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“Jackson, right?”

I nod. “That’s him.”

“They played at the park together just yesterday. Jackson is a cute kid.”

“He gets that from me,” I say with a smile.

Carly grabs three glasses and pours the wine. “How’s Tulip?” she asks Charlie as we sit at the island.

“She’s doing much better.”

“Good. I still feel so bad about that.”

“You should,” Charlie says seriously before laughing. “I don’t blame you entirely.”

“Just a little?”

“Oh, of course.”

The screaming upstairs stops. Carly takes a big drink of wine. “Finally,” she sighs.

“What’s Libby in trouble for?”

“Jack took one of her Barbies and instead of letting me handle it, she yanked it from his hand and pushed him. He hit his head on the dresser, of course.”

“Awww, poor baby.” Charlie picks up Jack. “You just wanted to play dolls, huh, little guy?”

He mutters something and reaches for Charlie’s hair. She and her sister look alike. Charlie is much prettier, but I’d never say that to anyone out loud. Jack has light brown hair and dark blue eyes. He looks like his mother, which in turn makes him resemble Charlie.

She’ll make a good mom someday, and before I can even stop myself, I think of her pregnant with my child. Of us living together, happy, married and in love.

How it should have been.

How it will be.

This is my chance and I’m not going to blow it this time.

“I should go check on her.” Carly drains her wine and goes upstairs. Jack nestles down into Charlie’s arms, head resting on her breasts.

“Kid’s got the right idea,” I say and Charlie glares at me. “I’ll have to steal his spot later.”

“Owen,” she scolds.

“What? Thinking about us is getting you all hot and bothered, isn’t it?”

I expect her to tell me no, to get my mind out of the gutter and grow up. Something like that. I don’t expect her to sink her teeth into her bottom lip and agree with me.

“I want you to kiss me again.” Her voice comes out all breathy.

“I want to kiss you again too.” I scoot my stool closer to hers and run my fingers through her hair. Her eyes fall shut and she lets her head fall in my direction.

Then the back door opens, and her other nephew, Matt, comes running into the house. His face is red and his hair all sweaty from wearing a helmet out in the heat.

“Hey, Aunt Charlie!” he exclaims, startling Jack, who was starting to drift to sleep. “Who are you?” he asks me.

“Hi, I’m Owen. I’ll be your neighbor when you move into your new house.”

He looks at me and then at Charlie. “Are you two having sex?”

Charlie’s mouth falls open. “Matt! Y-you—where did you—no, we’re—how do you know what that is?”

He shrugs. “Jacob’s brother told us about it.”

I let out a snort of laughter. “How old is Jacob’s brother?”


“Kids are starting younger and younger these days.”

“That’s so not the point.” Charlie shakes her head. “You shouldn’t talk like that,” she tells him.

“What’d he say now?” Carly comes back into the kitchen.

“I asked if they’re having sex,” Matt says proudly, and I have to turn away so the kid doesn’t see me laughing. It’ll only encourage him to keep saying it if he knows people find it funny.

“Matthew James Tully. We talked about this. That is not appropriate.”

“Keith says everyone does it.”

“Lord have mercy.” Carly grits her teeth and shakes her head. “Your father is going to deal with this one. Go wash your hands, please.” She waits until he’s out of earshot to talk again. “He doesn’t know what sex is. Justin and I talked to him about it. I thought he’d forgotten about it. I am so sorry.”

“I think it’s hilarious,” I laugh. “Jackson went through a phase where he talked about how babies get put inside a mommy by a daddy.”

“I’m sure you had nothing to do with that.” Charlie raises an eyebrow.

“That was all on Dean, actually. Even I know better than to open that can of worms.”

“The last thing I need is him asking people at school this fall if they’re having sex.”

Charlie laughs. “It is kind of funny.”

“It kind of is. Like when Libby said penis all the time when she was three. But it’s embarrassing if it’s said to the wrong people.”

“We’re not the wrong people,” I assure her. “You have nothing to worry about.”

“Thanks. And I do wonder…” She looks at her sister and raises her eyebrows. Charlie swats her away and Jack climbs out of her arms, wanting his mom to hold him. Mrs. Williams comes into the house a moment later.

“Owen!” I get up and hold out my hand, but she pulls me into a hug instead. “How have you been, dear?”

“Good. Busy with work, but life’s been good.”

“Hopefully it’s only getting better,” Carly mumbles and Charlie elbows her again.

“Dad is bringing home steaks to cook on the grill,” Mrs. Williams tells us. “He should be here any minute.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic