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She misses her.

Weeps for her.

Blames herself for not being able to protect her.

Though, she leveled up on the badass scale when she bonded with me. Taking on the form of a cat helped her become more stealthy, and my ancient and dangerous Binx was able to teach both Freya and Pandora a few new tricks.

“What the plan?” Kristy asks, voice shaky.

“I’m not really sure. Lucas is coming over tonight and I thought we could search the woods.”

“Did you invite him to come hunt demons with you before or after you thought he might be a killer?”

“I already know he’s a killer,” I start. “But after I thought he could be the witch hunter. I’ll keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn’t kill anyone else.”

“I know you use humor as a defense mechanism, but I honestly can’t tell if you’re joking or not right now.”

I let out a breath. “I don’t either.” I perch on the edge of the table. “I had a really good time last night. He took me out to eat on one of those fancy dinner cruises along Lake Michigan, and then we walked around Navy Pier for a while before going back to his place.”

“You look all glowy talking about him.”

“I feel a little glowy. I like being around him. He knows exactly who I am, and he hasn’t directly said it, but I think me having powers is a turn-on for him. That’s a first.”

Kristy laughs and leans in. “How was the sex? Is vampire sex really as good as people say?”

I bite my lip and smile. “Hell yes.”

“I’m almost jealous.” She smiles, but it wavers, and I know she’s thinking about the darkness lurking. “Did he bite you?”

“Yeah. On my thigh during, uh, the action, and then again here.” I show her my wrist.

“Did it hurt?”

“Yes, but the pain subsided pretty fast. Though I get the impression he’s more or less perfected his technique over the sixteen hundred years he’s been dead.”

“He’s that old? Wow.” She smiles again, trying hard to gossip like normal, but we both know things are far from normal. “And your sister?”

“Oh, right. She was pushing Penny in a stroller with a group of moms when I walked out of Lucas’s house this morning. And get this. She moved out of her old penthouse because vampires moved in a few floors below. But she lives like a street away from Lucas.”

“That’s ironic.”

“Right? And she invited me and ‘my boyfriend’ to her house after Penny’s birthday party for drinks. And I said we’ll consider going.”

“Shut up! Are you really going to go?”

“I’d like to see my sister and Penny. And no one needs to know Lucas is a vampire. They already think he’s some rich businessman, which basically means they love him already.”

Kristy laughs again, and this time some of the tension leaves her. “As long as you’re okay going and seeing the rest of your family.”

“I’ll be okay with Lucas with me. Well, assuming he doesn’t burn me at the stake first.”

“That’s not funny.” Kristy pushes off the wall and loops her arm through mine. We start walking toward the front of the store.

“I’m hilarious. That’s why you love me, right?”

Kristy rolls her eyes. “You’re lucky I love you.”

I spread the clean sheet over my bed and use magic to tuck the fitted corners around the mattress. Waving my hand at a pile of dirty clothes on the floor, I grab the top sheet as the clothes fill my empty laundry basket. Then I quickly smooth out my comforter, throw my pillows back into the bed, and take my laundry downstairs and put a load in the washing machine.

A car pulls into the driveway as I make my way up. Binx and Pandora are outside, patrolling the perimeter of the house, and let me know that Lucas is here, driving his black Mercedes again tonight.

Smoothing out my hair, I go to the front door, magically disarming it before opening the door.

“Hey,” I say when I see Lucas coming up to the porch. He’s wearing a light gray t-shirt tonight, and it’s tight in all the right places. Around his biceps. Over his pecs. I follow the fabric down to his waist. To the black leather belt looped through dark jeans. And that bulge that’s hard to see in the dark but I know is there. Because I had that monster cock inside of me last night.

“Good evening, Callie.” He strides onto the porch and moves into the house. His arms go around me as soon as he sets foot inside, picking me and turning around. He closes the door with his foot and then presses me up against it. He kisses me hard, fangs coming down and softly scraping over my lip. Pinning me between the door and his body, he holds me up with one hand and brings the other to my head, balling my hair in his fist, pulling it, making me hurt just a bit.

The detailed woodwork on the door bites into my back, but the pain is drowned from the sensation of Lucas’s mouth going to my neck, fangs pressing into my skin. He bites down, breaking the skin.

I gasp, but this time the pain from his bite goes right through me, heating me from the inside out. I reach one arm around, sliding my hand up the back of his head, and press his face against my neck. He kisses and sucks, gently licking the pooling blood before it drips down.

My pussy contracts, desperately needing him inside of me, and my clit is begging to be touched. As if he can read my mind, he sets me down and plunges a hand inside my leggings, letting out a growl when he finds me already dripping wet for him.

Deft fingers sweep over my entrance, and then he pulls his hand back to push my leggings down. I scramble to undo his belt, which really was stupid of him to put on. It’s taking way too long to take off.

Impatient, I flick my wrist and his belt falls to the ground.

“I like it when you use magic like this,” he mewls, bringing his mouth off my neck. My blood is on his lips and watching him lick it off is almost enough to make me come right here, right now.

“Then you’ll love this,” I pant and drop to my knees. I put my hands on his hips and telekinetically pop the button on his jeans and then undo the zipper, freeing his cock. The tip sticks out over the top of his boxers, and I bring my hands down again, magically pulling his boxers and pants to the ground all at once.

“Fuck,” he groans, widening his stance. One hand goes to my hair and he plants the other on the door in front of him. Licking my lips, I reach forward, wrapping one of my hands around his big dick. I felt its sheer size last night, and again this morning, but I didn’t admire it then like I am right now.

I don’t know how he got all that inside of me, though it explains why I felt so sore after. But I know for certain I can’t take him all in my mouth. He’s just too big. Starting at the tip, I cup his balls with my other hand and circle my tongue around the tip of his cock. Then I move down, taking him in as far as possible, sucking hard as I pull back.

Lucas tightens his grip in my hair. I repeat the same movement, then go back to the tip of his cock, enjoying the reaction I’m getting out of him each time my tongue flicks over it.

I take my hand off his balls and bring it between my own legs, rubbing at myself, moaning as I suck Lucas’s cock. Suddenly, he scoops me up and flips me over, laying me down on my entryway rug.

“Do you need to come?” he asks.

“Yes,” I pant.

“Tell me how bad you need to.”

I sweep my hand over my breasts, going between my legs again. “Really bad. I’m so hot for you right now. So wound up.”

“You need a release?”

“Yes, please, yes.”

He gets a devilish glint in his eyes. “Not yet.” Grabbing my hand, he pulls it up over my head, holding it there as he kneels above me. He takes his other hand and runs his fingers over the wound on my neck, the wound I’d forgotten about because I was so taken over by pleasure.

He licks his fingers, eyes fluttering shut when he tastes my blood. “You taste like starlight,” he moans, going back for more. This time he brings his head

down, licking and sucking at my skin.

I rub my thighs together, fighting against the hold he has on my wrists. He brings his free hand down over my stomach, pushing my legs open. His fingers inch up to my most sensitive parts, and the need to be touched intensifies.

And then he slips a finger inside of me, going right to my G-spot. He presses and rubs against it at the same time, and pleasure winds up inside like a tight coil needing to be released.

I buck my hips, getting so close to coming. And then he takes his hand away, bringing it up to my face and cupping my cheek.

“Please, Lucas,” I groan. “Touch me.”

“You need to learn patience.” Sitting up a bit more, he wraps his hand around his cock, slowly jerking it up and down. I was so close, right there on the verge of coming. I push against his hand again, though it’s pointless to get into a battle of strength with him. I’ll lose every time.

Instead, I conjure a string of magic and wrap it around his wrists. It sizzles when it makes contact with his skin, burning the surface layer of flesh around his wrist. He jerks his hand back and I yank my hands back down.

“Fighting dirty, I see.” He looks at the magic circling his wrist with a smirk on his face. And then he shifts his gaze to me. “You are so fucking sexy, Callie.”

Even though the magic is burning his skin, he dives onto me, going between my legs and aligning his cock with my entrance.

“I’ll put it out,” I breathe, bending my legs up. My heart skips a beat with anticipation.

“Don’t you fucking dare,” he demands and thrusts inside of me. His mouth goes back to my neck and he fucks me hard and fast, rocking me into oblivion. The moment the orgasm ripples through me, Lucas drives his cock in deep and puts his mouth to my neck again, sucking my blood as he comes. The band of magic around his wrist glows bright before going out, sizzling his skin one last time.

We finish nearly at the same time, and I let my arms fall off of him. I’m panting, heart racing, and pussy still spasming.

“Holy shit,” I breathe. “It’s nice to see you too.”

“I told you I was going to fuck you as soon as I saw you.” He brushes my hair back and presses his fingers over the two bite wounds on my neck.

“A man who means exactly what he says? Stop being so complicated. Though I have no complaints. Also, I’ve never had sex in my foyer before.”

He carefully removes his fingers, checking the wounds. “I’m always happy to be your first. Where else haven’t you had sex? We can check a few more places off your list.”

I laugh and bring my arms up, slipping them under his shirt. We both still have our tops on, having removed only what was necessary. I run my fingers up and down his back and his eyes fall shut. Resting his forehead against mine, he relaxes and moves to my side, spooning his large body around mine.

“Your wrist healed already.” I run my finger over his smooth, cool skin where the burn marks should have been.

“Yours hasn’t.” He turns my hand over, exposing where he bit and drank from me earlier. “Though I have to say I like seeing my marks on your skin.”

“I like them too,” I confess, feeling another wave of heat rush through me. I don’t want to become one of those girls who make it a point to show off their vampire bites, but there’s something hot about the wounds.

“What is that smell?” he asks, moving his head back and sniffing the air.

“Lemongrass essential oil in a diffuser.”

“Does it offer protection?”

“No, it just smells happy to me.”

“It does.” He inhales again. “It’s what I imagine the sun smells like.”

“Do you miss it?” I ask softly, tracing a dark blue vein in his wrist. It’s still weird to think about the blood—my blood—coursing through his body when his own heart stopped beating years ago. Humans are powered by tiny electrical impulses, and for the most part, we understand the mechanics behind all of that. But vampires…vampires are powered by magic.

Dark magic.

“The sun? Sometimes.” He takes a strand of my hair and absentmindedly twists it between his fingers. “It’s been so long I’ve forgotten what it feels like. I remember liking the way it warmed my skin. I do miss the birds chirping, as odd as that may sound. I can hear them sometimes, but it’s not the same. Small price to pay for eternal living.”

He holds me closer, but something tells me he’s trying to comfort himself more than comfort me. I never thought I’d pity a thousand-year-old vampire, but right now, I feel for him. I can’t imagine only living in the dark.

He kisses my forehead and gets up, extending a hand to help me to my feet. I hurry upstairs and to the bathroom to clean myself up as he gets redressed. I grab clean underwear, slip them on, and then head back downstairs.

Lucas is on the back porch looking out at the woods. He turns when I step onto the porch with him, eyes sweeping up and down my body. I didn’t put my pants back on, and I think the t-shirt and undies look is making him ready for round two already.

“Something smells…off.” He turns his head back to the woods and inhales. “Like rotting vegetation.”

“That’s exactly what it is.”

“Really?” His eyes widen. “The forest has rotted since we were last in it?”

“It’s more like something came in and killed it.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Show me.”

“Let me put on my pants.”

He moves at vamp speed, playfully slapping my ass. “You look good without them.”

“Thanks, but I do not want mosquito bites all over my thighs. Or butt cheeks. And I need shoes.”

“Needy human,” he teases.

Rolling my eyes and trying not to smile, I dash back into the house, grab my leggings, socks, and put on a pair of combat boots. I throw on a light sweater on the way downstairs, wanting to keep my arms covered as well. Kristy came up with the best potion for repelling bugs, but I’m fresh out and don’t have what I need to whip up a new batch.

I pause before I go out onto the porch, and double back upstairs and into my room. Going to my weapons chest, I grab an enchanted dagger for myself and another for Lucas.

“Ready?” I ask when I step onto the porch.

“Nice knife.”

“Thanks. And don’t worry, I brought one for you too. Don’t want to leave you without a weapon.” I extend my hand, offering him the dagger. He takes it, shakes his head, and sets it down.

“I don’t need a weapon. I already have these guns.” He bends his arms up, working hard to keep a straight face. I burst out laughing.

“Oh my god, you did not just say that!”

He flexes his muscles once more and then grabs me around the waist. “I told you I’d do anything to see you smile. Hearing you laugh is even better.”

My breath leaves me and my heart lurches. He can’t be the witch hunter. He just can’t.

“But really,” he says, deep voice low. He draws his fangs. “I have all I need.”

I swallow hard, fighting the urge to take him back inside and have sex in the dining room, another place I haven’t yet done the deed in my house. “Very well then. Let’s go hunt demons.”

He straightens me up, sets the extra dagger on the porch railing, and takes my hand. I tip my head up to the sky, close my eyes, and call for my familiars. Lucas and I have only made it a few steps away from the porch by the time Pandora and Binx shadow through the yard and circle us. Lucas slows, looking at my familiars in their spirit form.

“Stop showing off,” I tell them, and they shift back into cats. Binx trots up ahead and Pandora chases after him.

“When did you discover the dead plants in the woods?” Lucas asks.

“This afternoon when I was looking into whatever was around my house.”

“Did you find anything?”

I shake my head. “Nothing substantial. But I do think something big and bad is out there.”

“Don’t go into th

e woods alone,” he says, and his fingers tighten around my hand. “Let me come with you.”

“I’m never really alone,” I remind him, using the dagger in my other hand to point to my familiars.

“Where’s the other? The tabby cat?”

“With Kristy. Her familiar isn’t as vicious as mine. Given everything that’s going on, I wanted her to have the extra protection.”

“But it takes away from you.”

“Yeah, it does,” I agree. “But she’s my best friend.” We walk a few yards in silence, entering the dark woods. “How many dates have you been on that involve hunting demons?” I ask, looking up at Lucas with a smile.

“None, surprisingly.”

“That does surprise me, actually. I’d think in all the years you’ve been undead you’d have hunted a demon or two.”

“I have, but not like this. Not with someone. And it’s odd to say I hunt demons when I am one.”

“I don’t consider you a demon.”

“What makes you so sure?”

I fight the chill that wants to run down my back. “I kill demons. And you’re still alive, well, dead-ish. You’re still walking and talking.”

He chuckles. “Solid argument.”

“I know.” We take a few more paces in silence. “You’ve probably had a lot of girlfriends though, right?”

“No. I’ve committed to very few over my years, and there was a time when I didn’t think humans were worthy of anything more than being fucked and fed off of.”

“Such a gentleman.” I pull my hand from his.

He comes to a halt, grabs my arm, and spins me around so I’m facing him. “You told me you understood what I am.”

“I do.”

“Then you know the belief that humans are inferior is passed down from the maker. Waking up underground…realizing you’re dead yet still here…it’s confusing and it’s frightening. All you can do is trust your sire. I did. For five hundred years.”

“Then what happened?”

“He let his ego go to his head. Got himself killed by those very humans he deemed so inferior.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Thorne Hill Fantasy