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“Ohh, so this guy has a record a mile long then.”

I laugh. “I kind of wish, but no. Just someone who’s taking a stand against someone wrongfully suing them. Our case is strong and I’m sure we’ll settle out of court.”

“You almost sound disappointed.”

“I do like going to court.”

“Logan called,” he starts. “Everything looks good with their baby and Danielle’s farther along than she thought, so they’re telling everyone tonight. Do you want to go over with me for dinner?”

“Yeah, that’d be nice. Is the whole crew going?”

“I don’t think Archer is going to make it. You know, I used to think it was bullshit how much doctors got paid until I saw how much Archer works.”

“And they’re in school forever.”

“You went to school for a long time too.”

“True,” I laugh. “Though not all lawyers make a lot of money. People seem to think so, but most earn a pretty average salary. And that’s not to mention the student loans most of us graduate with.” I hold up my hand to shield the sun from my eyes. “I got lucky getting hired at such a swanky firm right out of law school. I was able to pay off my loans.”

Owen picks up a clump of weeds from the decorative stones and starts to walk toward the house.

“What time is dinner?” I ask, falling in step with him.

“About an hour from now.” He motions to one of the houses under construction down the street. “Or whenever Dean’s done over there.”

“Good. I have time to change.”

“And I have time to shower and get something to eat. I’m starving.”

I go inside. Pulling my hair out of the tight braid it’s been in all day, I massage my head with my fingers for a minute. Wearing my hair like this makes my head hurt, but I was too tired this morning to do anything other than braid it.

I take care of Tulip, move her into the screened-in porch so she can watch the birds, and then go upstairs to change and do my hair. I quickly curl it, needing to smooth out the frizzy waves left from my messy braid, and then put on a yellow sundress.

Owen is in the kitchen, going through the fridge. He looks up when I walk in, and his eyes slowly run over me.

“You look stunning,” he tells me, and I quickly dismiss his compliment.

“It’s just an old dress.” That I’ve only worn in the store when I tried it on. “And my hair is a mess.” I couldn’t get it to look this effortless again if I tried.

“Well, you look good. Really good.” He closes the fridge.

“I got cupcakes today.” I go to the counter and open the box to show him. “I ate one at work, but I saved the rest for you.”

“Thanks.” His face lights up with a smile. “Want to share one?”

“I never turn down sweets.” He grabs a plate and two forks and goes onto the screened-in porch. “You seem to like it out here.”

“I do.” I flick on the overhead fan, feeling the heat of the day hit us as soon as we step out. “And Tulip does too.”

Owen smirks. “I have a really good crazy cat lady joke right now.”

“No pussy jokes anymore?”

He laughs. “I can always come up with one.”

“I’m sure you can come up with one.”

“I think you’re trying to make a sexual joke and failing.”

“I am,” I laugh and sink my fork into the cupcake, getting mostly frosting. “I’m going to have to run miles to burn off two cupcakes.”

“I’m sure there’ll be more tonight. Danielle will bring something from the bakery, and you know my mother. She’s always baking, and I think she knows why we’re all going over, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she spent the day making baby-shaped cookies or something.”

“Baby-shaped cookies would be a little terrifying.”

“And it would be weird to bite their heads off.”

“Just a little.” I look at Owen and smile.

“I overheard some new drama today.”

“Ohhh, do tell!”

“Last year, Danielle busted some guy for cheating on his pregnant wife. Now his ex-wife is dating his brother.”

“Sounds like the start to a juicy romance novel.”

“I was thinking more like a remake of the Jerry Springer Show.”

I laugh and take another bite of the cupcake. “True. I can only imagine how awkward family get-togethers would be.”


I take one more slice of the cupcake and push the plate to Owen. He finishes it, and we get up to head out to Logan and Danielle’s house, which is on the outskirts of town.

“That’s Quinn and Archer’s place,” Owen says as we drive past a huge white house.

“Holy shit.”

“Right? You should see the inside.”

“You did say she had a lot of cats, so I’d like to.”

Owen chuckles. “You’d get along well with her.”

“It’s been so long since I’ve seen her, it’s weird seeing her all grown up now. She seems to have really done well for herself. I know it’s been a while, but I’m still proud. She felt like my sister for a while there.”

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic