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“I play for the Chicago Blaze,” I say.

“Wow. That’s really cool.” She gives me an admiring look. “So my story about losing my top just got way better since I was rescued by a pro hockey player.”

She looks intrigued by me, which is good since I’m very intrigued by her. As the wind whips strands of her honey-colored hair across her face, I get a strong urge to take a photo of her. She looks fresh and beautiful, and I wonder if she even realizes it.

I clear my throat. “So what about you, what do you do for a living?”

“I’m a pastry chef.”

“Are you really?”

“Yes, but it’s not as exciting as it sounds. These days I mostly do menu management, inventory, payroll and hiring.”

“But you get to bake fancy stuff sometimes?”

“I do.”

We walk in silence for a few seconds before I say, “So you’re a pastry chef from California who recently became single, and you take your bikini top off in the ocean to meet guys.”

Reese laughs, her cheeks turning a sexy shade of pink. “Is that what you’re telling yourself?”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered.”

“Uh huh.”

“Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that other guy,” I tell her. “He didn’t deserve you.”

Reese gives me an amused look, her brows arched. “Now you’re trying to flatter me. You don’t even know me. How do you know I didn’t cheat on him, too?”

“Did you?”

She sighs softly. “No, but I kind of wish I would have.”


After a shrug, she says, “No. I’m not made that way.”

“I’m not, either.”

She looks up at me. “Doesn’t everyone think that, though? Or at least say it?”

“I don’t think so. I’ve had teammates who don’t even pretend they’re faithful.”

“That’s sad.”

“I agree. My parents have been married for almost forty years. My dad has always told me to either marry someone I can see myself with until the day I die, or don’t get married at all.”

“He sounds like a wise man.”

“He’s the best man I’ve ever known. I grew up idolizing him.”

Reese edges just the tiniest bit closer to me. “He must be very proud of you for making it to the NHL.”

“Yeah, he is. My dad’s an NHL Hall of Famer.”

“Wow, really?”

I nod, looking out at the horizon. “Drake Deveraux.”

“He must cast a big shadow.”

Reese is perceptive, and it’s damn sexy.

“You might say that, yeah.” I pause to wipe the sweat from my face with my T-shirt. “And what about your parents? Are they in California, too?”

“My dad is. My mom passed away a few years ago.” Her expression drops slightly with sadness.

“I’m sorry.”

“Thanks, but I’ve mostly adjusted to life without her.”

I decide to change the subject. “So what are your plans for today?”

She shrugs. “I have no itinerary. I want to try some local food, but that’s about it. What about you?”

“No plans, either.” Silas will just have to forgive me for blowing off our volcano hike. One of the other guys will go with him. “What do you say we go look for some local food together?”

Reese’s smile makes me smile, too.

“You know what, why not?” she says. “It would be nice to have someone to talk to, even if we hardly know each other. Just don’t murder me, okay?”

I laugh, caught off guard. “Wasn’t planning on it, I promise.”

Reese takes out her phone to check the time. “I need to get a shower and change. I’m staying at The Point at Poipu. Why don’t we meet up in the lobby in an hour?”

“Yeah, sounds good.”

“See you then, Knox Deveraux.” She turns to walk toward the path she must have taken to get here.

“Looking forward to it.”

I almost tell her to feel free to leave her top behind, but I stop myself. I don’t know her well enough for that. Yet.

But I hope that’ll change. Because the more I find out about Reese, the more I want to know.Chapter FiveReese“Breathtaking, isn’t it?” I say as I look out at the expansive view of the ocean Knox and I took a short hike to reach.

“It is,” he says softly.

When I squeeze his hand and turn to him, I notice he’s not looking out over the water, but directly at me. I feel a fluttering sensation in my stomach at the look he’s giving me and I wonder if it’s too soon after my broken engagement.

Then again, Eric cornered the market on wrong. He set me free in a dramatic way, and I’m not going to feel guilty over how attracted I am to Knox.

This is exactly what I needed. A reminder that there is life after Eric. I’m not rushing into another relationship, but when Knox took my hand as we hiked up the hill—and didn’t let go once we got to the top—it made me think that maybe someday I’ll want another man in my life.

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance