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“Crystal talked. I told them she’s high and drunk, so someone needs to make sure she changes her story.” Edge lights up as the sun beats down on us.

“Yeah, I already know and I’m taking care of it.” Blade looks around the parking lot. It’s calm, maybe because all the spots are taken.

“And Dolly and I are going to Vegas tomorrow to get married.” Both he and Axel look at him then me.

Blade clears his throat. “Why don’t you rest and go in a couple days?”

Edge shakes his head as he inhales. “The cops want the certificate. They know Dolly stabbed me and with Crystal freaking out, they are trying to fuck with me by threatening Dolly with attempted murder.”

I must groan because all eyes are on me.

“What goes through your head, Doll? Did you even see me and Derrick in the office with Edge?” Axel’s sapphire eyes pin me to the asphalt and I blink at him. I can’t tell him that it didn’t matter. That all I saw was red. That and my head was doing some strange buzzing at the thought of Crystal with Edge. The whole Los Angeles Kings hockey team could have been in that office and I wouldn’t have known.

Blade looks at me and nods. “I’ll take care of Crystal. You don’t have to worry about her story. As for Vegas, let us know when you want us to go.”

“Wait. What’s happening?” I try to pull away. Edge can’t seriously be thinking of getting married. I thought he was talking about getting a fake certificate.

Axel shakes his head. “Well, that’s one way of dealing with this fucking mess.” He walks to his bike and starts it. “I got shit to do. Let me know when and where to show up.” He doesn’t wait for any explanation and skids out of the parking lot. The roar of his Harley as he speeds down Beverly Boulevard temporarily distracts us.

“I said not a word,” Edge hisses and tosses his cigarette on the ground. He turns us toward Blade who is next to his bike, phone in hand, texting.

“I need a shower. I’ll be in early tomorrow.” Edge propels me toward the Uber driver pulling into the parking lot.

Blade nods, his eyes going from Edge to me. I say nothing at his almost amused expression mostly because I’m being shoved into the back seat of a Toyota Camry.

“Rest up, brother. I’ll let Eve know,” he yells at us, straddling his bike.

Neither of us says anything as we sit in the back of the car, looking out the window as all of LA passes us by.

I glance down at our hands still locked together, both covered in blood. A small gurgle of laughter threatens to spill out.

“Good thing you can’t use a knife,” he says staring out the window, not even looking at me. A shiver of fear goes down my spine. He’s holding my hand, but I can feel his rage.

“I thought you were getting a blow job,” I hiss at him, leaning close so the Uber driver can’t hear us.

He doesn’t respond and squeezes my hand tight. I lean my head back against the cloth interior of the car.

The afternoon traffic is crawling as we weave our way back up Laurel Canyon. We don’t say a word. Edge holds my hand as if warning me what’s to come. Of course, he won’t say anything now—the Uber driver is an outsider.

For an insane split second, I almost get out, open the door and bolt. But who am I running from, him or myself? And fuck all this guilt. This is his fault.

“Okay, you two have a better day.” The Uber driver breaks into the rant in my head. He’s stopped right at the entrance to the steps leading up to my apartment.

“Thank you.” Edge sounds bored but I can sense the tension bouncing off him.

I step out. The sun is still bright and warm, and I can’t remember what I did with my sunglasses. For a man who was stabbed and has staples in his leg, he’s moving as if nothing’s happened. He’s moving like he’s on a mission…

I think I might be fucked.EDGE

Thirty-one years oldMy inner thigh is throbbing but nowhere near as much as my heart.

She did it.

She’s been threatening for years, and I’m fucking livid. Mostly at myself. Dolly is Dolly. I accept her… sort of.

What I don’t accept is lying to myself. The ride to the hospital with a hysterical Dolly at my side was my wake-up call.

My epiphany.

It happened in seconds. The screaming, sirens, blood, and pain were all gone as my brain finally woke the fuck up.

And I was free. Done.

She’s made it so and now I’m at peace. This morning’s events replay in my mind as I close my eyes and let my enlightened state fill in the blanks. Her pain and rage are so strong that it vibrates in my heart where I can keep it safe from even her.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic