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David flags the waiter, who I swear gives us a dirty look, but seriously, I couldn’t care less. This man is what I need, and he needs me.

Handing the waiter several hundred dollars, David holds out his hand for me.

I stand, shoulders back, as he guides me out, his hand on my lower back.

“I’ve corrupted you,” he says in my ear as we approach his bike in the parking lot. Taking my hand, he brings it to his lips. “Did it turn you on?” He turns it over so that my palm is up as his tongue licks the middle of it.

I squeal as I lick my lips and nod, fascinated at how sexy he is. He gives my hand one more kiss.

Then he turns to me. The street and valet are behind him.

“Let’s see.” His hand snakes up my leg and straight into my wet panties. He kisses my forehead, his breath on my ear. “You’re wet, Beautiful.” His index finger glides over my throbbing clit.

“This turns me on.” He pulls his hand out and I hiss out something that I don’t even understand. Every single cell in my body wants to come, needs to come.

He grabs my chin forcing my ragged breathing to halt as I look into his eyes.

“Your place or mine?” His voice is pure gravel.

I take a breath. “Mine.”DAVID/POET“What the hell does that mean?” Blade paces back and forth. We’re in the office of Edge’s new club, The Dolly. Half of the walls are pink, the other half black.

I’m sure Dolly is not thrilled with his choice of names, but he seems to get off on fucking with her.

Blade transfers the TracFone to his other hand.

“How fucking bad, Ryder?” He looks over at me. I stand and go over to the bar and grab the bottle of Jack Daniels, crack the seal, and hand it to him.

We’re all wired. Shit has started and it’s not only Satan’s Seeds we’re dealing with. Someone always gets greedy and unfortunately for them, they tend to be stupid.

“Keep me posted, and yeah, if you have to take care of it, do it.” He doesn’t even turn the phone off and throws it against one of the freshly painted walls. Unfortunately, he hits a black one instead of the hot pink. So now there’s a big white plaster hole that looks like a bull’s-eye in the room.

I reach for my water and he brings the Jack to his lips and guzzles down a quarter of it.

“We knew this would happen.” The door beeps alerting us to check the camera and let whoever is behind it in.

It’s Edge, Axel, and Frosty, all dressed in clothes that signal they’re going to hit it hard tonight.

Blade buzzes them in, walks over to me, and throws himself into a black leather rolling chair.

“I hope to fuck you got good stuff, Frosty. Shit is starting to heat up.” Blade rotates toward me.

“Fucking Dagger was seen hanging out with Mr. E.’s daughter and got his throat slit.”

He motions for me to hand him a cigarette. He’d all but stopped, so for Blade to be lighting up means he’s upset.

“And Ryder had to take care of some Satan’s Seeds who got caught trying to get into our warehouse. He’s dealing with that right now.”

“Do I need to go?” I stand.

He holds up his hand as he lights up. “Nah, these are just punks trying to steal. Trust me. Ryder’s got it handled.”

The nightclub is getting crowded and the faint sounds of monitors and the music’s rumbling bass make their way up here.

Axel slinks into the chair next to me silent as usual. Things have not gotten better these last few weeks between us. It’s all over his face; he thinks I’m a loose cannon and I know he’s a dick. He leans his head back as if he’s meditating.

“My cock is getting hard. Must be getting ready to get bloody.” Axel says all this with his eyes closed. I swear sometimes he just asks to get the shit kicked out of him. Except he likes it, sick fuck.

“Frosty, talk to me. What you got for us?”

We all look at Frosty who’s enthralled with Edge’s control panel and security cameras.

“Edge, man, this place is amazing. You went all out. I think it’s gonna do well.” Frosty’s eyes are alive as he looks around the room.

“It fucking better. I sank a lot of money into it. Unlike the name, hopefully this one doesn’t fuck me over.”

“Christ, shut up.” Axel opens one eye then returns to his meditation.

The phone rings and Edge turns to answer it. Walking to the corner, his hand touches the fresh hole in the wall and the broken burner phone on the floor.

He frowns. Blade ignores him and starts to tell Axel the latest as Frosty takes off his backpack.

Tags: Cassandra Robbins The Disciples Erotic