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“Get a jacket, baby. It’ll be cold later on.” She nods, her eyes shiny as she smiles at Doug.

“We are really happy for you, Doug.” She grabs a coffee-colored, three-quarter-length suede jacket that matches her heeled boots. Doug lifts an eyebrow at me and I visualize punching him. But I guess I’m stuck with him forever.

“You two have fun.” He grabs Juliet who’s rolling under the kitchen table. “Say bye-bye to beautiful Mommy and Daddy.” I don’t miss the dry Daddy. Whatever. Doug is beyond biased when it comes to Antoinette.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” She bites her bottom lip looking at Doug as I pull her to the door.

“Cookie, he knows his way around our house better than I do.” She looks at me and blows out some air.

“True.” She throws kisses at both the twins who seem to sense that the milk truck is leaving because they both start to fuss. I smile at Doug.

“Good luck. We’re all counting on you.” He rolls his eyes at me and I shut the door, holding her hand as I stop at my GTO.

She cocks her head. “What’s wrong?”

“I love you.” I cup her face and kiss her. She moans and I deepen the kiss because after tonight, things are gonna change.

I lift my head to gaze at her. “You ready to go see my friend and his average band?”

“I am.” Then she jumps up and down. “I can’t wait.” Throwing my head back, I laugh as she happily gets in and tells me all about what geniuses my daughters are the whole ride to the Forum.

“Christ.” We turn into the parking lot for the Forum, and I hand the usher my VIP pass. He directs me to the underground area where the bands arrive and leave. I pull in, let the valet take it, and we walk over to Blade and Eve.

“About fucking time,” Blade says. Eve is talking to Rafe, manager of the Stuffed Muffins. At one time, I thought that he and my little sister had something going on. Thankfully it was not true since he’s in his fifties. We got into it, but that’s in the past and he’s nothing but smiles now.

Blade looks at me and gives Antoinette a kiss on the cheek. She and Eve look so excited I can’t help but smile.

“Rafe.” I nod. “This is Antoinette.”

“You two have done well for yourselves. Look at these gorgeous creatures.” Rafe stinks of arrogance and money. He also has the attitude that he’d just as soon kill you, rather than fire you. Less paperwork for him.

“Here you go, my princesses.” He hands them both all-access passes.

“Axel.” He basically tosses mine to the concrete. The Forum vibrates with all the people waiting for the band.

“Okay. We’re running late. Let’s do this.” He walks to the door and a security guard nods at him. We walk down the dark hallway, the energy crackling as people run past us.

The lights are already going crazy and the huge screen above is playing clips of the band members.

“Oh my God.” Antoinette smiles at me, and I grab her hips as I guide us forward. The roar of the crowd is almost deafening. I’m not gonna lie—there is nothing like playing in front of an adoring crowd. When I was with Granger, we were still small, so I never dealt with this number of people. My dick grows hard.

I bring Antoinette’s ass to my cock. She turns and looks at me.

I lean down to nip her ear. “Let’s go over in the corner with the spare lights. I have something to show you.”

As she turns, Rafe interrupts us. “They’ll be coming right by. Have fun. I’ll see you after the show.”

Suddenly the lasers change and the large flat screens show feet. The camera trails up to the drummer, Nuke. I found him playing outside Guitar Center when I was sixteen. He had a rough childhood, always kept to himself. But he could bring down the house with his drums.

Then the bass player, Cash, walks out and salutes the camera.

I bite her neck and pull her tighter, so I can growl in her ear. Next is my replacement, Ammo, and I snarl, “Punk.” She turns and touches my cheek, her eyes alive and shining with love.

I’m so caught up in her that I barely hear the crowd explode. Except Antoinette starts to jump and clap as Granger walks out wearing a black T-shirt and dark jeans.

Both Eve and Antoinette turn to look at me since we’re both dressed the same.

Eve grabs Antoinette’s hand and I reluctantly let her go to the edge where all the crew is busy clearing the area for them to enter.

Blade walks over, arms crossed, as he looks out at the thousands of people. A stagehand comes over with a bottle of Jack for us. I barely get the bottle open when Nuke runs by, his drumsticks twirling as 25,000-plus people go wild.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic