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“How the fuck should I know?” I snap. “She’s here, looking hot as hell lying out by the pool.”

“Are you…are you spying on her? Is that why you’re whisper-yelling?”


Archer laughs, and I’m tempted to hang up the phone. “I didn’t know she was going. I’ll be at work in the morning and I can find out why she’s there and not the other nurse.”

“No, it’s fine.” I peek out from behind the palm tree, stealing another glance. Rory crosses her legs at her ankle and brings one hand up over her head, eyes shut and head resting to the side.

Fuck, she’s gorgeous.

“Stop being a creep and go talk to her,” Archer says.

“She’s going to think I’m stalking her.”

“If you keep standing in the shadows, she will.”

“I’m not standing in—fuck, I am.”

“Dude, calm the fuck down. Quinn has spent the whole morning throwing up, so I’m not even going to tell her Rory is there. She doesn’t need to get herself all worked up.”

“Right. And thanks.”

“Shit,” Archer grumbles.


“Shit. Actual shit. I need to change Aiden’s diaper. Put on your big girl panties and go talk to Rory. If you don’t, someone else will.”

The line goes dead and I pocket my phone, suddenly forgetting how to act like a normal human being. I spent the last year having women swoon and fawn all over me, and Rory is the first one to turn me down.

It’s not the only reason I’m getting flustered thinking about going over and talking to her, and I know it.

Someone jumps in the pool, splashing Rory. She sits up, startled, and glares at the group of young men who are already drunk and acting like idiots. She grabs her towel and wipes the water droplets from her body. She stretches her arms out in front of her and stands.

I whirl around, not wanting to get caught staring.

“What can get you?” someone asks.

“What?” I blink and realize I’m standing right in front of a cabana-styled bar. “Oh, I, uh…” I can see Rory walking over out of the corner of my eye. “Jack and Coke,” I blurt, going with my usual. It’s what I came down here for in the first place.

“I’ll be right with you,” the bartender says to someone, and I don’t need to turn to know that person is Rory.

“Okay, thanks,” she says, and I’m so fucking thankful for the guy standing in between us. As long as he—dammit. The guy takes his drink and walks away. I hear Rory start to scoot out a stool. I need to turn. Act surprised. Say something before—

“What the fuck are you doing here?”


I turn. “Rory. Hey.”

“Seriously. What are you doing here?” Her green eyes widen. “Are you stalking me? For real?”

The bartender, having heard, comes back over. “Is he bothering you?” he asks Rory, who’s looking at me in disbelief.

“I…I’m not sure.”

“Archer couldn’t come,” I rush out before I get security called on me. “He gave me his reservation.”

Rory holds up her hand, still shaken up. “Why couldn’t he come?”

“Quinn is pregnant with twins and has been really sick.”

Rory looks at me, unblinking, for several seconds. Then she lets out a breath and turns back to the bartender. “It’s fine. And I’d like something strong without tasting like alcohol, please.”

The bartender smiles at her and gives me the side-eye. I’m not a bad guy, but I’m grateful he’s on top of things.

Rory pulls the stool out and perches on the edge. Her dress is folded over one arm and she looks so fucking amazing in that bikini.

“You look good,” I say, never shy to compliment someone.

She looks down at herself, as if she’s just now remembering she’s wearing a swimsuit. Her cheeks, which are a little red from the sun, flush even more. Her mouth opens and closes, unable to find the words to say.

“Is…is Quinn okay?”

“Yeah. She’s had bad morning sickness with all of her pregnancies and something about round ligaments are bothering her.”

“Ohh, poor Quinn. But twins, wow.”

“Yeah. It’s crazy to have two sets of twins in the family. Hers aren’t identical like our brothers, though.”

“They’re gonna have five kids.” Rory’s eyebrows go up.

“That’s a lot of kids,” I laugh. “They both wanted a big family.”

“I’d like two. Maybe three,” Rory says, tipping her head. “All girls if I have my way. Then one day, I’ll die under mysterious circumstances and destiny will awaken their powers as the chosen ones to defend the world.”

“I’d be happy with one kid. Who’s perfectly normal. Though having powers would be pretty sweet.”

“Right?” Rory tips her pretty face up to me, and I realize I’m still awkwardly standing here. I scoot a stool over and sit next to Rory.

“I didn’t mean to startle you,” I say. “I was pretty shocked to see you too. I thought Quinn tried to mastermind this whole thing, actually, but Archer insists they didn’t know you were coming.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic