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“Of course, we can do that.” He continues to type. I hand him my card and he puts the charge through. Grabbing the decorative pamphlet that holds the key card, I drag Dolly up to the room.

“This is insane. How do you have money?” She fires off one question after the other. Dolly hates anything that puts her at a disadvantage.

“Wait.” She tries to pull her hand away. “Is this drug money? Because if it is, I’m leaving.” She says all this at my back.

“Shut up, Dolly.” I insert the key card and wait for the green light to appear. Entering, I propel her forward. She whirls and looks around the room.

Tossing the key on the white desk, I go straight to the mini fridge.

“Here, have a bottle.” I throw a mini bottle of Jose Cuervo at her. Eyes wide, she catches it.

The room is large with white and gold lamé everywhere. French doors open to a small balcony with a view of Los Angeles and her blinking lights at night. The walls, couch, and puffy headboard all have a silver and gold silk pattern. I would have laughed at all these things two years ago. Never in a million years did I think I would notice this stuff, but I do and I’m grateful.

I throw myself on the satin couch. Lifting up to get my cigarettes and phone from my pocket, I toss them onto the glass table.

She stares at me, the bottle clutched to her chest, her rapid breathing drawing my eyes to her hard nipples.

“Sit down, Dolly.”

Her eyes narrow on my face. “Okay.” She sits on the end, as far away from me as possible. “How do you have money to pay for a room like this?” She motions with her hands causing her tits to jiggle.

“My dad put a bullet in his head and left me the house.”

She must not have expected that honesty because she slumps back.

“Really?” She gulps. “I’d like to say I’m sorry he’s gone but…”

“Yeah.” I laugh and unscrew my bottle giving her a silent toast as I down it. “I felt the same way.”

I roll my neck letting the sting burn its way down my throat. “He was a piece of shit but did me a favor in the end.”

She nods and shoots the whole bottle, her eyes watering. “Agreed.” She waves a hand in front of her mouth. “I thought he was way too mean for that.”

I prop my feet on the table. “Well, he was dying. Let’s not act like he had a change of heart all of a sudden.”

Our eyes lock. Maybe it’s the tequila, maybe it’s us. But right now, all I want is to lose myself in her. Not think about the past, future… only us.

A loud knock makes Dolly jump and the spell is broken. “That’s room service with your coffee.” I motion to the door.

“Yes.” Her voice is raspy and my cock hardens. I have to shift it so as not to scare the bell boy.

“Thanks, man.” I hand him a fifty and take the silver tray from him.

“Nice. Let me know if you need anything.” He nods and pockets the money.

“Do me a favor and put the Do Not Disturb sign on the handle.”

“You got it.” He barely gets his hand off the door when I kick it shut.

Dolly sits with one hand on the end of the couch, her beautiful legs crossed. She wants to talk but I don’t need any of her confessions and she sure as shit doesn’t need mine.

“Here, coffee.” I go to the fridge again and grab a couple bottles of Jack, crack the seal, and dump some in her coffee cup.

“Edge, come on, you know I hate Jack Daniels. Whatever.” She crosses her arms, closing herself off from me.

Suddenly I’m drained. I don’t want to fight her. I don’t even know if I want to fuck her. No, my cock is hard and my balls ache. I want to fuck her. Which sucks because she’s nothing but bad luck, a black widow waiting for me. But I need her near me if only to remind me never to get too close again.

My eyes narrow on her as I take a swig of the Jack letting the alcohol trick my brain into thinking my world is better.

Her leg is bouncing, and she jumps up reaching for the pack of cigarettes on the table.

“I’m going to smoke.” She opens the French doors and steps out onto the balcony. The dark night and LA’s twinkling lights make me stop and admire her for a moment.

“I didn’t know you started smoking.” She takes a deep drag and looks over her shoulder at me. Her bourbon eyes sweep my body as I reach up to rest my hands on the balcony door.

Her face pinkens as she looks down at the cigarette. Inhaling, she blows the smoke up to the sky. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic