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“Kelly, nice to meet you,” I say, turning to offer her my hand for a handshake.

Kelly’s eyes are wide as she shakes my hand and gives Allie a big smile.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” Kelly says, grabbing her purse and sliding off her barstool.

I drop my ass on her seat as soon as she leaves. Allie grabs her martini and takes a long drink.

“I miss you,” I say, turning to face her.

Allie runs her fingertips across her pink lips, clearing away a couple stray drops of her drink.

“I miss you, too,” she says softly.

“You do?”

Her eyes soften. “Yes…very much.”

I put my hand on her knee and she stiffens. I pull it away.

“No,” she says quickly. “That was…it made me shiver, but…it wasn’t bad.”

I gently rest my hand back on her knee and she smiles, putting her hand on top of mine.

“You’ve done an amazing job with the kids,” I tell her, trying to make my words as sober as possible. I know what I want to say, but I want to make sure she knows I mean it. “I’m proud of you. And I’m sorry I didn’t get where you were coming from back then. I’m sorry…about a lot of things.”

“Me too.” She leans in close to me. “That day we fought…I said horrible things to you. Things I didn’t mean. And I’m sorry I hurt you.”

She smells so fucking good, her light, sweet scent washing over me like an ocean breeze.

“I never stopped thinking about you,” I confess, my tone so low I’m not sure she can hear me.

Allie inhales sharply and when I meet her eyes, they’re shining with tears.

“Me either,” she says, squeezing my hand. “I wish…I wish things were…”

“I know. Me too.” We simply stare at each other, mesmerized, for a long moment and I say, “But we’re both here right now.”

Kelly returns, breaking the spell between us. I slide off of her stool, gesturing for her to sit down.

“Hey, no, don’t get up.” She gives Allie an apologetic look. “I’m not feeling so great. I think I’m gonna use my key to let myself into your house and rest on your couch. I probably won’t be feeling well enough to leave there until late tomorrow morning. So…” She turns to me. “It was nice to meet you, Erik.”

She leaves then, and Allie watches her go, her cheeks blazing and her mouth hanging open.

“Well, that’s…” She laughs. “I don’t even know what to say.”

I give her thigh a gentle squeeze. “Hey, I don’t mean to be…I guess what I’m trying to ask is—”

She cuts me off. “Yes.”

“Yeah?” I look at her hopefully.

She picks up her drink and throws the rest of her martini back, then grins at me and says, “Yes. Definitely yes. Let’s go.”

I link my fingers through hers and together we walk over to the table where the guys are sitting. I lean down to speak in Anton’s ear.

“Hey, can you and Mia cover me at my aunt’s house until six tomorrow morning?”

“Yep, no problem.”

“And can I have the key to your cabin?”

He fishes around in his pocket, pulls it out and hands it to me.

“Sorry to cut out early,” I say. “It’s just—”

“Get the hell out of here,” he says. “Happy birthday, man.”

I clap him on the shoulder. “Thanks.”

I look up from talking to Anton and realize that Alexei is introducing himself to Allie. “Allie, right? I’m Alexei, Easy’s best friend. It’s nice to finally meet you. You know, he talks about you all—”

“Ignore him,” I tell Allie. “He’s only got one ball.”

The guys are yelling out goodbyes, birthday wishes and several other lewd comments. I dismiss them all with a wave, grab Allie’s hand once more, and lead her out of the bar.

I’d love nothing more than to take her someplace better than Marnie’s Holiday Inns, but my options in Greentree Falls are limited. Kelly is very graciously staying with the kids at Allie’s house, and I sure as hell can’t take her to my mom’s or Aunt Jo’s.

As long as it’s me and her, though, I don’t care where we go.

Me and her. I never thought I’d have that again, and if all I get is one night, I’m going to make sure we both enjoy every last second of it.TwelveAllieWhen we step out into the warm, summer evening air, Erik looks around the parking lot with a frustrated expression.

“I rode with Jonah; I just realized I don’t even have a car here.”

“I wouldn’t let you drive it if you did,” I say, laughing. “You’re kinda drunk.”

He turns to me and grins the happiest, cheesiest smile, before suddenly sweeping me into his arms and lowering his lips to mine. It’s a surprise but totally welcome. My entire body warms and my stomach flutters, dormant feelings rising to the surface once again.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance