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“Okay. Here’s your wallet.” Amelia turns slightly, picking it up and slapping it down into the palm of my hand. “You’ve got the phone. Let’s go.”

She rushes past me, out the front door, and down the steps before I realize I’m still standing in the same place. Sliding my wallet into the front of my jeans, I follow my woman out the door. “You better slow down, woman, or you’ll be wearing my handprint on that beautiful ass of yours.”

“Yeah, yeah. Promises, promises.”CHAPTER 24BULLI come tearing through the hospital doors with Amelia on my six.

Hearing that nurse’s voice coming through the line, telling me that they were going to deliver the baby early is one thing, but hearing that the baby was going into distress is another whole situation that I wasn’t prepared for.

My heart races as my feet pound against the linoleum. “It’s going to be okay,” Amelia promises me, struggling to keep up. “It’s going to be okay.”

I zone out. All I can think about is getting there as quickly as possible. I swear, if something happens to this baby because of Jessa’s recklessness … fuck. I don’t even know what I’m going to do, but I can promise one thing, it won’t be pretty.

We zero in on the big double doors with a sign above it indicating the Maternity Ward. I’m pulling on the doors, but they just won’t budge. “What the fuck?” I growl, trying to look for a way to open the doors without much success.

“I think you might need to push that.”

Looking over my shoulder, I see Amelia indicating towards the side of the doors. I follow the direction of where her finger is pointing, and my eyes lock on a small intercom. Quickly making my way toward it, I slam the button and hold it down, long enough to hear it ringing before a soft voice speaks back at me.


“My name is Sebastian Stone. I was told to get here as quickly as possible,” I rush out.

“Come through.”

A buzzer sounds, and a latch releases before the big double doors begin to open. I start toward them before turning back and taking the two steps back to Amelia. I kiss her briefly on her forehead. “Love you. Stay close.”

She gives me an encouraging smile and two thumbs up, then indicates over her shoulder. “I’m not going anywhere. If you need me, I’ll be right over there.” The doors start to close between us when I see her mouthing the words ‘good luck, I love you too.’

I stand still, taking stock of my surroundings. The sounds of a woman screaming and nurses running between rooms fill the halls, and I feel myself break out in a cold sweat. What the fuck have I walked into?

I spot the nurses station up ahead and make my way towards the group of women standing around and looking at the monitors in front of them. “Can I help you, sir?” a nurse asks sweetly without moving her eyes from the screen.

Before I even have a chance to answer, I hear a demonic sound from the closed door behind me. My eyes bulge out of my head as I slowly turn in the direction of where the sound is coming from.

“HELP. HEEELLLP MEEEE!” I hear screamed from a room down the hall. I wince at the sheer volume of her voice, and then I shit you not, I hear, “You can take your breath and shove it up your ass. Now get me my mother fucking needle.”

Hearing the nurses start snickering from behind me, I turn back around and clear my throat. “Uhhh,” I stammer hesitantly. “I’m here for Jessa King. I think she may have already been taken down for emergency surgery.”

“The big ones always fall the hardest,” the pixie-sized nurse says, snickering while holding out a wrist band. I realize she’s waiting on me, and I stick my arm out, narrowing my eyes at her, which only makes her smile wider. “There you go,” she chuckles, patting my wrist.

“Here are your scrubs,” she tells me, patting the pile of clothes in front of her. “You need to put these on before you go any further.”

Grabbing the side of the desk, I start stepping into the clothes. “So, Jessa isn’t in one of these rooms?” I ask, pointing to the rooms behind me.

“No, she’s not. They already have her downstairs and ready to go. We were hoping you would get here in time for the delivery,” she says, glancing back to the computer in front of her with a slight frown on her face. “I’ll just call down there now. It looks like they haven’t started yet. If you’re ready, I’ll take you there myself.”

She grabs the phone next to her and starts making the call. I wait far too impatiently until she hangs up the phone and stands from behind her desk. “Did the nurse fill you in on what’s happening?” she questions.

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance