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It’s not until we’re standing in front of the door to my room that I realize he walked me all the way back here.

“I’ll meet you back here in…” He looks down at his watch. “An hour?”

“See you then.”

I go into my room and take a shower, even though I know I’ll be covered in sweat again as soon as I step outside. As I sort through the clothes I packed, I wish I had something a little nicer to wear tonight. Knowing I’d be alone on this trip, I only packed my most casual, comfortable clothes.

I did bring one dress, though—a blue sleeveless one that fits just right. As I put it on and blow-dry my hair, I experience a level of excitement I haven’t felt in a long time. It’s been ages since I looked in the mirror and felt as pretty as I do right now.

It wasn’t that I felt unattractive. I just fell into a major rut, I guess. I always have my hair back in a bun for work, and since I usually pull it back as soon as I get out of the shower, it never looks great when I take the bun out at bedtime.

As for makeup, I only bother with a light foundation most of the time. But tonight, I opt for eyeliner, mascara and even a little highlight on my cheekbones.

Just like the fresh papaya, volcano views, and nightly chocolate mints on my pillow, my time with Knox won’t last. Our time together is precious because it’s limited. There’s something exhilarating about that.

I’ll never have to tell him I don’t feel like going out because I have cramps, and he’ll never see the foul mood that ensues when I get excited about a recipe I created and it falls flat. Kauai Reese deserves that shine I see in his eyes when he looks at me. It wouldn’t be there if we bickered about who was picking up dinner on their way home.

I never would’ve thought it possible, but when I open the door of my room to greet Knox, I feel more beautiful than I did on my ill-fated wedding day.

“Wow, you look amazing,” he says.

“Thanks.” I smile up at him. “And you’re sure you’re not tired of me yet?”

“Not even close.”

He takes my hand and leads the way out of the hotel to a waiting black SUV with a driver, who takes us to the restaurant. The whole way there, I have first-date jitters, though I remind myself this isn’t a date.

“What’s your favorite food?” Knox asks me as we wait for our dinner at the restaurant.

I scrunch up my face in what I’m sure is an unflattering expression, confused. “Just one? I can’t choose just one. That’s blasphemous.”

“Come on,” he prods. “You’re stuck on an island for the rest of your life and you only get to have one food for every meal. What would you pick?”

I give my answer serious consideration. “Chicago-style hot dogs.”

“Oh, yeah, those are the best.”

“It may be the most perfect combination of ingredients on the planet. The poppy seed bun, the tomato and onion, the celery salt…” I sigh softly. “So good. But then, there’s also New York style pizza. Buffalo mac and cheese. And I do love a good omelet.”

Knox grins, amused. “Are you just hungry, or do you really love food this much?”

“I love food this much. Food is my life after all.”

“None of the things on your list are sweets, though.”

I wrinkle my nose. “I don’t like sweets all that much. I like to create sweet treats for others.”


“What about you? What food would you have on this island?”

“I don’t think anything compares to a really good burger.”

I nod my agreement. “Do you ever make your own?”

“I love grilling out in the summer.”

“Want to know my secret to a great burger?”

“Yeah, absolutely.”

“I put a splash of Worcestershire sauce in when I’m mixing the ingredients.”

“I’ll try it.” He gives me a sly look. “And of course I’ll need to let you know how it turns out, so you’ll need to give me your number.”

I laugh. “Or not.”

“No?” He looks a little hurt.

“I’m nowhere close to ready to date, even if it’s just a long distance flirtationship.”

“Flirtationship?” He quirks a brow.

“Yeah. That’s what we have happening now, isn’t it?”

“Call it what you want. I just know it feels pretty damn good.”

My stomach somersaults with excitement. Knox holds my gaze across the table and I feel…something. I’m not sure what, because I don’t trust my heart anymore. But there’s something strong there.

The server brings our food then, breaking the spell between us.

“Can I tell you a secret?” I ask Knox as we both spread napkins over our laps.

“Please do.”

“I’ve been thinking about making a career move. I think it would be good for me to get a fresh start somewhere new.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance