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“Fuck,” I gasp as I caress it, shoving my erection against her stomach. I could almost come like this. “Let’s go to your bedroom,” I growl into her mouth, my tongue twisting with hers.

“Edge…” She closes her eyes and tilts her head back. My mouth goes to bite her neck or at least suck it when I hear a click. My brain freezes. I know that sound; I’ve heard it since I was a child.

The click of a rifle, no it’s a Glock, but it sounds so much louder when you know what it is.

“You better get your fucking hands off my daughter, Edge!”

It can’t be. My mind won’t let me stop. Not now. Not fucking now…

“I said get your hands off my daughter’s ass before I blow your pecker off. Don’t make me repeat myself.”

Dolly is still in my arms. Her breath on my chest almost calms me. I stare down at her huge eyes. She’s scared and that fills me with rage. No one needs to scare my girl.

“Daddy, please. It’s Edge.” Her right eye is twitching. It does this whenever she’s scared or tired. She moves away and my hands drop to my side as I face her enraged father. The VP of our club, the only real family I have.

Shark grabs her and wrenches her away. She stumbles forward and lands on her knees.

“Jesus Christ, be careful,” I hiss and hold myself to my full height. I’m tall, taller than Shark who’s short and stocky, kind of like a pit bull.

“Wait.” Dolly glances up, a dazed look in her eyes. “Daddy, please… it’s Edge! What are you doing?”

“Teaching this punk some fucking respect. Go inside. I need to have a word with him.”

Dolly shakes her head and stands, hands pressed together like she’s praying, one knee bleeding while mascara and tears run down her cheeks.

“Go inside.” He spits on the ground hitting my boot. Then he looks up and smiles as I feel the cool metal of the Glock and hear Dolly’s shriek for help.

I don’t look around, but from what I can hear, neighbors are watching and dogs are barking.

“You think I’d allow a loser like you to ruin my daughter?” He pushes the gun even harder against my head. His dark eyes bore into mine, and I know he wants to see fear. Unfortunately, this isn’t the first time I’ve had a gun pointed at my head.

“I’m not going to ruin her. I love her.”

For a split second his eyes change and maybe I see a slight bit of respect in them, but it’s gone so fast I’m not sure it was ever there.

“Mom? Oh my God, Mom,” Dolly screams and pulls open the screen door, running into her house.

“I should put a bullet in your ugly red head. Same as your dad, you’ll let the pussy rule your brain and go nowhere fast.”

I grind my teeth to bite back the disrespectful words like a stomach flu that needs to be purged. The screen door bangs open again and I think I hear a neighbor ask if he can help. Shark yells that he should mind his own business.

“Holy fuck. What’s happening?” My eyes dart over to the screen door crashing open again. Misty is covered in a dirty white towel and her hair is wet. Jesus, the towel barely covers her.

“Don’t kill him. I love him,” Dolly says, sobbing. “Mom do something.”

“Get your ass inside, Misty.” She looks stunned as she tries to hold on to the towel and comfort Dolly.

“Shark, they’re kids,” she pleads, her eyes darting around at all the neighbors who have started watching.

“You don’t get to speak, whore. And Dolly, if you don’t want something really bad to happen, I’d shut up too. You don’t have any idea about love. But I can tell you that instead of this”—he jabs the gun into my head—“you better aim higher than Fuse’s kid.”

My hands ball into fists. I’m so sick of always paying for my dad’s sins. I’m not him, nowhere near like him, yet I’m constantly feeling like I have to prove it every day.

“I’m not scared of you.” It’s disrespectful, but he’s already crushed me so I have nothing to lose.

“No?” He starts to laugh.

“Daddy, please put the gun down. What if someone calls the police?”

“I said go inside. This don’t concern you anymore. This is between Edge and me.”

“No,” she shouts. “I can’t leave him. It’s my fault.”

“Misty, get some fucking clothes on and get my daughter into the house.”

“She’s gonna be my old lady,” I say. Fuck him. I follow all the rules. I work harder than any of the boys to be a solid Disciple and he’s got a Glock to my head trying to tell me that Dolly deserves better. For a second, I almost want him to pull the trigger. The betrayal stings and the lonely, scary feeling that he might very well take away my Dolly pushes aside the fact that he could kill me. I’ve seen him do it. Shark doesn’t usually dirty his hands, but he did once and I saw it.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic