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They get nowhere, and when Amelia starts glancing across the road and narrowing her eyes at the bar in suspicion, I decide it’s time to go and help.

I jump down from the truck, and Jet instantly comes along while Chief is lost in his own world, completely oblivious to the girls’ struggle.

As I jog across the street, I catch Amelia’s eyes and a visible sigh of relief tears out of her causing Zoey to glance up. She sees me a second before she sees Jet behind me, and her eyes bug out of her pretty little face.

A cocky as fuck laugh comes tearing out of him, and I nail him in the shoulder. “Knock it off,” I tell him, but his only response is to laugh a little harder.

I get to the door and grab both the handles, giving it a light pull. “What’s the matter?

I ask, calling through the glass doors. “Why won’t it open?”

Zoey shakes her head, studiously ignoring Jet at my side. “I don’t know. It’s never done this before. It must be jammed.”

Jet instantly starts looking over the doors, trying to figure out what’s going on. I look back at my girl, unable to focus on anything but her. “What’s going on? You wanna have dinner with us?”

She smiles wide, her eyes flicking down to Jet. She’s still a little nervous at the idea of being locked inside Zoey’s store for the night while a hundred bikers fuck around and get drunk with less than pure intentions in the building across the street. “Only if I get to pay this time.”

I scoff. “That’s not going to happen, Angel.”

“Then sorry, but no,” she says, her eyes sparkling with laughter. “Not interested.”

“You’re a shitty liar.”

Zoey groans, clearly frustrated with this shitty situation. “Both of you are shitty fuckheads. Now hurry up and get me out of here.”

Jet leans back, moving away from the door, and meets Zoey’s hard glare. “I’m sorry,” he says. “I didn’t hear a please.”

“Fuck you,” she shoots back at him.

He crosses his arms over his wide chest. “I’ve got all night, baby. Maybe I want to hear you beg for it. I know how you like that.”

Zoey’s cheeks flush, and as she flips him off, I shove Jet out of the way. “Keep going the way you’re going, and she’ll end up smashing the glass just so she can knock your dumb ass out.”

Jet grins, his voice lowering so the girls can’t hear. “It’d be fucking worth it.”

Ignoring him, I look over the door and notice that a metal rod has slipped through the locks at the top of the door, making it impossible for the girls to have escaped.

Fury ripples through me as I grab the metal rod and tear it free, keeping it out of sight from the girls so as to not freak them out. Jet watches and meets my eyes as I toss the rod away. With that, he turns on his heel and stalks straight toward the bar, not needing the backup to deal with the fucker who had planned to keep them locked in there for a midnight treat.

“Where the hell is he going?” Zoey asks, watching after Jet as I finally get the doors open.

I shrug my shoulders. “Has a score to settle,” I say.

Zoey doesn’t take her eyes off him until he’s disappeared inside the bar, but I don’t take much notice as Amelia steps out of the adult store and straight into my arms. “So, dinner, you say?” she asks, looking up at me with a smile tearing across her face.

“Mmhmm, but you’re not paying.”

“Nope. That’s not the deal. You saved us from the locked door, it’s the least I can do.”

“Sorry, Angel. It’s not going to happen.”

She shakes her head, stepping out of my arms and grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Too bad, then, I guess dinner can’t happen,” she says, teasing me with those sparkling eyes. “I’m just going to have to go home and make my own.”

“Babe,” I groan, watching her walk away, feeling her take my whole heart with her.

Her hips sway from side to side as she reaches her car door and glances back over her shoulder. I realize that without a doubt, I am already starting to fall hard. “Good night, Bull,” she sings, a soft chuckle in her tone, making me want to grab her and kiss her until we can’t breathe. “Maybe that ego of yours might take a night off when I see you again.”


Amelia laughs, shaking her head. Then just like that, the girls disappear inside her car and take off down the road, as safe as can be, leaving me standing alone in the street, begging for so much more.CHAPTER 12BULL“Knock it off,” I growl as something hits the back of my head, snapping me out of my thoughts. I can’t stop thinking about everything I have to do before Amelia and the girls get to my place, but more so, I can’t stop thinking about the past two weeks at all.

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance