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“Just try to have fun.” I smile at her. It would be nice to have a friend and she seems friendly.

She bites her lower lip and looks at the stage, then nods at me. Both of us get to start on the VIP stage, which must be a big deal because a stripper named Roxy threw a fit when Crystal announced it.

Crystal, who yesterday acted like a bitch, has taken a huge interest in Frenchie and me today. Well, me especially. She spent hours teaching me a simple-but-hot routine for tonight.

“Hey, do you know how much we can make?” I ask. “Like have any of the other girls said anything about money?”

Frenchie stares at all the people coming in. “Oh my God. I don’t know if I’m ready for this.” She puts her hand to her chest.

The lights start dancing different colors as the girls twirl and strip downstairs. Lasers flash red and purple making the club pulse with an energy that is thick and sexy.

This place screams erotic. It’s only 6:00 p.m. I don’t go on for another hour, but I’m ready. I don’t care if it’s stripping. It’s dancing. Also, getting paid money to flash my tits and shake my ass is rather forbidden. With my wig, I feel like I’m someone else.

“Frenchie.” I snap my fingers. “Money. How much are we looking at?”

“Oh sorry, I was freakin’ out.” She laughs and shakes her head. “Um, some make a thousand a night. Others make more. At least, that’s what I hear.”

I turn to her. “A thousand dollars? Is that true?” I almost want to shake her. She looks a little pale, which is hard to do with the amount of makeup we’re wearing.

She smiles. “Why do you think I’m here? You look great by the way. I love your outfit and wig. I bet Axel will want you tonight.”

“Who’s Axel?” In my mind, I’m already adding all the money up. I need to beg Crystal to let me work every night this week.

“Oh, are we not supposed to know about you guys?” She frowns, then grabs my hand and leans in close since the music is loud. “Tell me… does he really have a giant cock?”

She squeals, reminding me of Betty Boop. She’s got the dark curly hair, pale face, and red lips down. She’s also wearing a tiny black dress with red stripper shoes.

“What are you talking about?”

“Come on,” she snips. “I thought we were friends.” She narrows her eyes.

I shake my head. “I’m completely confused. Seriously, I have no idea who or what you’re talking about.”

She rolls her eyes, dropping my hands. “Okay, we’ll pretend that you and he are nothing more than friends if that makes you happy.” She turns to watch a girl twirl on a pole. “You know he used to be in a band, right? Like he played with Rhys Granger.” She looks at me.

“Who? I love the Stuffed Muffins.” And I honestly do. I’m a huge Rhys Granger fan and the Stuffed Muffins is one of my favorite bands.

“Wait. This Axel guy is a musician?”

“Whatever, Candy.” She rolls her eyes and yells over Dr. Dre’s “Still D. R. E.”

“If you guys aren’t a thing, I’m gonna to see if I can fuck him tonight. All the seasoned girls say he likes new girls since he never stays with anyone for long.”

I look over at a few men in suits who are holding drinks and motioning to a waitress.

“Cat… I mean Frenchie, by all means if you want this Axel… go get him.”

That does the trick. Her face transforms from bitchy girl to sweet best friend. “Cool.” I smile and nod at her.

Visions of the dark-haired god with blue eyes invade my thoughts again. This is becoming a real problem.

I refuse to acknowledge that I woke up this morning having to masturbate thinking about him. And what’s worse is I did it again in the shower before I came in for my shift. It’s like I’m borderline obsessed with someone I can’t have.

God, he was even in my dreams last night and that has never happened. Well, one time I dreamed of Justin Bieber going down on me, but that doesn’t count since I can’t stand Justin Bieber.

“You know he’s like the real deal. Full-on VP. Nobody fucks with him. He’ll kill them.” She laughs like this is a good thing.


I’m horrified. Whoever this Axel is, he should not be allowed in the club if he kills people. And why would she think I’m with such a person? I go to ask her, but she grabs my hand, digging her nails into my wrist.

“Omgomgomg… I can’t go on. It’s them.”

“Frenchie. Stop it. You’re acting crazy. Who?” I look out into the crowd downstairs and see a bunch of people, nothing more.

“Them.” She points a finger to a group of men talking to some of the strippers. At first, I don’t care. It’s dark. The lights are working their magic, but then they move, and I simply stare.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic