowing you’ve fed because if it comes down to it…I’m going to need you.”

Lucas puts his mouth to my arm, kissing the tender skin on the inside of my elbow. He kisses his way down a bit and pierces my skin with his fangs, not wanting to break open a vein. He sucks hard, pulling my blood from my body. Gripping onto my arm tight with one hand, he places the other on my lower back, fingers inching down as he drinks. Moaning softly, he laps up the blood and brings my arm away from his face.

“Was that enough?” I ask, voice a little breathy.

“It’s plenty.” He puts his fingers over the puncture wounds, pressing against them for a minute before checking. “You’re still bleeding.” He licks his fingers and tears a paper towel off the roll for me.

“Thanks.” I hold it against my arm, waiting another few seconds before going to the pantry and

getting out my little bin of first-aid supplies for a Band-Aid. Lucas puts two on my arm and pulls my sleeve back down. “Well, now you’re ready.”

He bobs his head up and down. “I am, are you?”

“Yeah. I’m more worried about getting those kids through the woods safely. I think…I think I should hang back until they’re through.”

“Why would you—” He cuts off, understanding my train of thought. “The demon is after you.”

“Right. And being with them…it puts them in danger once we’re out in the open.”

He doesn’t say anything, and just when I think he’s going to tell me it’s a bad idea and I should most definitely insist to be at the front of the line, he pulls me in and kisses me.

“I don’t know what happened, but I know you were treated like shit by those closest to you. Betrayed by your own family. And yet your heart is kind and pure, even with your petty, impulsive side.”

“You make me sound too awesome.” I cast my eyes down, but Lucas takes my chin in his hand and tips my head up to his.

“You are.”

“I just don’t want anyone else to die because of me.”

“Very well. I’m staying with you.”

“I knew you would, you big old softy,” I tease, smiling up at him. He leans down to kiss me again but stops. “Someone is here.”

“Witches or demons?”


“It’s show time.” Stepping out of his embrace, I go into the living room and wait by the front door, opening it as soon as Evander steps on the porch.

“You’re a sight for sore eyes, sister.” He claps me on the back. “It’s time to take you home.”

“The sooner, the better.” I fake a smile and lead everyone to the back porch. “Freya, Pandora, lead the way. Pay special attention to the children. They know the way,” I tell the little group. “And Kristy does too. Be safe and hurry.”

“What are you doing?” Kristy rounds on me. “It sounds like you’re not coming with.”

“I’m not. Not yet at least.”

“What?” she and Evander exclaim at the same time.

“I’m…I’m what the demon is interested in. You guys go, get through the door and start the ritual to seal it. As soon as the last of you is through, I’ll come. But I can’t risk traveling with you.”

“No.” Kristy stomps her foot down, fists balled. “No, Callie…just no! Evander, do something! She can’t stay behind. She can’t go out on her own!”

“She won’t.” Lucas puts his hand on my shoulder. “I’ll bring her, and you know I can get to the door faster than any of you can. I don’t like this idea any more than you do, but we know she’s right and we know there’s no use trying to convince her otherwise.”

“We need to go,” one of the Council members hisses. “The witching hour approaches and we all need to be through the door before then.”

“Go,” I press. “I’ll be right behind you.” Freya and Pandora twist around my ankles, objecting to my plan as well. “You too,” I tell them. “Keep everyone safe.”

“I better see you, sister.” Evander holds my gaze for a second before turning, motioning for the others to follow. He starts chanting a protection spell along with the other members of the Council. Kristy looks back, tears rolling down her cheeks. Daniel takes her hand and pulls her along and everyone breaks into a run. I watch until they disappear into the woods.

“How much of a head start are you giving them?”

“I’m staying until they reach the door. Freya or Pandora will let me know once they’re all made it.” I sit on the top step of the porch. Lucas sits next to me, slipping his arm around my waist. I rest my head on his shoulder, and we sit there in silence, knowing how much danger could lie ahead of us.

“All those zombies you accidentally brought from the dead.” Lucas plays with my hair. “Where did they come from?”

“There’s this big fancy house a few miles that way.” I point down the street. “It’s been empty for years. I wanted to buy it instead of this place, actually.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“It was too expensive. I think it’s still for sale, but no one is going to pay that much for the place when it needs a huge renovation. Someone will buy it for the land soon enough, I’m sure.”

He asks me more about the house, and I know he’s just trying to distract me. It helps, actually, and we’re talking about different ways to restore the thing when Binx meows, letting me know Freya is on her way back. She shadows fast through the yard.

“Are they at the door?” I ask.

“Yes,” she says. “It’s time to get you there.”

Lucas stands and picks me up, running with vampire speed through the clearing and into the woods. We’re nearly there when he suddenly stops and sets me down.

“What is it?”

“Something’s coming.”

“The demon?”

“No.” He tips his head up, smelling the air. “Humans.”


“Humans?” I echo. “The woods are enchanted to keep them away. Of course, tonight of all nights they—”

I’m interrupted by a high-pitched scream. My blood runs cold and Lucas and I both take off, sprinting to the door. The group from my house is at the door, and it looks like they just performed the ritual to open it. But no one is going through. They’re huddled around it, hands raised as they cast a defensive circle.

The humans Lucas caught the scent of surround them, and I can tell by their inky eyes that they are possessed. The door is open, and if one of the demons get witch blood on their hands, they might be able to pass right through. They press in, testing the strength of the circle. Brooke and her brother are hiding behind the adults, kept safe by their familiar who’s barking and growling at the demons. They need to go through and seek shelter at the Covenstead.

“Hey!” I shout, conjuring an energy ball. Lucas speeds forward, sinking his fangs into the neck of one demon. He bites down and pulls back, ripping out its throat. He spits it on the ground and fresh, dark blood covers his face. He’s a terrifying and glorious sight. The body the demon had been possessing falls to the ground, blood pooling around it.

I don’t know how to perform an exorcism, and chances are the poor humans possessed are already dead. But seeing the body on the ground makes my stomach churn. I blink, looking away. If I don’t act fast, there are going to be more bodies on the ground.

I throw the energy ball, hitting another one of the demons in the back. It sizzles through him, light pouring out its black eyes.

“Get the kids through the door!” I shout and hold up both hands. My fingers glow with magic. “We’ll hold them off.”

Lucas grabs another demon and two round on him. He brushes them off like they’re nothing at all.

“Go!” I yell and rush forward, holding out my hands and zapping another demon with magic. Brooke’s father turns and scoops her up with one arm and her brother in the other. The boy tugs on his mother’s hand and the four of them step through the door along with their familiar. Lucas kills another demon, punching his fist right through its chest.

The demons turn away from the door, coming after me instead.

“That’s right,” I say, holding up my hands and wiggling my fingers, twirling magic in the air. “Come and get me.”

Daniel turns, yanking Kristy through the door with him. His brother follows, and the two witches from the Council step through next.

“Callie!” Evander calls, holding out his hand.

There are still several demons left, but they don’t offer much of a challenge to Lucas. I turn, watching him rip another’s throat out with his teeth, spitting the rancid demon blood onto the ground.

“Go,” he tells me. “I’m having fun out here.” He flies to another demon, snapping its neck and letting the body slump to the ground.

“They’ve started the ritual to seal the door.” Evander puts one foot through the door. “

We have to go, now!”

“Get in,” I order my familiars. Pandora and Freya listen, jumping gracefully through the door. Binx growls, not wanting to go in without me. “Now!” Hissing, he slips through the magical passage to the Covenstead.

I tear my eyes away from Lucas, reaching for Evander’s outstretched hand. His fingers close around my wrist and a loud bang echoes throughout the forest, followed by the sound of chains dragging over the earth.

The Gates have been opened.

“Callie, go!” Lucas growls. The edge of the door starts to fade. Once it’s sealed, I won’t be able to get in, not until a spell is done from within.

“Callie!” Evander pulls me toward him. The chains clang again, and it’s closer. Suddenly, the smell of brimstone fills the air, choking me and burning my nose. Something shimmers out of the shadows stealing all my breath and all the life from the forest around it.

The demon is here.

“Go!” Lucas yells and runs at the demon. The demon, standing tall and dressed in a brown, hooded robe, holds out his hand, summoning an onyx-blade sword. He plunges it through Lucas’s chest.

“No!” I scream and let go of Evander’s hand. I throw my hand out, pushing Evander back through the door. The passage of glowing blue energy fades fast, and the door to the Covenstead snaps shut, completely sealed off.

“Fool,” the demon booms, dark eyes locking with mine. He holds out his hand and invisible pressure crashes down on me, pinning me against the cold ground.

“Lucas!” I scream, trying to get up. I’m trapped against the earth, held down by hundreds of demon hands, and it’s just like in my dream.

And in my dream, I’m about to die.

“Lucas!” I shout again, but my voice is weak. I gasp for air, unable to take a deep breath because I’m forced down so hard against the ground. Planting my hands in the dirt, energy buzzes around my fingers. I try again to push myself up, heart hammering. Not being able to breathe is causing my body to go into a panic, desperate for air.

I let out one final yell before collapsing onto the ground, and the energy leaves my fingers, traveling through the soil and going to the demon. It zaps his feet, and he steps back, eyes wide with curiosity. He didn’t know I could do that.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy