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“Get on with it,” she laughs, rolling her eyes in the process.

“You have it all figured out, Angel. With you, every day is going to be the best day. I love you, and having a baby with you is something I knew was going to happen that very first day I watched you picking out paint colors. Yes, it’s probably not the best timing, and yes, it’s going to suck when the babies are alternating their screaming sessions in the middle of the night, but you and me? We’ve got this. You’re already an incredible mother, but together, we’re going to be unstoppable.”

Tears well in Amelia’s eyes as she gently presses her lips against mine. “That was incredibly cheesy,” she tells me.

“I know,” I laugh, putting her down as we walk through the massive roller door of the station. I take her hand in mine and bypass all the guys on my way to the loudspeaker. “Where are we going?” Amelia questions, unsure why we just walked past all the guys.

All I can do is grin. She’s probably going to have my balls for this, but I can’t seem to help myself. I grab the loudspeaker and bring it to my mouth before pressing the button. “ATTENTION, MOTHERFUCKERS,” I say, making every head in the building turn our way as Amelia buries her head in her hands. “MY GIRL IS PREGNANT.”

Noise erupts from every corner of the room, and despite her embarrassment, Amelia can’t help but laugh.

Chief is the first to reach us and instantly pulls me into a tight hug as he congratulates me and then Amelia. Jet, on the other hand, is unable to control his excitement and grabs hold of Amelia and spins her around in a similar way that I had done earlier.

Amelia’s eyes bug out of her head. “Put me down,” she rushes out, slapping a hand over her mouth.

Oh, shit.

“Congratulations,” Jet cheers, wanting to finish off a full circle before allowing her to find the ground, only he waits a second too long and the motion of Jet’s spin has chunks flying from my girl’s mouth.

Not wanting her to fall, Jet remains a gentleman and holds her up as chunks sail down his back, splashing onto the floor behind him. I’m sure Amelia feels absolutely humiliated right now, but give it a little time, and I’m sure we’ll all be laughing.

Jet, on the other hand … well this is just one of those times that he’s never going to live down, and the horrified look on his face proves it.CHAPTER 22AMELIA“Seriously, babe. You don’t need to come with me. Go and relax for a few hours, have a massage, and get your nails done. Hell, you can get a start on that new Lani Lynn Vale book that you keep talking about. The fundraiser doesn’t start until four, and I don’t want you exhausting yourself.”

I grab my dress off the hanger and look at my reflection in the mirror as I pull it over my head and watch as it falls into place. “Really? I hardly think a few hours of helping set everything up is going to exhaust me. I’m only four months pregnant. It’s not as though I’m about to pop.”

“Angel,” Bull groans, taking my waist as he comes to stand behind me in the mirror, talking to me through my reflection. “We already have a million people helping out. Besides, you hardly ever get a day to yourself without the girls. You should be enjoying it and taking advantage rather than spending it hanging decorations and running around.”

“I happen to like running around.”

“You’re impossible.”

I grin wide. I mean, he’s not wrong. “Did it happen to occur to you that spending my day running around to help out your team is something that I’m actually really looking forward to? I probably won’t be able to climb up to hang any decorations or haul chairs and seating around, but I can smile and look pretty while I pretend to help as much as I can.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’ve never been so sure. I want to support you in every possible way, even if it means distracting your area manager’s wife so you guys can actually get stuff done.”

Bull lets out a frustrated breath before dropping his chin to the top of my head and pulling his lips into a tight line. “Fine, but if I see you lifting even the smallest thing, all hell is going to rain down on you.”

“You’re the best,” I grin.

Bull smirks back at me. “Yeah, well, I have to leave in ten minutes, and your hair is still wet, you’ve only got half a face of makeup, and I’m pretty sure there’s an old cheerio stuck to your ass.”

My eyes bulge out of my head. “What?” I screech, grabbing my dress and twisting it around. “How is that even possible? I only just got this dress out of my closet.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance