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“You guys came to beat some sense into me?”

Blade throws back his head and laughs, grabbing Edge’s shoulders. “I think he might have already figured it out, brother.”

Edge ignores him and tosses his hand off his shoulder. “Like hell. I’ve been waiting for this fucking moment since I was twelve.” His blue eyes narrow on me and I smile because he’s right. I motion for him to come on.

“You have indeed. And I’m man enough to acknowledge it. Come on, brother, give me all you got.”

I take off my shirt. I fucking love fighting. Edge is right, though. He has been waiting. I’ve been talking the talk since we all were kids. I laughed at them, pitied them, fucking made fun of them, Edge especially… and here I am.

Pussy whipped like them. Yeah, if anyone deserves a beating, it’s me.

I stretch my arms to the side and crack my neck as I look around at all my brothers. They move back to give us room. “Wait, no David?”

“Yeah. Charlie said that he can only come out to visit you in the hospital. Otherwise he’s busy helping her order a new kitchen for the diner.” Blade lights up a cigarette. “Although”—he points at me—“Charlie asked me to let you know that she’s ordering nothing but the top of the line. Asshole.” He steps back, his hands motioning for Edge to carry on.

“Fair enough. Although I don’t know why I’m stuck with the bill. Ryder was there also.”

Ryder looks up from his phone. “Kick his ass, Edge.”

I don’t even get to respond because Edge is not fucking around.

“This is for Dolly.” The first punch knocks the air out of me, and the pain makes me remember why I always fight drunk.

“For Eve, Charlie.”

One after one, I take it until I know what he’s gonna say.

“And this one is for Antoinette, you dumb motherfucker.” I smile as the blood drips into my mouth, and he hits me in the eyes.

“You done?”

Edge pants and I can tell he’s far from it.

“You can’t have all the fun. Don’t forget I’m the one who saved your ass.” I get one good punch right at his nose. I feel the cartilage move along with a satisfying crack. Blood drips down his lips and hits the ground. Or maybe it’s my own?

I grab him. “I love you, man.”

“Dick.” He spits but hugs me. “I love you, brother. Be happy, man. You deserve it.”

Blade and Ryder walk to us handing us bar towels as we all walk into the dark bar. Davey greets us, his eyes alive, even though he’s pushing eighty.

“God damn. It’s good to see you, brothers.” He turns to everyone who’s not a Disciple. “This is a private party. Bar closed to the public. Let’s get fucked up.”

“Rip. You got my medicine?” I call over my shoulder as Blade dumps my ass in a chair.

“Fuck, man.” I open and close my mouth. “I’m getting too old for this shit.”

Edge snorts and lays his head on the back of the booth, a bag of ice on his nose.

Rip hands me a packed pipe and I light up as Ryder brings over bottles. The sound system blasts Kiss’s “Lick it Up.”

Blade swings a chair around, straddles it, and hands me a bottle of Jameson. The strippers and old ladies filter in and I look at Blade.

“Buck up, brother. You’ve got a long night ahead of you.” He grins as if he knows something I don’t but should.

I don’t bother asking. I can barely lift my arms. The sting of Jameson makes my busted lip throb. He’ll tell me when he’s ready. I take another swig of Jameson, letting it take away all my pain.ANTOINETTEI’m just closing my large suitcase when I scream at the sound of my phone ringing. To say I’m on edge is a joke. I’m freakin’ losing it. Ever since Eve left, I’ve been waiting like a crazy person for Axel to call, walk in, anything. That was hours ago, so finally I decided to take things into my own hands.

Clearly I need to get out of here. I called Bella and told her I’m coming and that I might be pregnant, because that sounds better than I am pregnant.

She wasn’t thrilled, to say the least, but told me we can get it taken care of when I land in New York.

Then I threw myself onto the bed and cried. The truth is, I can barely think of surviving a day without him. How will I survive getting an abortion?

So, I did what any sane person would do. I called Bella back, telling her I can’t go through with any of it and then proceeded to pack.

Why? What I’m doing is anyone’s guess, but what I know for sure is I’m not flying to New York to dance, and Axel deserves to know. He can think whatever he wants about me, but at least I can live with myself.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic