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He’s happier and more confident since clearing the air with Anton. With only a week left in Beckett’s program, we’ve started talking about transitioning back into life after rehab during our group sessions.

Our group has been happier since Gia checked herself out of Beckett in the middle of the night a few days ago. Part of me was sad to see her go; part of me knew it needed to happen. I’d leveled with her that day in our one-on-one session and told her she wouldn’t be graduating, but that she’d be allowed to repeat the program if she wanted to. She left that night.

“You know how I’ve been having those dreams about a heckler in the crowd at a game?” Alexei asks me during our one-on-one session.

“Yes, did you have another dream last night?”

He hesitates. “I had a dream, but it was different.”

My heart takes flight. Alexei’s “heckler” was just his inner voice telling him he’s not good enough and he shouldn’t even bother trying to be. I’m thrilled his subconscious knows better now.

“Tell me about it,” I say eagerly.

“I don’t know…are you sure you want to hear about it?” He looks away.

“Of course I do.” I scoot to the edge of my chair.

“Okay.” He takes a slow breath in and out. “Last night’s dream wasn’t about the heckler. It wasn’t at an ice rink.”

“Where was it?”

“I’m pretty sure it was an office.” He rubs his palms on his thighs and glances around my office. “It was kinda like this.”

“Okay, and who was there?”

“I was there, and there was a doctor there, too.”

I cross my legs and clutch the sides of my notebook, wanting to hear the rest of this and not wanting to hear it in equal measure.

“She was beautiful,” he continues. “With these long dark blond curls and a hot, curvy body.”

I lick my lips, knowing I should stop him. I don’t though, and he continues.

“Neither one of us said anything. I came into the office and closed the door and we stood there looking at each other. I walked over to her slowly and she gave this breathy little sigh, like she knew I was about to kiss her and she wanted it. I leaned in close—so close I could feel her hot breath on my lips. She closed her eyes, just waiting for that kiss, but instead, I cupped her gorgeous, round ass in my palms and pulled her up against me. When she felt how hard I was, she gasped into my mouth. It was so fucking hot.”

Alexei leans back against the couch, spreading his legs apart a couple feet. I’m breathing harder than usual but trying not to let it show.

“Then…” He pauses for effect and I bite my lower lip. “I slid my hands down and pulled her skirt up around her hips. And—you won’t believe this, but my prim, proper doctor wasn’t wearing any panties. She had on those stockings that come up to the upper thigh, and they were black and lacy. Her hair was trimmed neatly and I could see she was already getting wet. So guess what I did then?”

“I…I don’t…” I clear my throat and reach for my water bottle, chugging a long drink from it and trying to compose myself.

“I lifted her up onto her desk and opened her legs. I’ve never seen anything sexier. She leaned back on her hands and put her feet on my shoulders. And, Dr. Wells…” He leans forward, giving me a serious look, “I didn’t just lick her pussy—I worshipped every inch of it. I sucked on her clit until she was moaning my name. Then I slid my fingers inside her and she rode my fingers so hard. She soaked my face and my fingers when she came, and it was so hot I almost came, too. It was all I could do to get my pants undone and get inside her. I’ve never felt anything like it. Just a few hard thrusts and I came hard.”

My lips are parted in…shock? I’m not sure. All I know is I’ve never been more turned on, and Alexei’s a good eight feet away from me. I swallow hard as we hold each other’s gazes, the air charged with sexual energy.

“She slid off the desk, pulled her skirt down, gave me a kiss and sent me on my way,” he says. “What do you make of that dream, Dr. Wells?”

“I think…your body is responding to not having as much sex as you’re used to,” I manage.

He smiles. “Yeah? I still have a working hand, so I don’t think that’s it.”

My face warms and his grin widens.

“It’s not just sex I want,” he says, “it’s her. I’d rather wait for her than have anyone else.”

“You say that now, but when you’re back out there—”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance