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By the time we pull onto the property, the sun is setting and casts an orange glow across the lake. It’s fucking beautiful. It’s one of the main reasons we bought this place, apart from the fact that we wanted somewhere to ride. The view is really just an added bonus.

Amelia sits up in her seat and tears her hand from mine, which is where it’s been since we left my place. She sits forward in her seat and leans against the dash as if to get closer to the view in front of her. “Is this it?” she beams, taking in the lake before looking further into the distance and noticing the four cabins.

“This is it.”

“Wow,” Zoey says, slowly nodding her head in my rear-view mirror. “I have to give it to you, Bull. I’m impressed.”

“Thank you,” I say as a grin spreads across my face. All this time, I thought impressing that girl was impossible. I look to Amelia and catch her eye. “You know, Jet found this place for us. Without him, we’d be camping down south in a shit of a property that we probably would have paid too much for.”

Amelia crushes her lips together, trying to hold back a laugh, which only has Zoey’s eyes narrowing on us both. “What? What am I missing?”

I look up ahead and realize that everyone else’s trucks are already here, and Zoey’s bound to figure it out soon, but Amelia can’t help but be the one to break the bad news.

She spins around in her seat to face her best friend as I continue on towards the boys, and to what I’m assuming will be Zoey’s doom. Amelia cringes, but the joy is bright in her eyes. “I, uh … sort of have something to tell you,” she says as a laugh bubbles into her sentence.

Zoey sits up straighter with a face of pure dread. “What?” she demands, panic on her face as she looks between us both.

I watch Zoey in my rear-view mirror. Over the past two weeks, she’s become a sort of sister to me. That is until I found her review blog and realized that I’d never be able to look at her as a sister again. From that moment on, she became one of the boys.

Amelia glances up at me before hitting her best friend with the news. “This isn’t exactly the sort of trip I explained it to be.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Well, when I told you it was you, me, Bull, and the girls. I sort of forgot to mention that it was actually you, me, Bull, the girls, and all the guys.”

Zoey’s eyes bulge out of her head. “ALL THE GUYS?” she screeches. “As in …?”

“Jet?” I supply helpfully getting a smothered laugh from Amelia and Ryan. Though I don’t think Ryan knows what she’s laughing at.

Zoey throws herself back into the seat with a frustrated groan. “How could you not tell me that? Are you kidding? Jet hasn’t stopped messaging me for weeks. He’s probably going to sneak into my bed in the middle of the night.”

“Yeah,” I laugh, picturing it so clearly in my mind. “I’d lock the door if I were you. Maybe the window too.”

“Shit,” she cries. “This is not my idea of fun, Mills.”

“Oh,” she smiles wickedly, turning back towards Zoey. “But it’s mine.”CHAPTER 13AMELIABull brings his car to a stop beside a beautiful log cabin that has me instantly falling in love. It sits next to a cluster of pine trees, and even with the doors and windows closed, the smell is incredible. The lake though, that’s the main attraction with the sun shimmering on the water. It’s absolutely breathtaking. I think this is my new favorite place. The guys could host weddings here and make a bomb from it. People would pay shitloads of money for a backdrop like this.

“You built all of this?” I question, looking proudly across at the guy who I can now officially call mine.

“Mmhmm,” he murmurs as he cuts the engine, putting the car into park. “We built them all together. By the time we were done, Jet had nearly lost his head a few times from driving us fucking crazy with his big mouth. Ax’s family is in the building trade. They own a successful business where he grew up, so he knows his way around tools. With his help, it wasn’t too hard.”

Turning my head back to the cabin, the image of Bull doing the hard, manual labor to put this place together becomes my new fantasy. I can just picture him hauling logs and swinging an ax with a sheer layer of sweat coating his perfect body. I mean, damn. What a sight that would have been.

I could probably just ask for the real thing and he’d happily oblige. Though we haven’t quite gotten over the ‘sleeping together’ hurdle yet so this trip is going to be interesting.

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance