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Amelia shakes her head before muttering under her breath. “I should have fucking known better. How could I let this happen again?”

“What?” I say chasing after her. “What are you talking about? She’s nothing. I don’t even know why the fuck she’s here.”

Amelia ignores me as she focuses every tiny little bit of attention she has on getting Ryan into the car, but Zoey doesn’t have the same reservations as she glares up at me, the steam practically rolling off her. “You fucked up, Bull,” she scowls. “Go and deal with wifey and leave Amelia the hell alone.”

With that, she drops down into the car, and Amelia takes off, barely giving her a chance to close the door behind her.

I step out onto the road, watching her car disappear around the corner, wondering what the fuck just happened.

Jessa’s voice cuts through the quiet street. “Babe, come on. I hope that’s all out of your system now. It’s time to come home and for us to be a family.”

Instant rage takes over me.

I turn to the house and storm towards the bitch. “What the fuck was that? What are you even doing here?”

Jessa’s hand falls to my chest, and she leans in as though she’s going to kiss me. I pull back, letting her hand drop and making sure she keeps the hell away from me. She has the nerve to look offended, but I’m on a fucking roll. “How the hell do you even know where I live?”

“Bull,” she says, way too sweet. “What are you talking about? We’re a family now.”

“The hell we are.”

Jessa looks up at me with a pained expression, shaking her head in confusion. “Why are you being like this?” she says, bringing on the fake tears, making me wonder if Jet was onto something when he suggested that she was fucking crazy.

“You’ve got to be kidding me, right?” I scoff. “You show up at my house, acting as though you’re more than what you are, and giving my girl the fucking wrong impression.”

“Your girl?” she laughs. “You don’t need to worry about Amelia anymore. She’s no one. You have me, and we’re finally getting everything we’ve always wanted.”

I turn away from her, looking out at my yard as I try to reel in my anger to stop me from losing my shit at this woman on my doorstep in front of my whole fucking street. I take a slow, deep breath before finally turning back around and facing the moron. “I don’t know what the fuck is going through your head right now, Jessa, but this is not okay. You and me, we’re nothing, and I’ll never want anything with you. I thought that was clear from the start. We had a fucking deal. I came over, we fucked, end of story.”

Jessa tries to step into me, looking up at me with wide eyes. “How can you say that?” she begs. “I love you. I’ve always loved you.”

“That’s bullshit, Jess. Now, I need you to fuck off so I can go and fix what you just broke.”

“Just forget about her,” Jessa whines. “What are you even doing with her? She has too much baggage for you.”

My brow pulls down. “How the fuck would you know what kind of baggage she has?” I question, realizing that she’d referred to her by name earlier.

Jessa smirks. “Amelia and I go way back.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, narrowing my eyes at her tone and getting a sick feeling in my gut.

“That bitch thought she had it all,” she says with a shrug. “She was the perfect little princess in high school and needed to be knocked down a few pegs.”

“Let me guess. You took it upon yourself to do that?”

She laughs as though whatever torture she put Amelia through in high school is one of her most cherished memories. “Yeah, I fucked her boyfriend all through senior year, and now look at her. She’s fucking pathetic with two kids to a deadbeat baby daddy who never stopped cheating.”


My head spins. I slept with Amelia’s high school bully. No wonder she couldn’t get out of here fast enough. She probably thinks I’m still with her. Hell, she probably thinks worse from the way this bitch was cooing at me.

“You need to fucking leave,” I tell her, skipping down the front step and hurrying towards my truck. “And don’t come back. I don’t need your bullshit games fucking up things for me.”

“Bull,” she yells at my back. “Come back.”

“Fuck off, Jessa.”

“Bull. I’m serious. Forget about her. It's just you and me now. We’re going to be a family.”

I clench my jaw before spinning around on my heel and glaring daggers. “You have two fucking seconds to tell me what the fuck you’re talking about, because I can guarantee that no matter what’s going through your fucked-up head, that you and I will never be a family.”

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance