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Huge, muscled arms steady me as I look up at the face of the tallest man I’ve ever seen. He’s even taller than Axel.

“You okay?” He frowns down at me. I puff out the air I was holding in relief because I recognize him from the Pussycat. I think his name is Ryder.

“Yes.” I clear my throat. “Sorry, you scared me.” I smile, but it’s strained. My nerves are shot.

“Where are you going?” He lifts a dark eyebrow. His brown eyes are not all that kind, but they’re not mean either. Maybe his name was… Runner? I know it started with an R.

“To find Amy.” I pull at my arm, confused that he seems reluctant to release it.

“Axel know that you’re down here?” He starts to drag me toward the back area of the house, and I pull back, not liking this.

“Let go of me,” I hiss, trying not to sound frightened even though this guy is gigantic and strong. It doesn’t matter that he’s hot. Having a handsome face can be deceiving.

He stops and looks down at me. “Stop struggling. I’m taking you to Amy. I’m positive Axel wouldn’t want you wandering around.”

My eyes dart this way and that. “He said to get food from Amy.”

The giant stares at me like he’s trying to decide if I’m good enough to pass some kind of test in his head.

“I can take care of myself.” I sniff. “I’m not helpless.” All of this is wearing me down. These men, Axel, everything. I try to intimidate him with my best bitch stare. He drags me again, so it must not have worked.

Some guys with Prospect on their vests sit at a long stainless-steel picnic table. As soon as we enter, they jump up and nod at Ryder saying “E.” He nods, and they sit down.

E? I thought for sure he was Ryder.

I look around the kitchen. This is by far the nicest room in the place. The walls are yellow with lots of windows and everything looks new and shiny. A huge island is in the center and there are cherry-colored cabinets, along with a large stainless-steel stove. On top of the island sits a platter piled high with sausage and bacon. Other than the couple of bikers in here, the kitchen is empty.

“Coffee?” he offers, releasing me at last.

“Yes, please. I’m sorry, but I forgot your name.” His lips twitch as he looks at me.

“It’s Ryder.” He grabs a black mug and fills it with coffee. “You can doctor it any way you want, Antoinette.” He shakes his head, a ghost of a smile on his lips as he pours another mugful for himself, I guess.

“Thank you. I like it black.” I’ve never put anything in my coffee. It’s cheaper that way. Taking a small sip, I look over at Ryder who’s now ignoring me as he drinks his coffee and texts.

“I think I’ll get a banana and—”

“Axel’s on his way and he wants you to put a coat or sweater on,” he says without looking up.

“Excuse me?” I look down at my outfit. “It’s ninety-five degrees out.”

He sighs as if I’m a huge task. “He doesn’t want you dressing like that.” He motions to my cropped dance top, but other than that, it has short sleeves and isn’t even a V cut.

“I’m sorry. How does Axel even know what I’m wearing?” I grab ahold of my semi wet hair and twist it up into a tight bun, aggravated and humiliated at the same time.

“I told him,” he says as his eyes trail over me then back to his phone.

“Well, you can save him the time of coming back because I don’t have any other clothes,” I say as I glance around the room at the stupid guys who instantly look away.

“He can deal with that.” He sips his coffee without looking up.

“This is ridiculous.” I huff, no longer embarrassed. “Axel can’t tell me what to wear.” I want to snap my fingers in the guy’s face.

“Again, not my problem.” He looks over at the door, a relieved smile on his face.

“Good, you’re here. Amy, Antoinette.” He says to the tall dark-haired woman looking to be mid to late forties.

“Oh.” I look at him then Amy. “Hi, I’m Antoinette.” I square my shoulders. “I was just getting a banana. I hope that’s okay.” I look her in the eyes as she stays silent but looks back at me.

“Sit.” She walks over to the stove and turns a burner on. What is the deal with these people? Do none of them have any manners? Ryder grabs a piece of bacon and gives Amy a kiss on her forehead.

“Good luck. Call me if you need me.” He winks at her and walks out of the kitchen with his coffee and bacon.

She tsks as she goes to wash her hands at the island’s sink. “I’m Amy. I don’t know what Axel has said…” She stops and I wait for her to continue, but when she remains quiet, I assume I’m supposed to talk.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic