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I lower myself into the chair I got on sale at Staples and swivel around to my computer screens. My phone vibrates. I pull it out and stare at Dolly’s picture. I took it a month ago when I surprised her with a night at the beach. We fucked in the sand. Skinny-dipped in the ocean.

I snapped this shot in the morning when she was walking out of the ocean, her face glowing, her hair wet, and her face full of love.

The most beautiful woman in the world.

“Hey baby.”

Loud music plays in the background and she yells over it and into my ear causing me to smile.

“I’m so excited. I’m almost finished, and I’ll be done for the day.”

“Babe, you don’t have to yell. I can hear you.”

“What?” she yells “Hold on.” I reach for my cigarettes and prop my boots on the desk.

“Edge? Are you still there?” Her voice is raspy and my cock hardens. The music is gone. I’m assuming she’s outside.

“What time did you want me to get you?” I growl. No matter how many times I fuck her, it’s not enough. I’m not even trying to pretend I’m normal with her.

“I’ll call you when I’m done. It shouldn’t take long.”

This is it—what I’ve been waiting for my whole life.

Getting patched in.

Besides Dolly, getting this has been an obsession. It means I’m a brother in every sense of the word and this is my life, what I will be, what I am.

I will live as a Disciple until the day I die. I know Dolly still struggles with it, but if she wants me, then she needs to wrap her mind around the fact that this is it.

Hell, I was gonna wait, but I might go ahead and make her my old lady tonight.

“Dolly?” The phone is silent.

“I’m here. I was thinking about stuff that doesn’t matter anymore.” Her voice is a little less enthusiastic and I drop my boots to the floor as I lean forward, my elbows on my knees.

“You okay?” I inhale deeply.


“You sure? I need you to be sure. Otherwise, don’t come tonight.” A small whoosh comes through the wire and I know she’s getting pissed. She likes to get all sassy when she’s on the phone and knows I can’t throw her on the bed and fuck her.

“I have never been surer. Look, I need to go. I’ll call when I’m done unless you want Doug to drop me off?”

I can’t help but smile at my little Smurfette. “No, baby, I’ll pick you up. I think we need a little alone time before we go to the ceremony anyway.”

Her breathing gets harsh. “Edge,” she groans. “I love you.”

“I know.”

She starts laughing. “Jerk, say it back…”

“I have to go. Be a good girl.” I hang up and toss my phone on the cheap black desk I got at IKEA.

I pull up all the numbers from last night and do what I’m good at: controlling my empire.

Today it’s one club. In a year, I hope for two, and so forth. Tonight is big. Not only am I getting patched in, but Blade, Axel, and Ryder have enlisted in the Navy SEALs.

Blade has been getting a lot of pressure from the old-timers and other clubs to take over. They want him as Prez, not Chuckie.

Chuckie has a heart of gold, but he lacks Blade’s intelligence and self-discipline. Blade is one step ahead of everyone else. He brings a sense of pride to the club, and more brothers are starting to notice.

The truth is Chuckie is ruled by pussy, and it’s starting to cause a deep-seated problem. So by enlisting, Blade is taking himself out of the picture to let his brother be king.

Axel is following and Ryder is too. He was disappointed when he was passed over to be Chuckie’s new enforcer. Chuck went with Slider. It was unexpected and has caused some controversy also.

My eyes drift over to David who is almost falling off the couch, and I lean my head back, my mind racing about all that’s happened during the last three months. Somehow, we seem to have made it through. There’ve been numerous fights, and Dolly’s still able to make me lose my mind. But we’re together. Our lives are moving forward. She’s almost ready to graduate from cosmetology school. Shark is following through with his bargain. He’s already bought her the salon.

I suspect a lot has to do with his guilt or lack of it. Fuck, he might be doing it so the Disciples have a new place to launder money. Because the club comes first for them.


It’s all clear now. I’ve gone into this with my eyes open ever since that day… the day I had to decide.

“Edge, don’t do anything crazy, like—” she hisses as her eyes dart around. I drag Dolly through the front doors of the clubhouse. My head is pounding. The adrenaline has taken over.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic