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“We both know that’s not going to work. I’ve heard your one-night stand stories.”

“I know,” I sigh. “I don’t want to get hurt again. I’m scared. Really scared. That’s why I’m going to tell him tonight that I still want to get married and have a family. He broke up with me back in college because he didn’t want any of that.”

“Good idea to put it all out on the table before you get in too deep.”

“Exactly. I don’t expect a ring or anything, but if marriage isn’t something he wants, then we’re not meant to be. I’ll save myself from another broken heart.”

“Will you, though?”

I swallow hard, knowing he’s right. If Owen tells me he doesn’t want to settle down, it will be just as crushing as it was the first time. I let myself get close to him again, felt welcomed back into the Dawson family, and don’t want to have that all ripped away again.

“Yeah. It’ll be fine. So, how are things in the office?”

“Ohhhh, girl, I do have some juicy gossip. Monica James, from your old firm, was caught fucking a client.”

“No! How’d you find that out?”

“There was a screaming match between Monica and the client’s wife in the lobby. I felt like I was watching trashy made-for-TV dramas in real life.”

“Damn. That would have been a sight to see. I never liked Monica or her stupid designer suits.”

Marcus laughs. “Don’t drag poor innocent designer fashion into this.”

“The jackets alone to those things cost five grand. I don’t care how fashionable that is, it’s crazy to spend that kind of money on a colorful suit jacket.”

“Hun, we both know if I could afford that, I’d have one in every color of the damn rainbow.”

“I might have too, just so I’d feel like I fit in,” I confess. “I miss you, Mar.”

“And I miss you, Char. You’ll have to come back this fall and go to a show with me.”

“Oh, I will for sure. Are you decorating anyone famous’s house this week?”

“A Housewife, and she’s a total nightmare.” He goes on to tell me about his client from Hell before we both have to get to work. My morning drags, and I find myself wistfully thinking about the fast-paced days spent at my New York firm.

With nothing else to do, I go online and look for any job postings at the firms in the city. Some of the more prestigious ones don’t post listings, and you have to have a client list you could take with you, a killer reputation, and more importantly, know someone at the firm to get you an in.

Blinking, I close the internet tab. What am I doing? I’m making a life here. In Eastwood. And hopefully with Owen.* * *

“I should warn you, I don’t put out on the first date.”

I laugh and hold my phone to my ear with my shoulder. “That’s not what I heard,” I say to Owen.

“Oh, you, uh, heard about that?”

I can’t tell if he’s joking or not anymore and I regret my words. Way to make things weird. Owen has quite the reputation around here, as I further discovered at lunch when I overheard a group of women talking about how much they love going to Getaway because of the hot bartender who’s given more than one of them “the best night of their lives.”

“About that,” I start. “Not that, I mean the date.”

“Are you backing out already?”

“No, but my dad asked if you’d come over for dinner.”

“Sure. I haven’t seen your folks in a while.”

“You don’t mind?” I put papers in a folder and slip it into one of the desk drawers.

“Nope. I’ve dragged you to two family dinners already and you’ve only been in town a few weeks.”

“Yeah, but I like your family.”

“Yours isn’t bad either,” he laughs.

“Great. I’ll let him know, and then I’ll see you at home later. Home. Your home. I’ll see you at your house later.”

“You might get back before me. It’s pretty busy here and Logan is gonna be late coming in. He had to take Danielle to the doctor and they’re just now getting done over there.”

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, everything is fine. She was feeling some pains, but I guess it was normal. Danielle’s a little paranoid, not that I can blame her considering what she went through.”

“Right. I’d be the same way. I really hope things stay good with her.”

“Me too. You know I’ve never really been religious, but even I’m saying prayers for them.”

“That’s sweet. I will too.”

“Thanks. See you tonight, Charlie.”

We end the call and I finish straightening up the desk before leaving. I tell Dad we’ll be over for dinner, and then head to Owen’s house, smiling the whole way.Chapter 29Owen“Shall we?” I hold out my arm for Charlie to take. She loops her arm through mine and looks up, smiling.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic