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“Let’s go, ladies.” The man in the suit who must be Reed’s bodyguard snaps us into action.

I search for Dolly and Eve but Dewey is shutting the door to their SUV.

Edge comes out the front door with an older woman holding a baby as Eve opens the door for her. He says something to them, slams the door as Dewey takes off, and walks back inside the house not even looking at us.

I start to shake and my teeth ache. Maybe I’ve been shaking since Reed showed up. Cindy is climbing into the black SUV. I reach out to Reed.

“David?” The look he gives me almost makes me throw up.

“I… can’t leave without him,” I croak.

“He told me to take you, Charlie.”

“That’s it? That’s all he said?” My eyes swim in a blurry mix of colors as I climb in and reach for Cindy’s cold hands.DAVID/POETI stand outside the conference room door and take a breath.

I never should have brought Charlie. This is a completely different world. She’s not used to any of it and quite frankly, I like her like that.

My stomach rumbles and I rub my aching head. I need to eat something. But I’m already late and I have a feeling this is it. My veins are tingling.

The door opens and Amy steps out carrying James Dean. He smiles that cute toothy smile, his rosy cheeks like big red apples as he chews on his finger.

For whatever reason, maybe I need the reminder. But this time, I don’t look away. I smile back. “Hey, Buddy.” I reach to ruffle his soft-as-silk curls.

“David.” Amy nods at me and brings me spiraling back to my present. “They’re waiting. This is what you came back for.” Her hand reaches for mine giving it a squeeze.

As they head to the kitchen, Amy talks animatedly to James Dean. Christ, she probably knows more than anyone including Blade.

I rap on the door and wait until Ryder opens it and looks at me from top to bottom.

“This is getting old already.” I move around him as I enter the large room. Blade sits with his boots on the table as he listens to Frosty.

Edge, Axel, and Ox are eating chips and guacamole, which Amy must have dropped off.

Beer bottles litter the beat-up conference table. Their conversation stops as soon as I enter. I don’t even bother saying anything. Instead I go right to the box of donuts. Picking out a jelly one, I lean against the wall, daring anyone to say shit.

Blade gets up and walks over to me. I’m in midbite, but it’s like we’re back to being twelve. Before I can protect myself, he punches me right in the gut.

“Fuck.” I spit the powdered donut on the floor and can’t help but sag to my knees.

“You may be my blood, but you ever talk to me or don’t give me the respect I deserve, I’ll personally put you out of your misery.”

I can’t get enough of a breath to try to defend myself. He’s pissed and he’s right—if we weren’t cousins, I’d be dead.

The door raps again. Ryder doesn’t even spare me a glance as he opens it.

Blade walks by and I try to stand but fall back on my knees, wheezing.

“Jesus Christ, he’s not using, is he?” My eyes dart over to the door as Reed enters.

“He’s white-knuckling it.” Axel walks over to greet Reed.

“Christ, David,” Reed snaps and closes his eyes as if he’s trying to get some patience. Which is a fucking joke. I essentially saved him years ago. And if I could get a breath in, I’d remind him.

“I have what you want.” He opens his eyes and lets his words sink in. “Are you in any condition to handle this? Or do you need me to step in?”

My face floods with adrenaline and shame. “Don’t you dare. You owe me this,” I hiss.

Frosty clears his throat and stands, almost stepping over me to get to Reed. “I’m Frosty, I’m the… well anyway, David got ahold of a phone that one of the officers for Satan’s Seeds left when he died.”

Reed nods as he looks at his phone.

“Well, the messages were deleted, but I got a dude who was able to get a match on their voices.”

“Perfect, because I bribed the right FBI agent. I have all the legal and illegal wiretapping they have on the Disciples for years.”

The chip eating stops. It’s like we’re all too stunned to move.

“What did you say?” Blade stands and goes over to Reed.

“It’s all in here. I had it downloaded, hours and hours of your secrets being documented. Most is parties and day-to-day shit but”—he looks from me to Blade—“I know who the rats are.”

“Motherfuckers.” Ryder stands and the whole table lifts up and slams back down as bottles of beer spill as well as the chips. “I do a thorough sweep once a week.” He rubs his buzzed head.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic