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We get back into our room, and Bull instantly throws me down on the bed. His eyes stare into mine as he removes his wet clothes, making me equally as wet in the process. His phone buzzes on the bedside table, but we ignore it as he reaches for my bikini bottoms, hooking his fingers through the sides and dragging the cold, damp material down my legs.

That familiar need grows within me. Even after nineteen years together, he still makes my body scream for more.

His phone buzzes again, and then again. “Damn it,” Bull groans, throwing my bikini bottoms down on the floor and reaching for his phone.

“No, don’t. It can wait.”

“Yeah, but what if it’s the kids?”

Damn it. I hate it when he’s right.

Bull looks down at the screen, and his brows instantly draw down. “What is it?” I murmur, sitting up on the bed. “Are the kids alright?”

Bull shakes his head. “I don’t know. It’s Jet. I’ve had four missed calls.”

Bull instantly calls him back, putting Jet on speaker. “Dude, where the fuck have you been?” Jet yells down the line, making me flinch with the loud noise flowing through the phone.

“What the hell is going on?” Bull says, raising his voice to be heard. “I can hardly hear you.”

Jet laughs, and that one sound settles something within me. Surely if my babies are in trouble he wouldn’t be laughing. “Hold on,” he says before changing the call to a video call. We instantly get a shot of Jet’s chin and up his nose, but the flashing colors in the background are what has my attention.

That’s not red and blue flashing lights is it? Is that the cops? Maybe something did happen.

Jet shuffles his phone around so we can see his face better, but in doing so, the whole background image changes, and suddenly we see Jet standing among hundreds of bodies, all packed in like sardines. And the flashing lights … it’s not the cops at all, but the lights of what seems to be one hell of an out of control party.

“SURPRISE!” Jet hollers through the line before walking through the party and making my stomach drop as I take it all in. “Your kids sent you away so they could throw the party of the fucking year.

“Bullshit,” Bull says, wide-eyed. “They wouldn’t do that.”

Jet brings the phone too close to his face and grins wide. “Oh, but they did, and they did it real fucking good.”

“Put Zeke on the phone,” Bull demands, instantly pinning Zeke as the culprit.

“Oh, no, no, no,” Jet laughs. “I’m sorry to inform you, but this is all Ryan’s doing. That little mastermind planned the whole thing, right down to sending you naïve idiots somewhere too far away to bother making the trip home. But seriously, did you really not see this coming? It was fucking perfect.”

“No,” I shake my head, not believing that my first born would commit such a crime against her loving parents. “No, she wouldn’t.”

Jet gets in nice and close once again, almost taunting us. “Oh, but she did,” he howls with laughter before finishing off what’s left of his beer.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Bull questions. “Are you drinking with them?”

Jet shrugs. “Fuck yeah, I came by to check on these little fuckers and found all of this. I’ve tried calling you for the past two hours to see what you wanted me to do about it, but with no answer, I thought I might as well enjoy it while I can. Besides, your kids really know how to throw a fucking party.”

“Shut it down,” Bull demands.

“Hell no,” Jet says. “I’m the cool uncle. You had your chance to make demands, and you let it sail by. Besides, these are your beers I‘ve been working my way through, and I doubt I’ll ever get another chance like this again.”

“Fuck,” I say to Bull. “We’re screwed.”

“And not in the good way,” Jet hollers down the line. “Alight, fuckers,” Jet says, holding the phone up high so we can see what’s going on. “I’m out of here. I have a party to enjoy.”

“Shit,” I panic. “Don’t let my babies get hurt, and make sure the rooms are locked. I don’t want any teenagers making babies in my bed, oh and—”

Tags: Sheridan Anne The Men of Fire Romance