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“Do demons sweat?”

“Callie,” she scolds. “This is serious.”

“I know.” I let out a shaky breath. “Trust me, I know. And I’m just as freaked out as you.” I look up, looking into her eyes. Her bottom lip quivers and she throws her arms around me. “I’ll be fine, though, I promise. I have a magical arsenal in the car and I’m going to lay all the protection spells I know on Lucas’s place as soon as I get there. Getting away from the coven will throw this thing off my trail.”

“Call me when you get there and then maybe again tonight or every hour on the hour, so I know you haven’t had your throat slit, okay?”

“I can do that.”

She lets me go and straightens up. “What does this demon have against Virgos?”

“I asked the same thing,” I say with a laugh. The bell above the door chimes as a small wave of customers comes in. We close in five minutes. I don’t know why it always annoys me to have people come in this close to closing, but it does. “Stop stressing. It’s going to be fine.”

Kristy forces a smile. “Promise me.”

I smile back. “I promise.”

Fuck. I hate lying to my best friend.

The bell chimes again, but this time it’s Daniel. His brother Damon is with him, and Damon smiles and waves at me as soon as our eyes meet. I wave back, letting out a breath and trying to steady my nerves.

“Hey, Callie,” he says and strides over. “Haven’t seen you in a while. You look good.”

Lucas, who was looking around the stores, comes back over to the counter, standing close to me. Vampires can be stupid possessive, though Lucas doesn’t strike me as the type.

“Thanks, and yeah…it’s been a while.”

“You look like you haven’t aged a day since the last time I saw you,” Damon goes on.

I laugh. “Well, I feel like I have.”

Lucas slips his arm around my waist. “This is my boyfriend, Lucas,” I introduce.

Damon flicks his eyes over Lucas’s large frame, able to sense he’s a vampire right away. “Oh, uh, nice to meet you.” He extends his hand for Lucas to shake. Lucas raises one eyebrow and I elbow him in the ribs. Making a face, he reaches out and shakes Damon’s hand.

“Crazy what’s been going on, isn’t it?” Damon says.

“Yeah, it is. Are you guys headed home after this?” I motion to Kristy and Daniel.

“We’re going to get something to eat before. Want to join us?” He looks at Lucas, and I know he’s thinking about the fact that Lucas doesn’t eat food. When he looks back at me, his eyes go to the bite marks on my neck. Thanks to Kristy’s healing balm, they’ve almost healed. By tomorrow they’ll be gone, but right now it’s still obvious Lucas sank his fangs into my skin and sucked the blood out of my body.

“Maybe another time,” I tell him. “We have plans already. Be careful, okay? You all know how much Kristy means to me.”

Daniel laughs. “We’ll keep her safe.”

“I know. Freya is going to stay with her again…just in case.” Lucas stiffens a bit, not liking that I’m keeping one of my familiars away when we know I’m the demon’s target audience. But having Freya stay with Kristy gives me peace of mind. “Well, I should start getting things ready to close.” I take Lucas’s hand in mine. “It was nice seeing you again.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Lucas helps me re-shelve books as we wait for the last of the customers to leave. Usually, Kristy and I make sure the store is in perfect shape before anyone leaves, but tonight we just want to get out of here.

She’s freaked out.

And I know I should be too.


“What are you going to do with him?” I watch Lucas carry the vampire from my shed to the trunk of his car. The vampire, who’s still bound and gagged, struggles against Lucas to no avail.

“For now,” he starts and drops the vampire down, “I’ll let Eliza have some fun.”

The vampire protests, knowing that Eliza isn’t going to place nice after what he put her through.

“Oh, okay,” I say, well aware the only reason he’s not going to question that vampire is because he’s preoccupied with keeping me alive. “Want me to conjure an energy ball to knock him out?”

Lucas turns to me, grinning. “You know I love watching you inflict pain on my enemies.” He slips his fingers in the belt loops on my pants, pulling me toward him. “Go for it, babe.”

I hold out my hand, conjure a bright blue ball of energy and hit the vampire with it. He goes limp right away.

“That should hold him for an hour at least.”

Lucas closes the trunk. “Got everything you need?”

“Yeah. I’m ready.”

We’re driving straight to the bar now, mostly so Lucas can drop off the vampire inside his trunk. Apparently, he has some sort of closet-turned-jail-cell that’s strong enough to hold vampires. He knows because he’s held them in there before.

And he thinks witches have too much drama.

He has a few business items to attend to as well, and I won’t mind hanging around the bar for a while. I get free drinks now that I’m sleeping with the owner.

We get in the car, and Pandora cuddles up on top of my bag full of clothes and Binx sits in my lap, purring as I pet his sleek fur.

“Are all familiars that friendly?” Lucas asks, seeing Binx roll over for a belly rub.

“If it appeases the witch, then yes.”

He smiles. “Crazy cat lady does suit you.”

I laugh. “I can’t disagree.”

The bar is just as busy as it was the first time I was here. Leaving the vampire in his trunk, Lucas and I head inside. The crowd parts for Lucas, as just his presence is intimidating. As we make our way to the back, I watch as woman after woman eye fucks my vampire.

And he doesn’t pay them any attention.

“It’s about damn time,” Eliza spits as soon as Lucas opens the office door. He steps in and pulls her into a one-armed hug, kissing the top of her head. I hang back, watching, still unsure of the actual dynamic of their relationship. All I know is it’s not sexual, and right now I’m getting a weird brother-sister vibe going on.

“I am sorry I wasn’t here last night,” Lucas tells her, smoothing out her blonde hair.

“I handled it.” Eliza rests her head against his chest. “You taught me well.”

“Yes, I did,” Lucas agrees, tipping her chin up to look into his eyes. “I brought one back for you. He’s in the trunk of my car. Do what you wish with him, but make sure he can answer my questions later.”

“You spoil me.” Eliza’s eyes flutter closed for a few seconds as she brings one hand up, resting it over Lucas’s. Then she inhales, smelling me. “What is the witch-bitch doing here?”

“Don’t call her that.” Lucas drops his hand from her hair and steps back. Eliza’s eyes flash with anger. “She is with me now.”

Understanding exactly what that means, Eliza works hard not to huff. “Fine. But she better not get in my way.”

“I assure you, she won’t.” Lucas motions for me to come into the office. “I don’t think you two have had an official introduction. And seeing as you’re both important to me now, I’d like you to make each other’s acquaintance.”

“Hey,” I say with a small wave. “Nice to, uh, meet you again.”

Eliza cocks an eyebrow and puts one hand on her hip. Lucas gives her a glare, much like a parent scolding a child without having to say a single word. “Fine, I’ll play nice,” she snits and holds out her hand. “Eliza. Nice to meet you. Now what do you say I pour you a drink?” Her tone is level and she looks annoyed, but at least she’s trying, right?

“That’d be nice, thanks.”

Eliza walks past, giving Lucas a look that obviously says I’m doing this for you, and motions for me to follow her. Lucas stays in the office, taking care of whatever he needed to while Eliza and I go to the bar.

Gavin, the guy who

bought me a drink the last time I was here, is back with his group of friends. He sees me and waves enthusiastically.

“Of course you have a fan club,” Eliza says dryly and rolls her eyes.

“I don’t have a fan club. That guy must be a regular or something because he was here the last—and only other—time I’ve been here.”

“He is a regular.” She draws her fangs and looks out across the bar, exciting Gavin and his friends. “A lot of them are regulars.” She smirks and grabs a glass, not having to tell me that a lot of the men come here to ogle over her. She’s very pretty, which is alluring enough on its own. But add in that she’s a vampire and her appeal increases tenfold for some people.

“So they’re your fan club,” I say with a smile.

“I suppose. It’s entertaining. For now.” She adds ice to the glass. “But humans quickly get annoying.”

“Yeah,” I agree. “They do.”

“You’re a human.”

“I’m well aware.”

Spinning around, she mixes up some sort of drink, pours it in the glass, and slides it in front of me.

“What is this?” I ask, looking at the dark red liquid in my glass.

“Try it and find out. It’s one of our specialties.” She leaves me to tend to a few other customers, and I take a sip of my drink. Whatever it is, it’s good. I lean against the bar as I continue to sip my drink, looking around this place. Another one of the bartenders, a pretty young redheaded girl, is a vampire, but the other employees I can see are human. This place has a nice vibe, and I can tell why it’s so popular, vampire employees aside.

More people filter in, and a live band starts playing. Feeling a bit in the way, I take my drink and wander around, finding myself at the basement steps. I look at them, letting out a breath as I shake my head, remembering the first night I met Lucas and how much I hated him. How much he irritated and infuriated me. How he lied and manipulated me into taking me home and then inviting him into my house.

And how now…now I’m very much at risk for falling in love with him.

“Callie.” Lucas’s hand lands firmly on my shoulder, shaking me awake. “You’re having a nightmare.”

I sit up, clutching my chest. I’m coughing, still feeling the burn of hot smoke in my lungs. Gasping for air, I reach out, feeling him in front of me. I was tired when we got back from the bar and fell asleep pretty much as soon as I laid down in Lucas’s bed.

The room is pitch black and I can’t see anything in front of me. I can’t be sure they’re not here…that the dark hands holding me down against the pyre aren’t trying to grab me and bring me to the fire.

“Breathe,” Lucas says, reaching over and turning on one of the bedside lamps. I blink, adjusting my eyes to the light, and look around. I’m in his bed, naked with damp hair from the shower. The sheets are tangled around my feet, and my pillow is on the floor. Squeezing my eyes shut, I shake my head, but I can’t get rid of the fear brought on by the dream.

Or the voice.

Or the terrible feeling that everything is all my fault.

“They died because of me,” I gasp, not having yet caught my breath. I blink and every single one of the murdered witches’ faces flash before me. “It’s all my fault. He’s…he’s looking for me.”

“You’re not making any sense.” Lucas tries to comfort me, pushing my hair back over my shoulder.

“No!” I scramble away, getting out of bed. My stomach churns and I think I might puke up the remains of my dinner all over the polished hardwood floor. “It makes perfect sense. He was looking for me.” I jab my fingers into my chest. “Me!”

“Callie.” Lucas slowly gets out of bed, holding a hand out to me. “Who? Who is looking for you?”

“The demon!” Tears fill my eyes. His voice echoes in my ears, reverberating against every single bone in my body, sending chills throughout my entire being. I inhale but don’t take in any oxygen. “He’s been looking for me the whole time. But he couldn’t find me because…because…I don’t know. But he knew when I came into this world and has been searching and killing and searching and killing.”

I gulp in air again, hands shaking, and heart racing. I’ve never had a panic attack before to know what it feels like, but I think I’m having one right now. I close my eyes and the tears spill out, rolling down my cheeks.

“So many innocent lives…and it’s all my fault.”

Lucas rushes over, taking me in his arms. “Take a breath, Callie. You had a nightmare.”

“No, it wasn’t just a nightmare,” I protest against him, trying to get out of his arms. Because right now I don’t feel worthy of his comfort. Right now, I feel like the abomination the demon told me I am.

Ashes fall around me like snow, sticking to my eyelashes. The harsh scent of burned hair and charred flesh fills my nose. I’m tied down, unable to get up or move.

“I’ve been looking for you, half-breed,” the demon says, and its voice echoes in my ears. “Now it’s my turn to watch you burn.” It reaches forward, claws dripping with my own blood, and covers my face with its hand.

“I saw everything. Each murder. I felt their fear. They were so afraid.” I break down crying, and Lucas lowers us to the floor, cradling me in his lap and stroking my hair.

“Tell me everything you saw in the dream.”

“It started like the first vision I had, watching a witch burn. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was the witch on the pyre. The demon was burning me, and I think…I think the Devil himself was watching. And he was happy.”

“Then what happened?” Lucas is so patient with me. I turn, pressing my face against his chest.

“The demon touched me as I burned. He wanted me to know every single one of the witches he killed didn’t have to die. He was only looking for me. But the…the…” I close my eyes, needing to see the dream replay before me. “Someone else…I don’t know who, but the demon did not like that person…they made things difficult. Kept me hidden or something. And that’s why he killed the others. He thought they might be me but couldn’t tell until they were dead. He called me a half-breed again.”

“I have tasted your blood.” Lucas runs his fingertips up my arm. “And you taste fucking delicious, Callie. You are a witch, not a half-breed.”

“He told me I was.”

“A demon in your dream told you so and you believe him?”

“Don’t patronize me.”

“I’m not,” he says firmly. “Think about what you’re saying, about what happened. You’re worn out, understandably, from being up with me at night and carrying on life as a human during the day. You’re emotionally spent from worrying about your coven and you’ve just discovered you are a target on the demon’s hit list.”

“It was more than a dream, Lucas. I know it.”

His eyes narrow slightly with concern, but he doesn’t argue with me, doesn’t tell me how crazy I sound, because even I know what I’m saying sounds fucking insane.

But I know it’s true. The demon is looking for a very specific person, and he won’t stop killing until he finds said person. And that person is me. I know it. I take a deep breath, hold it, and then slowly let it out.

“Do you think I’m crazy?”

“Anyone worth knowing is crazy.” Lucas’s lips brush against my lips as he talks. “But since that’s not what you’re really asking…yes, Callie. I believe you.”

“I don’t know why the demon wants me.”

“You’re a powerful witch,” he suggests. “A powerful witch who fights demons and wins every time. Really, it’s only a matter of time before you kill more than the lower-level demons you usually go after. Kill or be killed applies to anything that can be killed.”

“Yeah, I suppose, but why would that make me hard to find? I know for certain the other witches weren’t out killing demons. That girl on the news probably didn’t even know how to weave a simple spell.” I wrap my arms around his neck and shiver. I didn’t realize how cold

I was before. I was too busy freaking out.

“I don’t know, either.”

My head is starting to throb. None of this makes sense, yet it all seems to add up at the same time. All the demon has to go on is that someone was born twenty-five years ago between August twenty-third and September twenty-second…which is a lot of fucking people.

But, narrowed down to witches born in that time, the numbers drastically go down. And they go down even more when you limit your search to the Midwest. It’s too much to think about. And not enough information. Fuck. This is infuriating.

“Is that bottle of wine still here?” I ask.

“Yes, it’s in the fridge.”

“Thank God.” I stay in Lucas’s arms for another few seconds before slowly untangling myself. My clothes are on the bathroom floor, and the shirt Lucas was wearing before is at the foot of the bed. I grab it and pull it over my head. “I need a drink.”

I’m all jittery the entire way to the kitchen. Lucas comes with me, not bothering with clothes. I turn on the kitchen light and go to the fridge. Lucas gets me a wine glass and I fill that sucker to the brim.

“You know that’s not a healthy coping mechanism.” Lucas watches me take a large gulp of wine.

“Thanks, Mom,” I retort. “And I know.” I take another drink and set the glass down, letting out a sigh. “I enjoy wine, but I don’t overdo it unless I’m stressed.” I hold up my hand. “Yes, I know,” I press. “It’s not a good way to deal with my emotions.”

“Is there ever a good way to deal with them?” Lucas sits on a barstool.

“If you haven’t figured it out in over a thousand years then I’m going to say no, there’s not.” I wipe my eyes. “I can’t explain it. I just know this is the truth. That demon wants me and—” I cut off when I get another flash before me. “Do you have a pen and paper?”

Lucas speeds out of the room, coming back only a second later. I quickly scribble down the symbol that’s etched onto the demon’s pendant.

“It was wearing this.” I turn the paper around and show Lucas the demon’s sigil.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy