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“Poet.” Eve waves her hand. “Dolly’s angry at the world and drunk… so don’t worry about a thing. Now go and see what’s up.”

David grabs my arm and walks me over a couple of feet. Cindy reluctantly lets go since Eve has her arm.

“I shouldn’t have brought you.”

“David, what is wrong? Go do what you have to do. I’m fine. I can take care of myself.”

He looks at me, then over at the girls who are not even trying to pretend they aren’t spying. “I’ll be back. We’ll leave as soon as I’m done.” Surprising me, he leans down and kisses me.

“God, he’s fucking hot,” Cindy mumbles as he walks away.

“Yes, David is… interesting.” Eve claps her hands. “So, Charlie, cocktail?”

She doesn’t give me time to answer. “Dewey, bring us a new batch of strawberry margaritas and maybe a Perrier or something bubbly for me, please.”

“You sure you’re feeling all right?” The guy I saw sleeping outside her door the other morning sprints over to her.

“Thank you, Dewey. I’m fine. The beverages, please.” She smiles at him. He beams back as he marches toward the glass doors.

I take off my dress, kick off the flipflops, and gratefully sink into the cushioned lounger.

I’ve had more sex in the last twenty-four hours than I have in two years.

I could use a little nap in the sun. Closing my eyes, I let the warm sun beat down as my body immediately starts to sweat and relax.

“So… Charlie?” I look over at Eve who has moved her lounger closer. Cindy is wading in the pool and Dolly looks dead in another lounger.

“How is David?” she asks.

I look at her then Dolly. “Um, what do you mean? And is Dolly okay?” I whisper.

Eve turns to look at her then flops her hand on Dolly’s stomach causing her to scream and sit up.

“What the hell? I was visualizing cutting off Edge’s penis with that knife you gave me for Christmas.”

“Dolly.” Eve looks at me, her big blue eyes huge, and returns her attention to Dolly. “I told you, that knife is not for you to cut off Edge’s penis. Trust me, you would be sorry.”

I stare at both of them. Are they fucking with me? Or are they seriously discussing cutting off Edge’s dick?

“Why? I think it would be a service to all women.” She looks over at me and I reach for my bag and sunglasses so I can stop seeing black dots. It doesn’t look like I’m going to get much sunbathing done.

“Dolly is going through a phase. It will pass.” Eve waves her hand like she’s a queen.

“Maybe not.” Dolly stands up and straightens her bikini bottoms.

All of these girls are way too pretty. How do they all have such perfect boobs? I glance down at my small but full ones and sigh.

Dewey, I guess that’s the guy’s name, returns with two pitchers of margaritas, a Perrier, and a glass for me.

“Thank God. I was getting sober.” Dolly takes a pitcher from him and turns to me. “Doug did a great job on your hair. It’s maintained well.”

“I love it.” Running my fingers through it, I ask, “How is Doug?”

I take the margarita she offers. It’s sweet, cold, and refreshing. It’s also the only thing I’ve had in my stomach today.

“Fucked up over a guy. Long story.” She looks around almost bored until her eyes narrow on a bunch of biker girls.

“Oh noooo,” I mumble in my glass.

“Dolly, knock it off. Stop being so negative.” Eve glances at her, and Dolly rolls her eyes.

I peek over at Cindy who is sunbathing with her margarita on a pink raft.

“So, this place is huge,” I say, taking in the backyard. It’s packed with bikers and women in bikinis.

“Yeah, it took some getting used to, but I love the family feel of the clubhouse.” She grabs her can of sunscreen and sprays it on her legs and stomach.

“And of course, Blade doesn’t allow anyone in the pool when I want to use it.” She waves the bottle as she continues. “I don’t want to freak you out, but these women can be—”

“Sluts, whores, strippers, skanks.” Dolly downs her margarita and reaches for the pitcher as Eve scowls at her.

“Some are a bit rough, and you have to watch your man. But a lot are truly lovely. So stop it, Dolly. Your mom still shows up sometimes.”

“Exactly.” She raises her glass in a fake toast then stares at her nails.

“You don’t get sick of it? Maybe I’m getting old, but I think they would get on my nerves.” I motion with my eyes to the same group Dolly was staring at. It’s kind of hard not to feel their negative vibes as they shoot us dirty looks. It’s mostly a redhead with ridiculous fake boobs and stupid lips. With all the makeup she has on, she almost looks like a cartoon. Smoke drifts over her and her posse. The smell of hickory and apples and some sort of meat fills the air.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic