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My eyes stray to the bathroom where his addictive scent billows out with the steam. If I was brave, I would strip off my clothes and join him. But there’s no way I’m doing that. He’s also giving me mixed signals. Meaning he’s acting like he’s had a change of heart, yet I’m terrified to trust that it’s real. Still, I’m so happy he’s home.

The shower stops and he walks out carrying a towel as he dries his hair, and by dry I mean he runs the towel a couple of times across his head and tan, tattooed body.

Droplets of water still cover most of his body, and his dick is rock hard. Jesus, I kind of forgot how big it is. But instead of touching me, he pulls on some gray sweatpants and reaches for one of his phones.

“If you want a shower, go babe,” he says, bringing the phone to his ear and lighting a cigarette.

I’m disappointed and have no reason to be. He’s been gone over a week and he could have been with other women. In fact, I’m sure he was. I want to ask, but I don’t want to ruin his mood.

“Antoinette.” I jump at his voice and stand. “What are you thinking? You’re worried and it’s all over your face.”

I should just ask him. It’s been making me sick this whole week. And it doesn’t help that Cindy is constantly telling me that my fears are 100 percent true. Screw it. I deserve to know.

“I was wondering… when you leave.” I look at him, my eyes almost pleading for him not to make me verbalize it.

He looks up from the phone. “Go on.”

“Yes. I’ve been…” I look at him and then say it. “Do you have sex with other girls… women? When you go? Or really at any other time?” Holy fuck, I did it. He cocks his head and tosses the phone, then walks over to me to raise my face.


“No? No, as in no you don’t… have sex with other women? Or no, as in you’re not going to tell me?” And suddenly the room is way too hot. Sweat forms on my body.

“No. As in I’m into your cunt only.”

My legs almost give way. He doesn’t fuck around on me and as crude as that answer was, all I can do is smile.

He laughs. “I see that makes you happy.”

“Very.” It’s impossible to stop smiling.

“I’ll be right back.” I almost want to spin and leap to the bathroom because I’m so happy. He wants me. I close the door to the bathroom which is still thick with steam and his smell. For the first time in years, I linger in the shower as I shave my legs and deep condition my hair with some new products Doug gave me. It sounds ridiculous, but I want to be perfect for him.

Stepping out of the shower, I dry off and reach for my body lotion. I grab my glass bottle of French vanilla perfume and dab a small amount on my wrists.

“Great, Antoinette,” I mumble. It’s only now dawning on me that I ran in here so fast I have no clean clothes. But what does it matter? He’s home and he didn’t fuck anyone.

Cindy was wrong. She guaranteed me that that’s what he was doing and she was wrong.

Opening the bathroom door, I peek out to see the bedroom empty. I dash out and into his large closet to put on my cutest PJs. They’re little pink frilly shorts with ruffles on the butt and a matching pink camisole top.

As I brush my hair out, strong hands wrap around my waist and he gazes at us in the mirror. His blue eyes sparkle in the light. I’m so thin compared to his tall, muscular build. He’s covered in tattoos and tan and I’m… not.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” As his eyes hold mine prisoner, it’s hard to breathe. Slowly, his full lips lick and nuzzle my neck. My heart leaps and I part my lips, my head falling back onto his shoulder.

“Come on, baby,” he whispers and nips my ear. I follow him, our fingertips the only things touching as he brings me over to his dresser.

He lifts up a few baggies and grabs his lighter and a small pipe. My insides prickle at the thought of trying it. Hopefully it won’t make me go insane, but it’s only pot and Axel can, and will, save me. That much I know.

He sits me down, then sits in front of me on the bed. “Ready?”

Goose bumps travel up my legs. “I think that maybe you should just…” My voice drifts off as I watch him load up the blue glass pipe.


He brings it to his lips and lights up. His lips are mesmerizing as they suck deeply. I can’t look away. His eyes narrow as he holds it and reaches for me. I don’t have time to prepare as he takes my lips and fills my mouth with thick, sweet smoke. Instantly, I choke and cough it all out.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic