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Mrs. Dawson, having heard my voice, rushes through the kitchen. She too stops dead in her tracks, looking from me to Owen and back again. Then she takes me in her arms, wrapping me in a big hug.

“It’s been years!” she exclaims, releasing me. “I heard you were back in town, but I didn’t know if I’d see you.”

“Yeah, I’m home now. For a while at least.”

“Owen!” Mrs. Dawson steps to the side. “Why didn’t you tell me you were bringing someone? I have to add another place setting to the table.”

“Don’t go to any trouble,” I start, but Mrs. Dawson waves her hand in the air.

“It’s no trouble at all. It’s this one who’s in trouble.”

Owen zeroes his eyes in on me, giving me a punish me later type of smirk. “I wasn’t sure if she’d actually come,” he admits.

“Come in, come in,” Mrs. Dawson says, waving me into the kitchen. “Dinner is almost ready. Do you want anything to drink? I just opened a bottle of red wine.”

“Yeah, that’d be nice,” I say though my head is screaming at me to avoid alcohol at all costs. Because being back here in this familiar house with the family I loved so much is pulling on my heartstrings.

“Danielle, Charlie. Charlie, Danielle,” Owen introduces. “And this is Scarlet, Wes’s wife.”

“Nice to meet you.” I sit in the bar stool Owen pulls out.

“So, how have you been?” Quinn starts, readjusting her baby at her breast. “I don’t even remember the last time I saw you.”

“It’s been a while. And I’ve, uh, been good. Well, until recently.”

“Yeah, I, uh, heard. I’m sorry.”

It takes a lot to unnerve me or make me feel inadequate. Being a female in a male-driven profession toughened me up fast, and I’ve always been more or less confident in who I am. The Dawsons aren’t judgmental people, and I can’t see Wes or Logan marrying anyone who’d sit here and make me feel bad.

“Thanks. Better I got out now, right?”

“What did happen between you and your ex?” Owen asks.

“Owen,” Quinn scolds. “That’s rude.”

“It’s fine.” I push my hair back. “He, uh, cheated on me with his assistant,” I blurt it all out fast, like ripping off a Band-Aid. The truth will come out sooner or later, and things can get twisted when spread through the rumor mill.

“Ugh, I can’t stand cheaters.” Danielle shakes her head, speaking with enough emotion to make me think she’s dealt with it in the past too. “I’m sorry.”

“Thanks. Though really, I’m fine. I probably should have broken up with Todd months before, but you know how it is when you’re in a familiar routine.”

“The guy is an asshole,” Owen says. “Anyone willing to lose you is a fucking idiot anyway, but cheating? I’m sorry.”

“Thanks.” I bring my hands into my lap, feeling uncomfortable.

“His name is Todd?” Owen asks with a smirk.


“Haven’t you seen any early 90s movies? The assholes are always named Todd.”

“That is true,” Quinn agrees. “Or Brad. Avoid the Todds and Brads from now on.”

“I plan to avoid everyone for a good while,” I say.

Mrs. Dawson brings me a glass of wine. “Are you back in Eastwood for good then?”

I take a sip of wine. “I’m not too sure. My dad has always wanted me to take over his firm, and one of the lawyers there is retiring soon, so it’s kind of good timing to move back permanently and start work.”

“Your dad is Joseph Williams?” Scarlet asks.

“Yeah, he is.”

“He’s a good man,” she tells me with a smile. “He helped us a lot with getting custody over Jackson.”

I smile back. “Not all lawyers are bad.”

The sliding doors leading from the breakfast nook to the patio open and Logan comes in.

“I thought that was you.” He gives me a hug. “I didn’t get a chance to talk to you at Getaway. Shit, it’s been a while. How have you been?”

“Uh, all right,” I say, not wanting to repeat everything. “It’s nice to be back. And congrats again on getting married.” I look at Danielle. “Both of you.”

“Let’s go say hi to everyone else,” Owen says and stands up. “Get it over with.” He holds out his hand for me to take. Swallowing hard, I take it and let him help me pull me to my feet. We go outside on the patio where Mr. Dawson is grilling. Dean, Archer, and Weston are playing with Jackson and Emma. I’m introduced to Kara, Dean’s wife, who’s sitting in the sun reading a book. She’s polite enough, but it seems a little weird that she’s out here instead of being inside with Quinn and the others.

With only ten minutes until dinner is ready, Owen slowly walks over to a shaded glider near the pool. I sit across from him, watching the kids run around the yard. Emma is trying so hard to keep up with Jackson and keeps falling in the grass. She pops right back up every time, laughing.

Tags: Emily Goodwin Dawson Family Erotic