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Though I know I never really got over him.

“Logan’s married?” My voice comes out steadier than I expected. “That’s a shock.”

Dean laughs. “Yeah, we weren’t sure if he’d ever settle down.” He looks at Archer for a millisecond before looking back at me. “Wes got remarried too. They just had a baby girl.”

“Oh wow. You all are doing so well.” I shuffle forward. There’s only one Dawson left to update me on, and thinking about him is making my heart start to hammer. I’m in an emotional headspace, that’s why thinking about Owen is making me dizzy.

It’s not because the feelings I swore were gone are slowly coming back like the walking dead. Haunting. Reaching for me. Surrounding me. Ready to pull me back down. The fall will feel amazing all over again.

But the crash…the crash will destroy me for good this time.

“Owen is single,” Dean deadpans, trying to sound casual, but he’s studying me as he speaks.

“I’m not surprised.” My throat tightens. “I hope he’s wised up some at least.”

Dean makes a face and laughs. “Just some.” His eyes go to my left hand, no doubt noticing the lack of a ring. Though, really, that doesn’t mean much. There are lots of reasons to have an engagement ring and not wear it…oh, who am I kidding?

Dean is leading the construction on Carly’s house. It’s going to get out sooner or later. And I’m banking on later.

“I heard you’re getting married,” Dean goes on.


Carly steps out of the bakery right before I have to answer. Thank fucking goodness.

“I got us cupcakes,” she says with a smile. “Now let’s go find a bottle of rosé to go with it.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Daddy, I hungry,” Emma says, looking at the box of cupcakes in Archer’s hand.

“It was really nice seeing you again,” I say and loop my arm through Carly’s. “Tell everyone I said hello.” I give a small wave and practically drag Carly away, not taking a breath until we’re a good block away.

“You didn’t tell me you hired the Dawsons to build your house.”

Carly cocks an eyebrow. “I didn’t think you’d care. And they’re pretty much the only reputable builders in the county.”


“Why do you care?” she slowly asks, turning to look at me as we walk.

“I don’t. I just haven’t seen them in a while, and it caught me off guard.”

“And it has nothing to do with the fact you and Owen Dawson dated for what, seven or eight years? And how you thought you two were going to get married and start popping out babies the day you graduated?”

I glare at my sister. “That was years ago. Why would I care about any of those things anymore?”

Carly shrugs. “Oh, you wouldn’t. Not at all.”

“Can we get through the rest of the night without talking about my failed love life?”

“Hey,” she says softly. “I’m sorry. And yes, no talk about men the rest of the night.” We stop at a crosswalk. “But can I just say—”


“You’re no fun.”

I let out a breath, resisting the urge to turn around and look at the bakery as if Owen will walk out of the doors next.

“You know you do need to talk about it though, right?”

“Yeah, I know.” I pull at the thin silver chain around my neck. “And I will. Just…just not yet. Because when I talk about Todd, I feel stupid, and I’m so tired of feeling stupid.”

“You’re far from stupid, Charlie.”

“Thanks,” I sigh. “Now let’s pig out on those cupcakes, get dinner, and then go out for drinks or something.”

“Oh, I’m totally up for drinks. We could go to Getaway after dinner.”

Face neutral. Shoulders relaxed. Voice level.

Just like I’m in a courtroom.



“Yeah. It was always a nice place to hang out.”

“Have you been gone long enough to have forgotten who owns it?”

“It hasn’t been that long since I’ve been here.” In truth, it hasn’t. Todd and I came to visit last Christmas, and the year before that we had Thanksgiving dinner at my parents’. But the trips into town were always quick, going straight to my parents’ from the airport and then back again in a day or two.

There was no walking around town like this. No chances of running into anyone. Because even with Todd at my side and the big diamond lie on my finger, I was a little afraid of seeing Owen.

But it’s not because I still have feelings for him or anything.

Nope. That’s definitely not it at all.* * *

“It’s almost sad.” Carly looks at her phone for a second before showing me the listing for her house that just went up. “But we are just busting at the seams in that place. Five people in a three-bedroom, one-bathroom house is a challenge. I am so tired of doing my makeup while someone is pooping.”

I laugh, reaching for my glass of red wine. We’re eating outside at one of Eastwood’s more upscale restaurants located on the main street that runs through the center of town. It’s a new place, having gone in only three years ago, and this is my first time here.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic