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Anton lowers his brows and turns to me. “Up to what? Giving you a ride home?”

“No…into being nice to me. Making me trust you. Maybe trying to get me in bed.”

I know the answer from the flash of hurt in his blue eyes. Still, he confirms it as he rolls to a stop at a red light.

“Hell no. Like I said, I can’t stand Adam. He’s an arrogant prick. He’s also a sloppy player. And he…” He shakes his head. “Nevermind.”

“I know about the cheating; it’s okay to say whatever it is. Honestly, Adam’s beyond disappointing me.”

He taps a thumb on the wheel as he considers what I said. “Yeah, I just don’t fucking get it. Especially when he had you at home.”

I laugh softly. “Well, that’s nice of you to say.”

The turn he takes isn’t the most direct route to my place, but I don’t mind.

“It’s true,” he continues. “I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but I’ve wondered how Adam ended up with you since the first time I saw you.”

“When was that? Must’ve been right after we moved here.”

“Yeah, at the welcome reception for him. You had on this green dress and…yeah, let’s just say I noticed you.”

I look over and see that he’s avoiding eye contact with me. While I find his confession cute, it also reinforces what I already suspected—Anton’s friendship with me is based on attraction.

“Look, what you see when you look at me is nothing but wrapping paper,” I say. “It’s how I look. Nothing more. It’s not who I am.”

He cringes. “I wasn’t trying to…I probably said that wrong. I shouldn’t have even mentioned it.”

“It’s okay. I haven’t gotten a non-creepy compliment in a long time. It’s just a sensitive area for me.”

“Why, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Men have never cared what was inside the package, I guess. Adam didn’t. It was all about how I looked. I gained twelve pounds once and he flipped his shit. Told me that wasn’t what he signed up for.”

“Jesus, what a dick.”


Anton finds a parking place not far from Anita’s building and eases his car into it.

“Well, I have a confession to make,” he says as he double checks his parking job in the rearview mirror.

“Here it comes.” I roll my eyes playfully. “There’s a body in the back of the car right now, isn’t there?”

“Nope, I dumped the body before I picked you up.”

“Thanks for that.” I say with a light laugh. His response was unexpected for someone I’ve only seen as serious, but I can appreciate anyone with a dry sense of humor.

He turns to face me. “I noticed how attractive you were when I saw you at events with Adam. I’m only human—I thought you were stunning every time. But you really got me at that Christmas party the team had for foster kids.”

“Two years ago?” I ask, not remembering any details.

He nods. “All the other wives were handing out presents and posing for pictures, chasing after the celebrities who were there. And when I looked for you, I thought you hadn’t come at first, because you were nowhere to be found. But then I saw you at a table in the corner, coloring with a kid who was too shy to sit on Santa’s lap.”

“Bryson.” I smile. “I remember.”

Anton’s gaze softens. “See that? You even remember his name. That’s who you are, Mia. And it sets you apart from all the other women I see with nice…wrapping paper, as you call it.”

I’m so embarrassed by the lump in my throat that I look away, trying to gather myself. It’s been so damn long since anyone said something like that about me. Years. I think my grandparents are the only ones who have ever made me feel like Anton just did. Like I’m a good person who deserves…better.

He seems to sense how I’m feeling, and he fills in the silent gap.

“I’m traveling tomorrow for a game, but I uh, got you this…”

He reaches onto his dash and hands me a gift card. I look down and see it’s for Uber, and it’s for $100. I give him a puzzled look.

“To get you to and from work,” he explains.

I set it back on the dash. “I can’t take this.”

He tries to hand it back. “Yes, you can. Please.”

I take a deep breath and face him. “Listen. I used to be an independent person. I didn’t have much, but I took care of myself. And then I met Adam, and over time I became someone I didn’t recognize anymore. I’m getting back to who I was.”

“It’s not about making you dependent on me, Mia. It’s just about you getting home safe and warm. I’d drive you myself if I was in town.”

I push away his hand with the card in it. “The offer is appreciated, really. But I’ll be fine.”

Tags: Brenda Rothert Chicago Blaze Romance