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“Let’s go. He can be treated at the station.”

“Thanks,” I tell the paramedic who looks surprised and nods as he backs away.

The cop opens the door and starts his speech. “You have the right…” It’s all gibberish, nothing but a foreign language to me. I duck and sit in the back, my heart pounding so loud it’s all I can hear.“Can I have some water?” I’m being held in a small white room with uncomfortable chairs and no windows.

“Your lawyer is on his way.” The policeman sits and works on some files as if I’m not even worthy enough for him to get up and give me some water.

The high has worn off and now I’m tired and sore. My mouth feels like someone threw sand in it. I clear my voice and spread my long legs out causing the policeman to arch an eyebrow at me and shake his head.

There’s a knock at the door and the cop opens it. I guess I should have asked his name, but I don’t give a fuck. All I care about is getting out and to my girl. She needs me.

In walks Shark, Prez, and a man in a black suit with a suitcase.

“Hello Edge.” The middle-aged man nods at me and turns to the policeman. “What are the charges? Troy Matthews was clearly trying to rape and kill Dolores Dunghart. My client was doing nothing but a citizen’s arrest. He’s a hero and has no priors—”

“Just stop. Matthews is in intensive care. Your client broke his neck and collapsed his lung. He’ll probably have to have an artificial one put in. He’s in surgery as we speak for internal bleeding.” He tosses a file at him. The lawyer, or I guess, my lawyer doesn’t even look at it. He turns to Prez and they talk in hushed tones.

“Just so you know…” The policeman rests his ass on the table and crosses his arms. “I got my own daughter. Shit like this Matthews kid terrifies me every day she walks out the door.” He stands up and straightens his shoulders. “I talked to the doctor at the hospital and Dolores was almost raped. Had Edge not gotten there, this would be a way different story.”

Shark hisses out something I can’t even understand and starts to pace. I wish he would look at me. I fucking saved her; they need to get me out.

“You guys need to know that his father is some wealthy businessman who is pressing charges against Edge Daniels for attempted murder and anything else he can.”

Prez puts his hand on Shark’s chest before he can speak, and for the first time since they entered, they all turn and look at me.

“So, you’re charging him?”

“Yes, he is being charged. He’ll appear in front of the judge tomorrow at nine a.m.”

“I’d like to speak privately with my client.”

The policeman nods and gathers up his files. “Knock when you’re done.” The door closes with a click. The room is silent as we all digest everything.

“Thank you.”

I look up and see Shark standing not three feet away. “I know I gave you shit because she’s my little girl, but you saved her.” His hands hit the table with a thud.

“I want that piece of shit dead.”

“Edge took care of him. We need to decide what to do. They’re going to charge you, Edge.” Prez puts his hands through his longish blond hair.

“I don’t care,” I spit out because I don’t. None of this matters if my Dolly is in pain. Guilt worms its way into my brain. If that night hadn’t happened, would Dolly be in this spot? Or would I for that matter?

“I need to see Dolly.” My voice is calm.

“She’s gonna be okay. She has a ripped-up back and her neck had to be treated, but she’s at home.” He starts to pace. “Goddamn it. I’m getting too old for this shit.”

“We both are, but he’s not.” Prez motions at me with his head. “Look, I’ve been around. These pricks are gonna come at you because of the club, kid. They don’t give a shit about Dolly or you. That’s why we take care of our own.”

I look down at my swollen hands and open and close them knowing where this is going.

“I’m proud of you,” Prez says as he lowers himself next to me, his strong hand on my shoulder.

“Shark?” He looks over at his VP who leans against the wall with arms crossed.

“I think this one is worthy. I’m making him a prospect.” He lights up a cigarette and squints as he takes a drag.

“These boys…” He looks at Shark. “They’re our legacy. Edge has a fire in him unlike his old man. I have a feeling about this one.” He grunts and points at me as he takes another deep drag.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic