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Jet tries to keep her on her feet, but she has other plans as she tears her arm free and shoots a disgusted glare at him. “Get your filthy hands off me,” she slurs, making me realize that the glass of champagne in her hand is probably not the first one she’s had today, maybe not even the second or third.

Jet attempts to defuse the situation and reaches for her arm again. “Come on,” he murmurs gently, as if trying to coax her. “Let’s get you out of here.”

Bull remains seated beside me as the tension radiates from his body. Judging by the sharp glare he’s currently getting from his captain, there’s no doubt that he’s going to be hearing about this. To the guys at Fire Rescue One, this is a huge embarrassment, one that could potentially see the end of the event come a lot sooner than anyone had expected.

Jessa stumbles back, trying to evade Jet’s grasp, and in doing so, her champagne goes flying behind her. I watch as though it’s happening in slow motion. The champagne comes flying out of the flute and dumps all over one of the wives and destroys the Gucci dress that she’s spent the last two hours boasting about.

The woman flies to her feet. “This is an outrage.” Her husband joins her as the women around jump into action, trying to do damage control on the dress.

“Fuck,” Bull grunts before getting to his feet, realizing that this is going to be a two, hell maybe three or four man job. Bull starts heading across to them while out of the corner of my eyes, I notice both Ax and Chief moving closer in case he needs backup.

Jessa, however, is unaware of anything but herself. She continues glaring at Jet. “I’m not going anywhere with you. You’re a pig. All of you are.” She throws her hands up to address the guests. “This whole thing is a joke. Do you have any idea what kind of people you’re here supporting? These men are rotten, especially him,” Jessa says, aiming a sharp glare at Bull. “What kind of man knocks up two women and pushes one aside like trash? What’s the deal? I’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough to keep? Fuck you, Bull. I never wanted this fucking kid in the first place. I might as well just get rid of it. Drown myself and this little shit right along with me, and you’ll have only yourself to blame.”

I suck in a sharp breath. Jessa has been making our lives hell ever since the very beginning, but the second she found out I was pregnant, this jealous rage took over her, and she’s been impossible ever since. I'd hate to think what co-parenting with her is going to be like.

But fuck, if she does anything to harm that baby …

Bull storms toward her, and even with his back to me, I see the anger all over him. It’s bad enough that she's embarrassing the whole squad by dragging Bull's name through the dirt in front of all these possible donors, but threatening his child? That’s just too much.

I get that she’s probably exhausted and scared about becoming a mother, that’s completely natural, but this is taking it way too far. Hell, this isn’t even the first time we’ve caught her drunk.

Bull finally reaches Jessa and grasps her upper arm, and for the sake of everyone around us, I hope he has a better grip than Jet did. He starts pulling her away, with Chief falling in behind them, ready to catch her if she was to bolt.

Jet and Ax remain and instantly start apologizing while the captain does his best to regain control of the event. He suggests the caterers offer another round of champagne to all the guests and naturally with a little bit of alcohol in their system, they easily forget the horrendous interruption to our evening.

Once the captain is finished with his speech and acknowledgments, I make my way across to the table with the woman who suffered a ruined Gucci dress. I offer to pay for her dry cleaning knowing a bill like that would be more than I could probably handle right now, but she waves me off, saying that it’s fine. I let out a breath of relief, most of the women here would have demanded some kind of reimbursement for their troubles, but it seems Jessa destroyed the dress of the one good apple here.

As the evening goes on, I become fidgety. I want to know what’s going on, but Bull needs me here saving face. I talk to his captain and apologize for everything that went down, and he graciously accepts it. Though, I have a feeling that’s because he doesn’t want to upset a pregnant woman. There’s no doubt in my mind that Bull will be pulled in for a stern talking to first thing tomorrow morning.

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance