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“Um… wait, what?”

“I said, what do you want to watch?”

She stares at my cock. Her eyes dart to mine then back. I reach down taking the remote.

The TV closes like an eye blinks to blackness. All we are left with are the streetlights and moon.

“No TV tonight.” I toss the remote. “I want to suck on your pussy, I want you to suck on my cock, and I want to fuck until we both pass out from exhaustion.”

She throws the covers off and gets on her knees. Wrapping her hands around my neck, she says, “I want that too.”

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” I stroke her silky hair. My lips hover around that dip in her neck.

“Now lie down and spread your legs. I’m going to eat your cunt.”I bolt up, look around, and see that I’m in Charlie’s bedroom, alone.

Sunlight streams in covering half the bed. I’m drenched with sweat. Good chance I was dreaming, but I can’t remember it.

My heart is pounding, so it must have been a nightmare. Strange I don’t recall it. I flop onto my back, hearing the shower running. I reach for the phone to check the time.

“Christ,” I mutter, sitting up. There are twelve messages.

It’s almost noon, so I missed Church. Unless Frosty found out anything, I honestly don’t give two fucks.

Getting up, I stretch. I smell like sex and vanilla. After I pull on my jeans, I take my cigarettes along with the phone out to the balcony.

The smell of coffee wafts from inside. Maybe before I deal with all this mess, I’ll grab a cup. Heading to the kitchen, I grin at how much I like her place.

It’s open and everything is clean and in the perfect spot. The walls are a cheerful yellow and black and white photos are placed strategically here and there. It’s perfect like Charlie.

I open a few of her cherrywood cabinets and find the mugs in the third one. Her Cuisinart coffeemaker makes three beeps and I pull the carafe out.

The shower has turned off, so I pour a cup for my beautiful. She likes it black. For the first time in years, I’m starting to know what someone other than myself likes.

My mind drifts to last night. God, I hope she can walk. I kept her up all night. When I get like this, I can fuck for days. She’s got to be sore though.

I grab the mugs and head to the bedroom. My cock instantly gets hard. She stands in a white robe that barely covers her ass looking out the balcony and brushing her hair, a smile on her face.

“You okay?” She turns and my heart twists painfully. I want her… this, us.

“I feel so good.” She shimmies inside my arms as I hold the hot coffee in both hands. Standing on tiptoes, she kisses me.

“How did you sleep?” She reaches to take one of the mugs.

“I slept and I didn’t remember a single dream. For me, that’s a rare thing.”

She frowns. “You have nightmares every night?”

I lean over and kiss her perfect puffy lips. “Come sit with me. I need to make some calls and fill my body up with cancer.”

“David.” She huffs. “Don’t say that. It’s bad luck.”

I almost laugh, but she looks serious. “Beautiful, I’ve abused this body so much, at this point, the cigarettes are nothing.”

Her eyes travel up and down me as she opens the glass door to her balcony. It’s hot already but the balcony’s in the shade. I drop into one of her chairs.

“You look in pretty good shape to me.” Her eyebrows are raised. She leans her ass against the railing and faces me.

“Now, how am I going to concentrate with you in this robe?”

She smiles then loosens the robe, letting it dip. And I hold up my hands.

“I have to take these calls, babe. They might be important.”

“Okay. I should check my stuff too.” She leans over, and as if we do this every day, she kisses me, smiles, and sashays inside, quietly sliding the glass door closed.

My eyes follow her as she moves around the room. I’ll let myself have this, knowing it can’t last but needing it more than I ever imagined.

She disappears into the other room, allowing me to focus on my phone.

There’s a new text from Blade, calling me a selfish piece of shit but to call him. A couple from Axel, berating me. And one from Edge saying to keep it together.

None from Frosty.

I light up, sit back, and take a drag, then sip my black coffee. Last night might be one of the best nights of my life. I didn’t go easy on her and she loved it. When people say you find your soul mate and you think it’s a myth, I know it’s not. Needing to be near her, I get up.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic